Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 35

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period, the final score being '8 to 6.. Two zames were schiedulied for tlie Highcrest girls' teami this weekç. hothý to be played on the-home court. One %vas with the Clevèland s'chool (if Nuies ete n Tuesday. The'other is.to be with the Sharp Coriivr scltîool today (Thtursdav). The iHighcrest ischool .has 1hevni 1- vited. by the schools with -which, it has been comnpeting to enter. a ba s- ketball1 tournametit at '\orthbrook Thutrsdail, Friday and Saturdav o'f, next week,. Highcrest will enter bc-tu boys' and girls' teanms. L RaVnîuIS %furphy, principal of. the school, an- nounced this week.. Dra iingg o h tourinament already have hfeeîîmade. The: Highcrest boys -%il ietNileý; in the first game, while the girl, wiIl .iîeet Sharp Corner. VIÉWS DEMONSTRATbON MNiss Elizabeth M;ýacaule,., assistant director of phyNsical education at the joseph Sears school, mwho is ini charge of. the Girl Scout work in Kenilworth, is attending a series of six \\ednes- day' afternoon (lehonstrations heing viven ini Evanstori hv Miss Dorothy Sullivan of the national Girl Scout 'headquarters. The purpose- is to ac- <uaint Girl Scout leaders ini the variousi commun ities with tnew Niethods. gamesi The Morumin ail at Mdwo.t DiatniCt Thiefirst business of the dyat Midwest district of the United Chiari- ties of Chicago is the opening of ,mail. e(Let me mhake ýhaste ro sav that M.%idwest is onily a ne 1w naine for the old "'Milwauàkece (Ave.)'is This mlorning brougit, a letter f roui Casimiir, anl 18 . ear old. fatlejrless boy. Three veers ago, lie graduated fromn the eighth grade and droppeci out of school. to hunit a jobý in order to help his- mother support the th ree .oungerÊchildreni. Casinmir, hîow- ever. could not find work and.. to cap the climax., last spring, bis mîotlî- er was laid off b)v the school cafe- teria. wlhere she worked. Nfuchi dis- couraged, ' the faiil applieid to jii Mid\wesýt district for hielp,. and liavej reccived aid siîîce. Last fall, the case *worker urged Casimîir t0 return ro scho'ol, but lie said: "Noô. I'v'e Iost out now; besides. 1'd be too big. Thev'd think I was prettv dunib to be wvith aIl those vounger felloNvs Mi miy clas.s.- Howeve «r. Casimir agreed to try the plan and entered Iane Teclhnical Iligli schiool ini Seotemiber L5Je oernicial fneld is overcrowded. I hbGOpto obtain a po>sition in the businees * world. What. I really started to do was, to thank you for your eooperatioh. Wlth- out 'YOU, I would flot have found It pog- Sible to entier high qechool. 1I will neyer be able to thank y-ou. but what r have set my mmd umpon h.' to Malte youi proud -f me. 1 want the Lane Schùlarship, Whlch, If 1 do get it. wiIl be offered to you -ar, a. token of nmy ,thankèý and gratitude. 1 reniain in, debt,> Your> truly. CASIMIR~. P..Iarn srr i Iearyyo.i wilî nly cro)Wlng., but 1 have <me' thing tu ask. Misse.. if .you know any. way In whie(-h 1 can get a concertina. r1 would be lndebted to YÏ0u for. life. 1 have heard. of peoPle gettingmuia Instrumnents througli the hein of. neWs-9 papers but 1 thinik the T7ited (Charittleq have more authority, In the matter than the. papers. So if y-ou know any %vav In whieh 1 cin get a good CGer»îan (,on- rertna, 1 eau n alke nyelf a few ild l- A gift of mfone\- to he used for stîp- l)lying carfare andI school niaterials wvoul'd help Nfidwest district case uworkers to, keep the childrenl of higli school age' off the. streets and i11 school: $270 per month wvill provîide If is aDurableq *navn.Ithit ANY.w ONE con .ppy. If mquir.s No Polshn-NO Rubbing. If luas EIastiçs$y a.n d.Qi c kDryingj qualifie.. Exclusive Dealer in WiImeffe DEPE NDABLE' 909~ LAKE AVENUE Phone. WiImeff. 2358 e. aie Material the Wiimette Junior Chess and Checker club at their nome Stuiday, Fchrtiary 12. The next meeting. scheduled for Feb- ruary 26, will be heldJ at fthe home of Stanley Sm'ith, 153() \Walnuit avenue. Boys and girls wishing to learu chess Or checkers arc invited to~ attend the. Meeting. it is announced. .Miss Eleanor Elliott, daughiter of the A. J. Elliotts. 824 Ashland ave- ior grades scienlce, slii * îng. Deal, Mis,- of the past I-have s4à sin English, imathèmatics lofI and1 architectural ciraim- February 6, 1933. you will tind niy report' card seme-ster. Ybu %ill ind;; jas Fi11 out those thin places and get the pretty curv'es men admire. Take Vinol (Iron' tonte) and you'Il bho surprlsed how yOur figure Improy.eR. Tastes doudcouR. Renneckar Drug Company. (Adv.) adBell 7SMan St. 'e itto 210 A million dollar Bank-doing SHALL thinggeB1 G 105,

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