Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 24

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imaginations of .-young and old. .The production is.ab1y directed by Miss> Marie .Foîey. iThe Jack and Jili Players, who are under ý contract with the Womn' club forthree plays t'his winter, art inaking a fine reputation for thern- selves in the Chicago area. The Littie plays are tried out' before going out to the general public, iseiin a sense a, schlool of, acting for children. Youmg- stersof.ail ages are taughtdrïwticv art, and a number of- them have hecen s tudving with Miss FQJey, .thie direc- tor of the school and its plays, f or over five years. Tlirce of -the boys. who- are taking main parts ýifl this production .of the **Tlree ýMu.sk:- L teers" are - students at New Trier H'iglî school and have played impor- tantrôIt s1 in dranmatic production., thiere. They are William Jenkins and Alfred Brown of Wilinette and Rob- ert Merri7nan of Kenilworth. Mrs. Henry Brandt a nd Mrs. -. 1. T Booz, chairman and co-chairman of the comnmittee on childrens plays, have made many trips to sec the work of the Jack and Jili players iii order to procure plays to the tastc, of Pur audience. Thjey also have at- rence wiîlI)C Joliu j. nortiburni of Evanston.' Others in the cast are. Dick Howell, Mlyrtie Torcom, Waldo, Fisher, Mrs. Paul Cook, Cor- don Huiitle, ,Nel.ýon Wetiing, Staniey Pôst, and O.. W. Turu-. er. Mfiss Dorothy, Proesch of ]7Evàtnstoin is directing the play. SNine people are assenihled *in the. Bienville.'petithouse through the request of a àmysteriouis tele- grami each receives. WVhen the guest.s arrivea mys terous voîce 'coMes in o'ver the air anid each is i nformed that lie or shie will die before morninig as the re- suit of h is or lier own hiands. -Apd then deatih begins to stalk among them. -The Ninth Guiest' is two hours of bloodI-cilrdlilug chilis and just abotil Athe thrillsàh4a id'xiteméiit ýiiaux àdi- ence van stand in (me evenling at the t1îeater, the aliiuounlce- nient fuirther foretells. Junior School B ranch Ras Election, Meeting At a recent meeting of the Northî Shore branch of the Friends (if the Club to Give ,et for Glee Club ils Clubl of Wifimette * ýJionoiJwt 1 VI II tue our i 4 ami o. LIewellyn Jones, fornierly editor of the Frida-y Literary review of the; Chicago Evening Post, will lie the speaker of the afterîioon. He will hc introduced by' Dr. -Theodore . . ]Koch., University lib)rarian,, a t 4 :30 iii the Browsing rioni and will (iSË~usS., "Con tempéra ryLiteratuire." It lias been the 'custoi iýfor. uests. iinvitcd to the tea to briixg gifts of books for -the libraries il! which the Associate Alumnae are interested. and tîis. year most of, the volumes *pre .senlted1 will be placed inithe1 Brow..ý- îîîg roomi of the lie WDecrin g library. A, number of Pronminent iitera'r.v personis of Chicago and the' nort].ii shore are to be1 special guests at the, teand the following woinin will i>reside at the teat tables: Mrs. Hubert Burnhain, Nfrs. Ru- fus Dawes, Miss ýCornelia I.un.it, NL1r >. Irwin ReW, Mrs. Fred W. Sargent, \f's. Edward P~. Welles, Ilrs. Clhai«le" P. Whitnev, and Mrs. Raymnd<lC. Former students at N orth %%est(- rn- now members .of the Junior league, who have been asked to serve are :1' .Miss Elizabeth Campbell, 2M1i s Helen Dyche, Mrs. Josephi V. Falcon, Mrs. J. Horton Fail, 11.1, Miiss NMar- garet Harding, .Mrs. Francis Huif- mnan, Mrs. Walter Clvde Joncs. Ir. cU5iIIIlt in charge. ;As auuars îîav wish to attend this performance thev inay obtain single admissions either f rm the committee or at the door. Tickets may be had from the coni1- inittee in charge: Mrs. Brandt and .Nrs. Booz, and Mrs, A. V. Grulin, Mrs. Arthur Hall, Mrs. W. S. Hed.ges, Mrs. Williani F. Horsting. B-earup. in charge of publhîcity. U.ther give for the benlent of the builinmg iiienl>crs of the executive conlitittec fund. 11irs. Earl G. Low i, clairtnai are Mrs. George Clanner. MIrs. 'EZra oJf dinner arrangementts. Taylor, Nîrs. Beverly Williams, Mrs. -- Horace Capron, Mrs. M. H. Woollett 0. E. S. Circle to Sew Mrs. \V. C. \Vintoiî. Mrs. Alfred Mfiss Dorothy L. Kuelzow wvil be, Bensoti, and Mirs. William A. Colvin. îostess to:the Wilmette Chapter Or- jr. Mrs. Capron is ini charge of thede of the Easternt Star Sewing circle !iieberlii conmitec.which will be. held at lier home, 611 As chairnian of the prograni coin- Geelea avnueTli...rA... x.m. ,of theAssociate Alumnae, has panc 1the tea with the aid of Miss Marv Fabian and Miss E1eaiorý Lewis of the library conlmitte 1e, Mrs. .1l01m Marcy Scott, social chairman. and Mrs.. Walter Clyde Jones., r grain chairman. eeting Frida1 Zbertson, Juniors to D4 s Laura The junior mcii and IMrs. have a dance Fri week at the club. i tor reire! Tea room. of thece at 7:-301 . l.. .. Ashort statcd me eting wvili proceed thc party e >ugaass.

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