face value ini the local stores. Children what would y-ou do if you were Dan? Tbhat's the question which. ends eachi episode'of the "Deeds of; Dan" ..stories pubisied- every ,%eek in Wi '-~irTTF LIFeý by .Mr. Hurst. Write a letter telling whut you wvotld do; aànd vou, too. niaiv %%in the one dollar trading certifiCa-te. * Just a wvord about the rules: lilad- dition to the address. eachl letter should give, the name and age of the chiid trying for fthe prize. Let- fers must reach WiLNIMELTF by the *fir st Tuesday Tollowing the «"Deeds of Dan" storvy.. Letters about the story in this. issue must, reach 'XViL- MEr~ LIPE 0on or hefore Tuesday February 21, *Donald Georger's p,'ize- %itiiiing let- fer reais as follows: vne £23. MJilLilil. Febvuary 11, 193:1. Iiear 'Mr. lHurst: If 1 were Dan I'd talcc one swif t downward slanting stroke at the lie, aiming the axe as close to Crlsfoot as possible. then üsing the «ix(-aw a lever, raislng the prong and fon-isig CarI'is foot loose. 1 know this wouild be very paiinful for Carl, but ltetr Qarl would be tiiankful that 1 dtd not follow ' rnyfilr$t intention of cutting off his font. 1 arn Il years <>d. Yustruiy. Do)ana]df;<rg1 example by putting Lr rag nin jail. for thirty days for keeping bis, store open on Tbhanksgiving D)ay, through an >article in the Middleton Blade, -Mayor Douglas" trapp. had asked the people ta help baiin enélforce tbe law by reporting al .persans do- ing business oit holidays, In a speech at one of the. Leagtie meetings, he said, "If there's anyonei town who's too busy ta pay the pr per respect ta -Our. coun.try's hteroes, we -,don't wanit thetit in Middleton. Let 'em move over'to Bear Ridge mounfains and live With the; gypsies ." The mayor didn't mince' words. He was a polifician. 'Therc, was nio reçason why he shouldn't ,back fle ,Womnan's. League, 'especially -iniview of the. coming election. It was the League thaf gof up the parade. for WVashing- ton' s, birthday ai .askcd l.Dan ,Ne,%1- tont f0 take a part. 'il have to get off to practice for a while after scliool.7 said Dan to .Mr. Sharp, proprief or of flhe Samn Sharp Hardware store, for whoma lie worked aft er school anîd ont Satur- days. "Tfhe womten as,,ked nme to pla3% George Washington onitlte Cherry Tree float in thec parade, becatise nîiy1 essay ont 'patriotisinî won the prize.1 "Fiine !'ýsaid Mr.,. Sh1arp. -l knew Between the cheers fromn the peo- about the worictà - I,_nrugi'ý qýw'.. letigthn hy idfo4n theiýr les_- e who crowded, both sîdes of the sons. They had the collecting fever sretewnosadbueos sobdy he ok et M r'.Sha 1rp onecould heair Dan Say, "ather,, 1 ouiOf ed'on Sud asan-atanycanot tel a lie, I did it ith mv ouf f bc on undys ad atanyown little hatchet 1" hour- of the nighit fo swap for, stamps they wanted. But evýery fumie Dan looked up into, 'Frckls' alaghr ws oe fMayor. Trapp's face and thought oi "Frckes"Galagie wa oe,ýofwhat lie had seen at. Mr. Sharps Dan's best customers. a'ndal-soa bigsorintado confessigabute nuisaIlnce. His f at her was wealthy :erryntee, he waonte ng to e'lton r and had's'ettled iMiddleton ,after c Sharp, his employer and ýpartner, for travelinig'arounid the, world a ni- k heI de beroff me wih hefaily Tat'breakig té aw and, eing. un- berof. tFrces" otthe faidea ýf ât.. pafriotie. He rëeemered the Mayor's iecting stamps. Hewoudeaclith-nwarrling and whaf happened fo lecingstaip. H *oldcli thinEier