jonnsonClJlf, 4VLeua *VflAte, U a..... *y . ARE. SQUAWKERS HUMANS? (Coittribitted) Wc have the. impression that one who is out tO gratify. hispride-iii the humani race would do -well to avoid athleticcnes. The Members of. thie* coin ting, t'ams are likely, to perform creditably enough.' Ordin- arily they are sound physicai speci- mens, and thcy can usually'be count- ed upon for exhibitions of consider- 44leskill. But for the spectators, less, can 'be said. Probably the conîmon rulIe of themn is decent enough. The great majority no- doubt ,cnjoy the thrills wvhich gop with the gamnes with *out doing violence to the veneer ofý civ'ilization which covers, in ail of w, perîiaps, the impulses of the savagc. It 1* ilkely that te-por ports arc a Illinority. But ~le a coyote howls, it sounds like a pack, and whcn the extremely vocal grouches mi wise-crackers and ail-rouind poor sports get into action at a h)all gaine, their outpourings sound like the cries (if a multitude. M A a matter of fact. \wu fear tlîerei iit. I)Cnîany of theini. ()e is t'or- tuinate. indeed, if the inan at his el- 1* how is flot bellowiguting coin- led the mcen in songs,,including "Let Me Cail You SNeetheart," and the girls replied ,-.itll equallyappropriate selections. Alil adjourncdl to the auditoriumn Where the fathers were cordially wel- comed in an iintroduc.tory speech byî th.e president of the Girls' club, Janet McNUlty. Paul Hutchinson, a Winnetka father, gave a very h.umorcous tfalk, which everyonie enjoved. Mildred 'Mulleni, Peggy Parker. Judith Cun-, ninghianî, Jean Haskins. Grace Bull, Peggy Broovks, -Helen Young, Beth Mcllraith, l3renna ,-awley,z Alison Burge, Emma 'Bickham,, Ruth 'Sey- miour. Charlotte Xahs, Frances El- lis and MNary Janec Cresmner sang and did stunts ,dring the remnder of the program. 1Aftver thit;del,Itiftifl entertanimeft. fathers ani daughiters went back to the miess hall and danced to the play- ing of the orchestra conducted by Bill Holme., and Harry Weese. The club was open to the, fathers who did iot dance. Nor H-ere doors. It was excruciatingly funny (heh, heh) and providéda welcome relief from the usual routinePf ski- and-skating suits,, riding cüostumies and, other things Iooking More like recov- ered sleepung-bags than- cold-weather apparci. Anything the boys mnight try to do ýto tope with the situation te- sulted. in something between the north, woods, a nd' skirts by com- parisoin, and ail their loud colors and authentic hiking boots could do nothing9 to he!p. We got in the way, of severil disapprovmng looks f rom varions and authoritative branches of the. administration and haven't been, the same since. We are ail glad to sec that Miss May P. Fogg is back with us again inber former connection with' the girls' athleic department 'after a so- journ in the East, earning a degree. We hope that she will remain witb uis without interruption for some time to come. Isn't it too bad that, with ail the store of loose petitions flooding the place, they could flot be turned to a better use: for instance, tha.t there be no more red ski-suits worn to until wei*i atter.lu0,ocIOCIC at night. Al but the finals of boys' singles" women's singles, mnen's singles ýand men's doubles wr played off in the morniing-à-iid--fternoon sessions. In the even ingesâsion, the. finals An these tournainents ,were -pl ayed as. wcre. the 'exhibition matches. *iv. Exhibition metches in the exhibition matches, Drake and' Hofer, ;runniers 1-up in 1932 for the ýState of Illinois state doubles chaipionship, defeated Pearson and O'Connell, who was substituting -for Lewis. Pearson and Lewis are 1932 Western Open Doubles champions. Bill Condy beat, Pearsoh, 21-18; 18-21; 21-19, Frank Work, 1 932 11hi- nois.State champions, defeated Max Rushakoif, 1932 Chicago District chamioIn, 21-4; 222. Thle tmatet schieduled between Yosbio, Fushimi, japanese champion, and, Ted Ping,, champion of. China 'and the Univers- ity of Wisconsin, was called off be- cause of. Ping's illness. In these matches the spectators saw how the game is played by smre of the best ranking players of -the West. Fine prizes were awarded the win- ners of the various.tournanients. For men's singles a large cup. was ifiven >ports Confined their bad-teîupeîed egotisnîl to the , grandstands; littie hiarmi would be done. The players are, after aIl, unhurt bv it, and the Iawling spectators inay hiide their lad mnanners lit the anonymnitv of a crwBut we have anitdea that the* iinan %%ho cries out lit agry abuse at the baIl park is the olie \%ho, i lie dares, complains whlen lis, steak is not fried to a turn. who blaines the.ý seniors.%Vvny but uîuerentf %ve r you! Grab a coupon f romiý nearest representative and, hand a buick. Isn't it ducky?. And if signi early to avoid thie rush hiope'>, you'Ii be lucky. POOSH 'EM UP There arecoiy 343 It oin't 7there it ouglît to' be- .'n, 'dflly *e neei ýIt is to. be feared that: last Wed- your. nesdav the entire sctaool feil dou-n in hiin the dutv of bringing sandwiches. Thel YOU S tudents, in their excitement about (ehow cold it was, forgot completely that it might be even colder if you weren't properly clothed or fed to withstand the ravages of the blizzard. Let's try next time to make up in glowing fashion for our negligence of the needy situation, a~nd not leave it as sandwich plates, ice bowls and' water pitchers. Two Clubs Sponsor Meet The tournament was sponsored by the Tri-Ship club and the Girls' club of New Trier and sanctioned by the American Ping Pong association. Durinoe the day the largee numnber of 1 he prograuî wasasioo "D)u Bist die Ruh" .... ...... Shubert "Standchen".. ,....... .... ... Schubert "Die Quoveile".......... ....Schubert "Dler Neugeriege" . ......... Schubert "Hark. Hark! the Lark-...Schubert -Who Is Sylvia ........ .. .Schubert "Der Nuesbaum"'...:....... chuinanfl "M.Nondnacht"..............Shumann, Hey, you, thrifty Scots;,. I 'guesý yoti'll neyer lose. your ECHOES 'rhiey always come back you know. -Gotchia that time. -Lancelot. a supposea love of bookcs and o! trom the gasps and faces in Iearning, could deliberately and with- classroomn, noue of its. inmnates c( out thoughit in the, matter, toss a cither.