Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 28

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Teacher and 'Pianist Studio: 114, Third St. Phone Wilmnetto 1705 *mU(UîLf.> i&I zitiVilci 1 read arîgM t V tx crtaliuy, IIIi t L t.UIIIVuy book froni beginning to end fief'ore 7the books theri fi centuries are folks f rom abroad if not by its iMu 1 review it!) But eveni if 1 had rcad çiorcd, mediate neig.bors Quoly twenty pages I coulil lla>vc A-nd eo1cr pa!Irs tw/acre »,»aii Architecturalljy thic iibrary belonigs 40 Jreçoiiiided it' ithout hestitation.ý Gropiq. trullîs re poutrcdi that group of collegiatè structures. of t .is truly a remarkable )ook. And i(e -cramis uowv-i0n ici ýywic in' cîeg hae,,Cambridgc., Sfor inany reasons. Io fliit IEnglandi is usually, regarded as a* proto-. F'irst, of course, be.cause,. of fle. As': in a- forest, wzhcre idg/t dors not type. To its iMposing and massiýve autorwho.eexprincs ii lic ccs~beaut* a few yearsi with developmenf British diplonatic corp.s make up the l'et iwe!comes /i<re. and< ther-e a s/va! of the landscaping plan, %vill add mel- substance O.f the 1)00k. Eqtîallv i ter- f dt lowness and c plete harmony wfth the esing is the vivid self -portrait whicili r s 01.Ui a pcr.'dree poiet ridge upon Which 'it stands arises, out. of the relating of tliise ex- > ' .. acing Sheridan road.- * here are .ini- periences,. To be British CÇonlSul- lhr sun1ùj/hf faf/S by -chan fce teresting winidows containing stained Gýencral -Ii Moscow during thc %var- thèose whIO Pro v. glass ipedallions depicting the story ,of :an(l at the agc of 28-is, an acllie%,C-« DJcai -oéc; : too tflic hadows books. The carvings and eai. work nient possib)le'onlly, inia, vottig muail eaiu r1eléase on1 the interior mfust be patiently ex- of. ext raordinarv abilifies. And lastl ,I.-isize t/zougilts; and reverie hol> a ii order fo be preited. the writing itself is a clear reflectioi *sway' .. Carved wooden screens surntonnted by, of the directness aild precision (if UooTI Y i*H. birds and beasf s, many 0«f them 'taken the you.ng Scotsnman. L is Icid, cf rom sùicl fanitus books' as the first pletelv unaffected, conservative vet A SARDONIC ,STORY edition of A.esop's FalNes., 1477, separ- ful fspt. H e- mas ' lsfacts, Rid This nmonfi (Pehruiary) Putnaaîi is .ate the concourse froiTt flie main read- dates. gives opiniows of othiers for plubliling a book that shiotld appeal ing room and the periodical rooin. wvhatf lhev are wortb., states bis ow I to ail who took to David Garnett's Ont the maint floor four show cases, clearlY and withioit apology. ai "Lady Into Fox", and John Collier's crystalline and delicate, stand between gives a living piettîre of difflomac y Hi j Moikev Wife." It is a sardonïc and empliasize the strength of the Moscow anîd St. Petersburg. stor v of N7irginiia Hilttoni and ber pillars of the Gothic arches. The ex- Borii of Scotch parents .of the liîghi- adopted orang-outan g, Appjuis, and is Itibit cases hold displays- of books, est tvpe, lie Nvas sent at 20, after f lie natuirally enifîted "ýAppits and Vir- bindings, and prints, whichi will bc 'ustial public sclhool and uînîverstv giinia.'1 The anthor is Gertrude changed front tiînc fo timie. The sec- education. f0 his . îincle's ruhh )er Trevelyan, who traces lier descent ond flor is approaclicd by two massive jplantation iii the Mala. Here l1i" back to ati atîcient Cornlishi fainily stone stairways, and above cadli laiditig spent two yearsg playing "ruigger" NN. Itli the 'Irevelyanls of Nct'tle ýljSi' teci ag otpitn.-t the niatives and Coloinists. learnii'1 -. com.,Sm-thr I....... 11pauig vi ----- - 1 à u. im.g.lsi verse at Oxfordi land. and is only fwenty-fhrce ycars of Upoin bis recoverv- lie took and age. I)assed ftle examinations for the dtp-t loinatic qervice. After an apprenitice- .AJRPLANE ADVENTURES shi1) ini the -Foreign Office in TondonI The Flying Carpert, Richard Halli- wliere lie came in contact Nvith suchbutrotîs fourth book, recounts bis figures as Sir Edward Grev and H-ar- adetrsb ipln rrn h oldNicolsn, e as entto ~ globe "f0. Timbuctoo and back." Thist cowv as vice -con-stul-. An dthis \vas thelic *,ý,*-4, :e- Don't miss the treasure, rooni on the second floor, wlîich contains an. exhi- bit ion of illutninatcd maîiuscripf s frotu the 'collection of C. L, Ricketts of Wilmnette. The collection is one of the Most extensive in the United States, and is almnost as important as that of J. Pierpont Morgan ini New Yorkan thec one in the H-untington library at : : ~m usiap * ~ Ifrom tfi - w Street, ýa vu anau ray1 Executive O08kc 4shington, D. C. -i,.u, in oneuor two instances, 0* Jfor 'meone wlîo looks, very niuch like Corr ie author. jThe ,wrîtten bDCliemence Datte hermne Cornell, in wbicli Miss will appear later tbis season. bis "Wild December." IBO OKSIfOPIJ 1MRT Essential to Bridge Players constract iBrigige inue ook $ <'oîtraet lBritdgtelf *eit-eeher, by E. HlaillBonnes .....$ (untroct lBridge soif-Ftaught, 1724 ORRINGTON AVENUE Orriniwton Ifotel Bidg. EVAN<STON

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