Drag. "Here I amn, lôoh-ing froin letters received frotn friends rgfa h ao n lyn whom they had met ini differentlCege h ao ad lyiig countries. Gere, Washington, while. my owni fredis disobeying the law. IIow. The boy wvas givenl a niice allowv-j can 1 ride the rest of the. way %vith- anice,. froi whichi lie spent as nîuch outt feling?" tlhought Dan. as five dolars w"eeklv ai' Sharip'S. Re- '«Tat' rielt!» exclaîmed Nlav(-r was badl1y spoiled,. Wh lie wanted Trapp. "You're doîng finie." lie ýa1id anything lie usually go it. regard- in a whisper f0 Dan. '*Look tvorried. less of the trouble his selfisliness It's a seriotis business fo tell a lie. ý:aused others. If .r. Sapliad a Go on Dan! ren em you did it stainp hle didnt care to part withi, with your littie hiatchet !" "Fréckles" wvouId imake >iicli a. fuss,j "But, gee!" thought 'Dan, trying to -\r. Sharp) would lut if go just f0 find excuses for his frie*nd. "If va, keep hlim quiet. I Freckl(e,' falt' He hiad no hui- 1 Well! if you're going f0 argue ness f0 force 'Mr. Sharp fo open thc 1 bout i," "Freclles" \vould say, "Youl door." Ï-11 kee voilr o](1 stanips! l'Il buy '"Wha's fliat - asked,. flic M ayor. were iîost and nostess. 10 si.te a rare sfamup. t nrougn i s micrsco.pe. friends af dinner last Thursda.y at In- Besides hardware, collecting stamps diaiî Hill club, refurning later f0 fthe wa s a hobby with Mr. Sharp. When Ridgewvay home for coufracf 1bridge. the store was remodeled, affer a re- The. dinuier wvas ini honor. of NMrs. cent fire, he fixed up a roorm for bis Williain Allen of Davenporf, Iowva, sf amp departinent. Aft er school hours Ille bouse guest of thle TL.NM. Aliens. the place was a regular hangouf .for 258MeioseaveueKenlwoth. the bovs. of the Middleton Grammiar school, most of whoin were Dan's feif like fhglitfnîg, an(l ,a%, ' ow. Freckles,' is that îîice. affer AilI've. Aonte for yoQu? Go ahead and takecif. l'Il t ry to find another." The hleadquarters of the Patriotic Leagu.e was a busy place for several weeks Irior fo Washingfon's birth- dary. Besides arranging for the band concert and the street carnivýa1 in the I did if with ny own little hatchet ! The more off en Dan repeafed tilv words, the worse. he feit. vry.tne .he felt if vas his dufy to fell on Sai Sharp.,Ibut bis courage failed imii. The whiip iin the Mayor's hand miade hini think lie ivas actually going f0) gef a beating righit before ail thos.c people. There was reai guilt in lis mind, because hie was now a. part uer wifl h Mr. Sharp, and lie feif that onc said, "Dan, I believe you were cut blame! He came and knocked until ttI1 Wla7ea7CJu 1.101 PERSONAL FINANCE CO. ouf for the hardware business." He 1iiac to open the door. He gaid he'd îcvre Dana Ota'oujoi 708 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON felt that if lie coul4 lceep Dan in- report me for letting him in on Lin- *- teregted in the stamp departinent, lie colti's birthday, if 1 4idn't seli hlm The Minmette friends of Mrs. E. Phone Gre. 6081-6082 would some day sel1 him an interest a stamp he wanted. In facf, lie just. .F. Brumer (Rut h Si1ren) 'of Oak in the business, which was getting a pushed his way in, so I sfarted f0 Park w ill be glad to know she is ltl iarhd f0 Manage alpine. wait on hlm. Thèn the other boys rapidly recovering froin a recent During. the ieecesspos every came anid 'Freekies' made me ltf illness at St. Francis. hospital. -