Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 20

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diIeper r gows, ito the ski- t. let 'i..' ctie.'* âea, will De Giadeý Sepasation WilI Save Life f A fair share of, the 1Iivelv, people ini otir enirnmntseeni to have taken Uip ping p)nging %v i t h uintustal enithusî-ism., On Are YouSaturdav. the, day be- Ar Yufore Li'.oin brth- Ping ponig day- an ýail - suiburban pin-pong tourinaient .,.Vas field at ~- Trier high schobl. So) niany wcre expected tu participate' that 30 ta14es % wereI-eide1. Mro~~tosen charge arrangeti for tili r e eseso- mnorning. afternoon. and eveing. -Xé arc also informnet that ping pong I'S so popular it <mir townshiîp hîgh schol that whein stutl(Cls areplvg during the nmon hour theviniust plav d(oubles to com(d-t al~h ~aî to piav. -Bing- pong .SayvS. 'Iuk C11iId". Nuw Trrier athletic director. 'îS l)Iayçd andl en- îoved bv the nlajori-ty of the >stidents aiil litte space, or eqipu)ienit. can l)C played bv amvbodv aîP-hr ;.is xcellet texer- is ad pronitites friendship, aid sport- Last suiniiier. e crig-ed 111, ;a crud< l Jin pong tablie. usîug ,a setin t iva1 hard andi two outtiQor tables. The tttit. wvas iii uise (luring ail the davlight lîours. andi frequently wva spqoken for ini atvance. This showed its tioulari-tv andi also reveal- that she vvas no.t sick, but that the 40 be- i.ow air had produceti this unpleasant ef-. feet,'and- that.'if :she -twould wrap 'a light Scarf about her. mouth* and ýnose the bati effect. ývould :disappear. This the teacher did and wvas ýable to resurne her dav's 1 work. But ee.~il a muffler niufflinig 0our sensitive, face and ears. 20 helow is tor uisl too f ar below. -. Oni a reccult afternoo .n ýwe Saw an<l(1 heard the program i IvI\en 1w- the, Hirdu dancer, at Orchi.estra ,iait..It vas a w\oniderfuI 'per-, formance. a nîost surris- TheHindiu ing exhl-ibition of enital, Dancers and( physical skiii. Shail- Kar. leader of the tm pany. perto.ruwd a nimber of. solo danice"s thiat were piarvelous for tliiirrhtm totl lTct ;producu à 1w <ancers andi îdav- ci- isý onc that tie cannlot remnove. Tieeorientais hiave a resou)trce Mw tht lise of th1ee twlin arts of (lancing a' înIUs'ic that we coui make ulse ofttu(mi- grreat advantage. If we have trouble c verv ofteni sit aîîd brood over it tc) >uir oW\%iîidetriment.. WTt worrv and :-et luo, reallv recreate tniemseives. Of course it would be difficult for il- ,.(Opisticated Wý,es-terners to enter heartil v ito such dancing and playing as wvo.utd iift mir troubles off our chests anti'-get Il, iiack -into normal lvn.If vhen ou-r taxes, aire iri-îtatllig us We CouIltitake 1part lii some sort of a dance. wittî appropriatu music wve otid tomie ou-t ot the exi>eri- -ence less sati and spent. This is not a newv idea. But Irt- x()ti]d Let if e flow throu.qit ne, ma-ko tite Lai' rwz re.- Prinig forthi the biid ami flowcer o! et, Thy trec; 1 ' rain I need, flood deci' mY farth est roots. Spare vie no pain, "I 7cauId bear -1mzr141rnts. -ý , Fil Ossiter, whose silvering locks conimand utmùýt, respect f rom us. of. the. youxiger. generations, is rapidly.,developing the unmis-takable symptoms that seriotsly threaten> to set a dizzy pace for his vouth- fui confreres.-Iaving become 'dsold" oný the rol- icigraddio, 'he now professes a sudden but pronounced. fondness. fùr ping porlg. Knowing that ga .me. as ve, do f rom personaàl and, painful experience (Exhibit A, a well hblistered finger) leads us to >us- pect, however. that ýour hero is enjoying the pastimt: largely 'f rom the cômfortahle, vantage ýpoint, (4 * spectator. Incidentally, -the tistally sedate gentleman. atorr-, nientioned dwelt at sone- length in adjoining c.-- tiniins last week upon the Iovelv cuistômn of exchanp- iiiz VadeÉttines. A lfaTht that ariuses -<mýr iuspiciri<i iit a little. *Speaking (if VaIentineý, lherc&s a heautiful ac timnely sentiment rèceivedl this. week by a pIeaSiwl p!unlp f riend. which I.. sel f-explanatory: There was a young ladv named Jean, -And daily she oughit to gro)w lean. - She read in the paper Jufist how she mnust capcr To quicklv appear like si'xteen. [fer mamfma watched ail that she ate, Hler papa kept mrn and sedate. So bend-a-do)wn. sister. Forget flot a twister, And take the plus pounids off your weight BUYING AMERICAN "ihe sl(gaII -Buv *Aliericani' is swýcepinig tleý, cnuniitry, so we understantl as wItnes. tis episodeë vcunted hyv Walter O'Keefe, repeated ini substance Scelle Cevlad otel oh\ s.....eet vtn ilhing in, *BRuv Anîericaii h(nth... addresse> ~\VùId~t 1ulike to ý1iin a *Buy Anierîcaif - i ndecd. I iiitri ng iùr t hat propo)s]tinnm.- (Guîtleman inSI cý;larne and reiarks: A~wameing 1 Y ý s -bak,-e a r e n o t gentle arts of music, literature. p1 n- thrilled as we ilsed to he but rather wve andi dancing. Ifs a sad commrentarv' on accept it wvith- a great deal of sitént nmodern mankind that it can Stili be pleas- - .grumbling. - antly ,thrilied bv the 'ight of brulise.s.ati -, And wheii the,-nîercuir% drops dovn1 blo.- veyors of galoshes and sucli. meat is anothers poison.. Have you paid them taxes?, udeeu, onie nma*n7s .-MIQUU. arleo:u noces .of enerraîninents or. *here an a dmittance charge ti~ publl rhatwed at- regular advertlsng rates. ls SiO<.iW.çt$

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