Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, 2b

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gram will .be the appearance as.si) ist. of Scinia, Sharnova,. rellowned mezzo-soprano, rfoi;renly of the iCli- cago Civic Opera. ýVilliam Sumier will be the accompanist. Proceeds from fthc concerts %villibe direced into the. building funidof. the Won's club of'Minmette. Orgauidn, 1911 Organized tWenty-one years ago. the Ge club of the Chiicago Asso- ciatioln of Commerce bas among ils eigbty members a aiumber of. charter nmeiners. Its.,personniel as coniprased exclusively *of business tutMnlone of - wbom is aI professional singer and al of whomn siang for the love 'of sing- ing. Its president is, Frederick Bud- inger of Wilmette, onle of the found- rs of the organlization. Ili. the gie club also are Herbert Mlulford. Wal- ter Camipbell"Gorge IRose, and Pati, 'MIcKav, aIl of whom reside in \Vil- mette. Its leader is Arthur I)unhamn taI- ented and well kuown Chicago mutsa- ciaji who bas directed the orgaaîiza- ti'on for a numnber of years. Thet Glcetclubappears frequenitl - vincon- cert and lhas hiad with it such noted artists as Galli-Curci. Tito Ruifo, Florence NMac Beth. ad Marv Gar- den.t Fuel .. . . . . . .... .3 Z6 Food .......... ... $538.03 ...... .. 232.76 Fuel .......e.... 591,30 These' items are our largest ex- pense, besides medicines, clothing,ý gas, etc. T.he affairs of the Board of Local Charities and. the Emn- ployment office were administered for 7%. We heartily thank you for your cooperation and'assistance, and. beg for a continuation of- your help. Sincerely yours, C.. C. Schultz,, treàsurer, Board of Local Charities, Village of Wilmetté. File Claim A gainst C. N. S. and M. ltoad The Kenilworth Village board,, in a resolution adopted at its regular mneet- ing last week, directed E.umer E. Jack- son, Ienilworth Village attorney, to file, a dlaim against the receiver of th&* Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee raitroad for the rent of streets in Ken- ilworth occupied and used by thc North Shore lime for railroad purposes f rom the date of the expiration of the old s chool tax. Villagers h pre fer to hold the war- rants have béïn advised'to watch WJL- ,mETTE 'LiiFE fo)r_,atnouncements: as- to when tbey will be redieemned. T.,Ihe amount of warrants outstand- iég 15 less. than <()0 percent, of the total taxes to be colleded.', Mr. Harper said, "and the outlool<- for the. redemnptiota of all outstanding warrants witbin tht next few months is good."ý Warrants will be redieenied iu the order in which the\- were issued. it wvas explained.> N. T. Debaters to E ng age Calumet High This Friday New Trlet 1Hg theff dêbtin teams will open their 1933 schedule Friday of this week when 'they Ineet Calumet High school of Chicago ini a dual debate.. The subject for dis- cussion' will be, "Resolved, that at least ont haîf of tIhe revenue for state and local purposes should be derived from sources otiier than tangible property." the organization ot coxumîutesanv groups to carrying through the proj-, ct. The ý programn begins wvitb simultaneous. ideuitical1 special servýic- es of worship in the morning1 in al of the five churcheson Sunday, J3eb- ruary 20, aiid in union Sunday e.ven- ing.services on March 5. Tihe, three parts of the programn are:as,follows:-0 February 2- EfyMember Day îhi each chureli.. Mardi5-Meî Day In each ehurcli. March 12-W<îmens Day In each.churcli. Marh ! uth Day in! each church. March '_6 - iF.êmàily, Day In, each chuireh). April *2f-NeIghbtor's Dayr in each chure. Apaèl ti-lInvitaiion Day in each ehuroi. April 16 E& Dàtr )y in each- chunavh. Ghve Service SchdmaIee The, union eve ning services begin aiterthe c1osec of thé Sunday* ven ing club7s prograin ou Marchi 5 and are as fol lows- ~I~uct -ight . - Thé Ua4tb4,. Church - t1w Re11e. DavidKîltI preaching. March I 2-NMedita tion Nlght-Tla Eais eopal clituich -the Rev. Jaîn.-s T. Veaiekia.en preaching. March 19--Sef-Exaniination Niglit.-i. English Lutheran church-Thelù. Dr. Hubert Carleton preaching. ~lrh26-Quest Night-The Iresbyt#.î- Ian church (Woman's ciub>-The 1Ri. John G. Ilindley preaching. Apil 2-C'hallenge Ntght-the Conigicgs - tional churh-The Rev.>George 1.), cere mutsiciaii with stage preseuce ni dignitv and 1c harmi." Slhe is liailedl - throughout the couuntr -v for lier strik- ing beauty and charin. \hile sing- ing with the Chicago Civic Opera company iu the citv and oit tour, ne- vieWers and the public proniounicerl her -ainxong the foremiost singing- actresses of the (la%-.' Announce Prograni Tht program for toniorrowv eve- berland avenue the North Shorte f Jaes Donahue and James Fitz- tracks are laid on a street right-of-way. gerald. --- The street is not paved, however. 1 OnFriday, February 24, J. Sterling Morton High school, of Cicero will St., Francis P. T. A. to be New Trie's opponent in another Observe "Open House" are coached by Chester E. M.\acLean, The St. Francis Parent-Teacher of the high school's Englishi depart- association announices its annual openx ment. iunlon servi ces in n three hour Good Fi - ai; the St. Augurtine, irch, from 12 to 3 o'clock, ersparticipating. Il dl- -A ni iApriilt-union *.'Ood ridîay., the Congregationat church;, George Allison preaching. ' One priniciple is being stri the participating' churches, that therç will be no attemn eéssed by .[)Y'. '-' Sonia S1harno%-aX SVITIiGypsy Lr ong ... ....... .......H The 1"ell Man .-.- ..-:.. Forsyth (Froni the Opera, "The Fortune Tel Bugle Song .- ........:. . Bmek Solo1 by Wesley Suanmerfleld Idjlle Mongolienne.... Stevenson Glee Club ipper served at ( J ire the social hour îe group sessions. 1 ight. A will fea- precedes

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