Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 25

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McCalluii Vast D)elaware place,' Chicago. The In order tb afford the otut-of-ton k spiSris the Chicago \Vellesley guests an, opporttunity to sec the Cen- cliii).tury, of Progress. plans are i thec Nf rs.. Ralph 'Church of Evanston inakýing to, have a dinner at the Ad-' x iii be the leader presiding at the ministratioln building Friday nighit forý 'r idaya trno meinga 1:30 Miss Crockcri. Miss ili.i visiting 1.lc.deélegates. ,and an%, members> of the file order of thé prograin %vill be Chicago \VeýllesleN club1 wfio are in- \lettcr f rom the delegates to the terCstC(l. irtegiona1 conference. whichi Nvas hek 1atya;t era yMs Sewing for Baptist .Home A\lbert -Coe, rccording secretarv of the :Chicago WcllcsleN. club: the at Wom n' Clu Ftida S l1é%e--\Vawter..report f twsalue 1con - \Vilnîtte %vomn iiiho, ta-k intere t ference, read by, MNiss Tiieresa Rev i n giiga few hours ofý their tiiUe of .Evanston ; the Radio mnessage gîng piatrpcppos bv Miss Ellen Pendleton, president arlnic ocre to 'the 0 mnsr _(4f the >college, read, by Miss clb fMimt n.Fia -.ti! dIred Wetten; th)e gradua-te couincil clb.ofWletco ra fo thi report by Mfrs. Edwin Nlcxiis ck*ohl ihtewr o h prsî1n of"ý th hcg cl Sl Baptist Old Peoplc's home..'\ Mem-i talksen on -the Chiaomer choo o ersh ini the club is not required for., t l1)i-; tak nteSiie colo hs i-inonthly scwing days spon-. SoilProgress bly NI is, iDorothy - - p lW iiltric de-' I lui. chairmnan of the conînuttee ot atct organîzation for the suminer >chool parnont :înd bv Nfiss Grace Crocker. exect' - The .committ îee for th 'e'swn01 utiv scretay o th colegeandFebruarv .17, includes Nfrs. WV. C. :ltnIniiae trustee. I)iscujssion wilfol- Hugginq, ciairman, r.WlimM low bcfore tea is qerve(1 about 4:15 Burns, Mr. 1) . Dingle, Mrs. R. J.ý clock., withi Mrs. Bruce ,M\acleisth Lascelles. Mirs. Harry. B. Buiriside.' oi G;encoe, Mrs. George Bîis 0drs. Edward 'Meier. and Mirs. A.. C. Flihlad Prk.Mrs Du lap lar of Youngberg. MIrî. Percy Arden is Ci..lcago, MIrs. johin Demn of \Viiunet- lnho himn La, pouring. Hostesses wvîll 1) e' Mr s 14ennett .Harvey, N Mr,. William Chairmen on Program Schucitzer, Miss M\ildredl Wetten, for Kenilwoorth League' NIs arl White anrd rrs Mevn ileii of the, Kenilworth, \Vagte of O a ark. N r.Rapi eg o, Wonicn Voters w.ill b \\'Il«teof ak Prk.held; at the .Kenilworth club Thurs- i MIrs. RaIphI Tread\vay of (;len <tav,. Febrilary 23. A luncheon at 12i 1 llyn. president-of the Illinois LeagueI\vill be iollowed by a mieeting during (>i Wmen Strway pesd as which a programi will be presented' *~ ~ lvde ofthorning ses- I>)- tle clhairixuen of various coin sion at 9:30 o'clock. iiittees of the league. .Those tak 'l'lihe order of the programn i, :1ing part wil e MNrs. Gilbert Kel I lkesunxé of the Summiiier School plani, lv., chairinan of international c *ieîbv* MNiss l)oroilhil .1 re-port oeain Mr.Grant Ridgway, cf r 4,i thit local organization for the ficiency in government: , rs. Bentiey Sunimer School ~and the plan, by!MCod chil(1 Nvelfarc: N s hre .\Irs., Chester Woodley of Evanston.Iý Southward. education : NI r s . K a r 1 INERS- $ C lel 0*The finest sea foodsrushed by fast express . . . . prepared in an especially equippcd sea food kitchen,î in the style that has miade our food famous since 1871. STUDIO 2ND FLOOR WILMETTE THEATRE BL.DG. 1122 CRNTRAL AVE. WL~1t38 NEXT 'DO OR TO EJ'ERYTHING PHONe:R-ANDOLPH 7500 FOR RESÊR VA TIONS WgLmglrTe agas

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