4.40-21. $38 4.7-19..5.12 4,50-20 .,.$4.39. 5.00-19 ..5.40 500-20,..5.49 Wilnîtte Dttey&EetiSrvc 740.Tweletb Stveetéq Phone Wilmette 6910696ý LUDOWICI'VENEERINO BRICK: Tth Economical Way Ifo Remodel or Modernize Old Buidngs Extraordinary savings are *ffeçted with this new paterifed hgbht weight brick which is applied to building surfaces, eitber otd or new, by mneans of met ai strips. Ludowici Veneering Brick, have the same surface measurements of standard face brick but. onIy about one-fourth the thickness. Tb.y include specially constructeci corner brick and haif brick for breaking joints and are made in ail poputar colors. The. outstanding feature of' both brick and method of. application is economy, particularly in the remodeiing or modernizing of aid buildings.- Availabe, figures indcate a saving of frorn 30% to 350/. over Cali m~ GUANTEED COAL FUJEL OIL S.QVAYCOKE DLI1V ER Y YA R-DS ig you cou information @psu-mers Company. A LL y; T H NO0R T ithout obligating you in any way. IWILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75 H 0R E DIS T RI1C T UniversitY 7700 Evanstou Rraach 2738W. ilroad Ave. EACH IN, PAIRS--CASH PRICES. I p I Ewmaten. Bmach MW ilroad Ave.' m ý 2738 W.