Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 1

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New States. Attorney to Speak at Dinner Meeting in Shawnee ClubMonday *'homas J. Cotirtnie3,Cook couiity inew States attorney' will be the Speak at* a dintier mteetiiîg of ýthe %Vilmett Civic league at Shawnee Couintry clu *Monday evening, February .20j at o.>Clock. Mr. Cou rîney's subject will I "l1.aw, Enfforcenient in Coçok. Çounty I n aîyjnouncijig Ibis evening meet ing, the leagu&c--neetings .are customaril held at noom. and iii Chicago-Heri T. *Reiling, secretary of' the Civi league, in- a letter Sent f<ut Ibis wéel under the heading *«North Shore, Civi ,Affairs .Dinnier.'" states ýii part: -TIhe real point of this dininer incee ing is to give the men and womflen i Wd'Inîçtte ai1d th civic organizgtion 011 die nortli shore aito/'port uiity 1 express th<ir i'terest in tlue maniner i whiich the state's att<'rney performs th dhties of bis office. "'Rcprescntative.s of civic organization <ii the north shore will be invited. -F 'veryone %vho can .. . sbould attend Mr. Courtiiey. whio i's making f ew en gagenicnts such as Ibis, lias siown ai iitsual interest in Wilmette. -Civic league memrbers and colliers ar uirged to. bring tlieir %vives and guests. "Iforn. . . dinnier at 7 tocl)ck Water Works Building' A-uthoritative in format-ion. thoulghi lacking confirmationi in officiaI circles, that the Village of Wiinette bad re-' ccived an instalînient of $.50.000 fromi tlhc Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion on the loan to provide for the construction of the municipal wateil orsaI tîhe foot of Lake avenuie camne this wveek as actual construc- tion work at the site of the plant wvas K .jtjvg k7 K AU. As far as could be revealed in theý short t ime the 1931 reai estate tax 'bills have beeni distributed in Nem, Trier, township the tax 1es on. somnei Invites cligens to ,Suggest Candidates and Platform 1' >~pI7~VBgii EU[ By W. C. R. :er, Complet. inàformaàtion conce- Ir,ù,,'Covcti te int tait malter1 anctmdimg t&buà-ý ub tions of tax rates mmd distributimm. L ,ey itizen of 'W ilimette i~l as 7 i ob om o aeZ the opportunity to personially sidggest isbeef~ndo aeL the nines of persOns wbho lie be- lieves are qualified to' serve thle VNil- I igher nfctta1he ee" lage, in the offices of' President, 1930 wble n oherinsancs t.eyJustice of the Peace, -or as members lv ar lwer an, ii orte ase, a aof the Village Board of Trustees. aifew have declared. **suprisinglv lON%-l icer That is somiething new :iii Wil- Altoub Iltb tx ils ~d mette.' Heretofore we bave liad our 'ic Athouh allthe a'x iolscandidates lhand-picked. .for us 'by icreach the mails until, W\ednesday, bysl apin-dg.u 1owe en. the latter art of the week Collectorsefapiedgosofelman tfSanborn Hal and bis staff of assist- igctzn.adaI ebdt oia * ats erein he nist f te clle- o go to the p)olis on election dav. io nswrslin the 1 ibave<of e ollec-aftera more or less wild carnpaignl ns, ion rusl." ýtiidvote for the n4i4es4thus q jtsqeit Io i ~gùtes' ibhv Pei l e1d. While the "Hairmony Idea" ini . Ipublished showing total decreases in effc stw~ihus lhs.e! i heassessed valuations in the variQus vil- ucsfloeainiiWnek o lages and increases in the rates, gave More tban twenity years. rise bo the belief that thiere wvould be At a meeting of the *Harînony a reduction in. tax bis. generally. Convention," wiich consists of four Collector Hale said Tuesday that ,delegates froîn qevery one of tîhe thir- idhe could ntot sav' wbat the comipati-. teen election precincts in \Vilmiette.. n- i in iimette Nvill be, but, as a hield in St. Atigustine's Parisb i -use anwhole, the buis should be reduced. o imteaeu ina vn In W'innetka, as a general rule, hieon VinetavueM dyee- rsajd, the bills were running a litIle ing, H. 0. Ebeling. the chiairmnan, an- _îower, excpt in soesecioswhr nouniced that it is the desire of the. icease pptr hs'itainwl convention that every citizen of \Vil- ning about even in the comparisoln ana cvanader, onoserve ty asllg - - J *»"**- a- thoug--"* in__ '- eand ctiv îya n e o nser eic avla eI for the two 'years, lhu ison as honestly.. ini the various offices instances lower bills a're reporte.], while others are higher. which are to be filled at the coming Mr. alestatd h ~vuId avethespring election. He also invited sug- bokMr.fle telen days ave the rtgestions as 10 the platform.. penalty date, which is March 1, un - If ou- ran thsa rticl e ars in le*ssý an extension of time sbould be wo r edn hsatceaeii 9granted. in which eventn otice will be terested, ail you have to do is to given throughi the press., write your suggestions, as to can- __________didates or pltoii oa mniber of Dubbs, Orner and Kinne Pro- posed as Candidates;, Meet- ing Heurs WinnetkaPlan A quiet and attentive audience. linuclli like a , un.1 i'e rsity group, at a, political science semiisar, and..,verv miuch unlike a. session of. filbustering, sepators.. attende-I thé pblic meet inig çalled at the Howard school. aud - itorium Friday night, February 10, by the Wilmette Perpetual Harmonv convention. Although amnple, opportunity was afforded, for sutgges-tions as tô names of candidates for. office in the Wil-, mnette spring election, the public said little and ýintently watched to, see wbatîis Ibis thing called "perpetual Three For President Thi~e etire M'rt -ori ntioftynmae f rom the floor is as follows: for Vil-. *lage pres;ident--Carbon P. Dubbs, Earl E. Qrner and HarrY C. Kinne: for Village îreasuirer-Harrv M iller: for Village trustees-Prof. David Mloreton, Arthur Lee, Albert Froeh - (le. NMrs. Harvey Bush, Nfrs. J. D. Kinnear and Mrs. Ll1oyd Grinnell: for police , miagistrate-Johin peters aiid Earl A. Pettibone. N Mtinbers of tlhe Perpettual Har- Ebelirng la Chairnai l'ri(lay's public session was presid- ed over by F. 0. Ebeling, permanent cliairmnan oi die Vilnette Perpetua.l Harmony convention. Opportunity for comparison of two plans-the Wilmnette Perpetual Har- niony plan and the Wintnetka Village Caucus plan which bias been oper- (Continued on page 4) Dy callîng Stanley Jonson, 'so chairmnan, at Wilmette 4030 flot Io than Friday, February 17. 014ur -dc ... 1........ - f4 s a.y... ... ....22 New Trier Ne.....18-19 Recreatm*on . ......... .10 Society Page... .... 24-25 (Continued on page 7), eheld in mpany of the s1 ,nd *( 1 ro

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