Fis h as thin as paper and as trans- p) glass are the leading actors in oine of the famous 'fisli stories" whièli Dr. William Beebe will relate in his. lecture, "Two Miles :l)own,el Which he will give at Ne' Triero Monday, February .20. Fish ' who îcarry their own. çlectric ligliting plants to illuminate the midnight 9leptlis in which they live and fish Mith stereoscopic eyes-as th.ough there weren't depth eniough twio 'miles doWn-also figure prominently lu Dr. ]3eebe's account of tile mlysteroi s iuiknown world whichlic penètraied, sealed in a steel bail, or bathy spere, Dr. Beebe's explorations in the1 oceani depths off Bermuda are one. ofý the marvels of the age. Neyýer lias1 living mifl gone down -ti this great depth, 1,426 feet, andi never did man have a stranger, morc inysterious story to tell. * wo iêcture-swill ie-êdelivered by~ Dr. Beebe at New Trier Highi schoc)l, one in the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock for high schiool and grantînar schiool students, and another in the eveling for adults at 8 o'clock. The Tri-Ship -club is sponsoring I)r. Beebe's a)- pearance here, and proceeds %vill be< .added to thje club's relief fîînid. F. D. Frishie, facilty sp)ousor of the club, annouinces that the ticket sale has been brisk, and studetits aîîd aduits are urged to o)rocuire tickets. 1 New Trier's thinclads lost the closest nxeet that they >have ru» in the last ýéigbt years, to Oak Park, the State and Suburban champions,, last Saturday in Oak Park,.52-44. It, was the nearest that Oak Park bas corne to losing in the last two yeàrs. I'An, unexpected five points in the high hurdies when Maxwell of New Trier Was gi.ven fiÊst place after the Oak Park first and me» had been disqualified' for knocking down tee many burdles, Put Nev Trier in the Iead which they didflot lose until' after- the. resuIts of the high lump put Oak Park ahead by two 'points. -New. .Trier traéksters wvould have been able to win the meet if they had taken the relay. .In the shot put, :Captai» Schumnan came through ini splendid shape withg ptiled throuigh wvith a pair of seconds . iin the distance runis. Newton had no0 trouble taking the low hurdies and aiso got a second nii the 50-yard dash. Martin and Struebing took second and third. rèspectively, iii the broad juimp. Bechel cf Oak Park %%on thet higli juip. and Thorsen,.olen and Bolletîson of e' Trier .ani Gertz cf Oak Park ail tied for second place. N~ineteen students reporredalth ough forty are registered. Miss Laura F. Ullrick 'and Miss Aima E. Ilurst have chjargecf the gIroup. As - everyone could hot 'corne on the same day, there are twosections. Miss Ullrick's meets 8th period Monday in, Roomn 213, and, Miss Hurst's me ets1 at 3 o'clock Vednesday in Room -307i.1 The cempetitors are advised to meet Niith either one -group or- the other. They will read and study the booklet on the League of Natiôns. The examination will be. held on March 24. The two best papers will be selected here and be. sent in as- Ntew Trier's entries to the nation-, wide centest. Last year> there were entries from.imore than one thonisand schiols. iThe contest gives students a fine opportunity to informi themselves on an important or'ganzaton, it. is ex- .plained. Nearly 500 N. T. Girls Striving in Cage Games Bas ketball is again under way in the girls' gym, with almost five"brin- dred girls playing eachi week. Senios play o» Mlonday; juniors, Tuesday freslinen, Wednesdlay and Friday and sophomores. Thursday. well under way. Thne campaign aitters front 'those. of former years, in that one dollar pledges are being takeni. If 1,000 ofthese pledges are obtained. worký on the book, will proceled as. usual, If not, n4 booki will .be, pub- islied, due to> "inisufficienit finiancial' support." if: the .pledge campaigii proves sticcessful, the other dollar wilI be due jun.e 1; if not, the dol- lars, will be returned to the students who paid them. * So many sÏtudents are finding it liardl to pay for carfare, luniches, fees, and books that some thought it would 4,C ipogsible,:for them to pay two dollars for a schooi annùal. But, maîîy seniors thoughit dîfferentiy. Therefore, the campaigit for. pledges is beinlg Ield, it is expflained. T7he dIrive opened with a senior assenibiy jiu-t before the close of the old se- nester ',andi the t11<1elas assemblies wcrù lheld last week, February 8, 9 and 10, in thé old auditorium during adviser period. . 1)wight Green, Echoes campaigît manager, presided at aIl three assein- buies. At the sophomore assemblv. the classý officers, Paul Dempsey,. Marv \Vaidîîer. Tom Hildlebrand(- an'd Cviîthia Walsh, spoke. johin BaIl- enger, president of the Tri-Ship club, tol(I more about the Eclies andl the .arive presenration ci tacts are 1 evu (NT) Bryant «-)P) st'cond; Vin-c brougbit into full play ni the *telling cent (OP) third. Tie, :8.2. of the nead of sports, rieten Shep- if'tegreatest scientific storv cof 50-yard dash: Won hy O'Brien (1»aradtecssmngs.Je the dlay." Newton (NT) second; StalleY i(op) Kehl is senior manager, .and Phyllis third. Tiinte. :05.5. Carleton, junior manager. The other Milu run: on by Joliistoli (OP) two have not yet been selected. FroshSoph askebal .Ionles (NT) sec-ond ; Price <NT> third. This year a new sys tem of referees Fros-Sop Baketbll Finiemi:48 Won by Titshus (OP)>- is being tried. To eliminate all cern- Team Defeats Evanston Bueikinastei< (NT) second; Rogers (011) plaints, ail girls wvbô wish to uimpire New Trier's Frosli-SopI> cagers lit third. Tinie, 2:08.1.wilfstpsbchwienanpr- their stride again %whIen thiev defeated. 440-yard dash: Won by Rhode (OP);- ticl is asbt rie n r ~ ~ l ~~>n,. --Dohérty_ (OP) second ; Seller (NT; ia tests. Net only wîiI they referee sidered the nîgl spot of tne assenlblY. Oit Frid av. Frances McNulty. Charles Dostal and Cy McKinnon talked. Two prominent seniors. Sanituel Rockwell of "litre and Th'lere" famie, and Allen Rossnanl, also added a few words .about what Echioes iviii mean in the future years. The co-editors-in-chief of the 1933 MlIrf i2 . capitol cityt Laing:,c O 0 3there. Trail 5 8 9 7 2 8 imodationsN Referee: Preston (ST):; Umpire: 'Wil- way, it is Pl I be1 ned, a t ail th(. ie time isJ 1 2 0O.1ones,r f 2 2 0 Snîth,f e 1 1 :' .Grlggs,c 0 1 0 F'raizer,g 2 2 1 Fogarty,g wllliainsf :"4 the piano. Mai solo. and Mat on the violin. 18s gave a vocal itchever played