Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 14

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day and ~ahntn birthday follow- ing one another lilce soldiers, Girl Scouts havé Many (Ipp(rtunities te illix play and ptritotisnl. whic i in turti leads to such badge s as Hostess and Citizenl. Here is w bat. the Vilniette scusarc doing abount it:ý Troop 1Ilias abotit comrpleted al of the requireniviit.s ,h 'r the. Citizenl badge the: girIsls à-haveitetworking (iiithis for the last few meetings, anidf eei that they would like Ï0 tel what the%- .knew ý about the subject te the examiner, MrJ4., Groves. Tlhis .the),plan ý te do this w%,eek :iithe niiiaitiC. thev.-.fre îot idie. rh ' Citiz>eny badge led quite niaturally te the World Knowlecdge badge, se that ' will, he the next. troop project, and %%ill fuirnisb the chief Mnotive- for the next few Meetings. Troop 21 bias started in Nwith a niew set of patrol leaders and corporals. 'rbere are two patrols ini the troop, each witb a patrol leader anîd a cor- poral ; those "takinig office" are Lor- rmine Beeclier, witb Ruth M.\estjian te 'help bier, as a corporal; Pearl Auider- san, as patrol leader, and bier* corporal, Marilyn Prussing. Tbe treep lias de- cided te f olIqN% a nature quest,. anda, Troop 22's party is going to be a Valenine affair, with gaines, "cats"ý and songs; each scout will bring oee guest, and pink paper bearts as. well as true-blue scot. hearts Nvill' mix on that day. 'rno 23 is ail ageg over receiving the second-class badges wbicb ill be awarded by 'M rs. Mouding. Girl Scout comimîssioînrfor \Wilmette, on rigbit, and yeuN wil feel ne sting, e'x- cept of excitement. The Girl Scouts camp all-year-r'ound, and te them lt is à mark of the tender-. foot te find the ýsummer'glorieus and& the Winter grim. T'reeis inothing grim, .tbhey daimi, about thlis,,old realist cf the seasons, i f yolw 1now howv te lock it ini'the eye aid like it. Consider what Nvinter lias -te offer tri the niature-studeiji. amateur astro- loigist. z0,0logî. cpheotographier - and fire-builder. Neyer do bernies stand eut more 1brightly 'than they ,do on - .ý weeds, and.nje ver de jupiter ion shine more brilliantlyi the :sky. You will neyer get a finer chance te see how the migrants make, their nests or hîoW the seeds ýcqddle, in the pods. 0f course, the amateur entomologist may miss the.speécimens that thrust theinselves so persistently iinder tuer' *nosf inl -the sunifle!'fime, but se ill everycue else-\vitli relief., There are pleasànter tbings te be! studied in the. starlings crows, chick- adees and maybe the rtitb.-crowned kinglets which dIo net fear the wintry frosts.. Deck a tree near youir camp window with '*Vir favorite foods. suet, bernies or biiàê. and yoin can watch themn for heurs through y'our bird- glasses. l'le amateur -nhotoegranbher will neyeri tiens, of this bare season for the stu- dent. What cf the sportswoman? M'inter gaines are the mnost. exhilarat.. ing of all, Girl Scouts say. There must be constant motion witib the con- stant smack cf the cold air against one's reddened, cheeks. Skiing, skat- ing, tobegga"ing, ice-boat ing- there'sý a. >thrill in theni ail that von can't get. ithose of the Iazv summier-time. are the (Aucago tAumni cnapter, Dliai. league meeting of the two scnoois this ýtône- chapter-of Chicago-Kent Law season at Maywvood, New Trier again school, Fuller chapter 'cf NorthwesternI won, 19 to 18. Since then Provisa lbas univçrsity. .Marshall chapter of the wenf rom Oak Park, a teamn that de- University cf Chicago. Stnry chapter f eated New Trier, and tbe Mayw"od cf DePaul univîersity. and Webster boys seern determined net to drop any' chapter cf Chicago Law school. 'more gaines by ôeMepeint margins. New. The, executive ccmmfittee. ii . charge Triée, altlhotgh out of. the running ý for cfarrangemenîts comprises EngenieVin- the Suburban league- championship be- cent -Clarke cf Glencce, justice c f the cause of itstwo losses teEvahsten and, Chicagoý Alumni chapter. cbairmnw; one teo ak Park, is',eqUaily determ ind Williamt M. 0'Shea,* treasurer Of the to trim Proviso for tbe itbird turne thig' Chicago Alumni. chapter: Glenn. seaseon. Stokes cf Obak Park and Marshall T. Li Lightwieighte Com.pete- Ismonid, justice, and clerk cf. Black-l The lightweight teams cf the twc. stone chapter;4 John Barber and. schools, will stage their> gamnes as - a Harrison Stafford. justice .and clerk cf curtain-raiser for the heavyweiglit bat- Fuller- chapter; Thiales N. Lennington tie.. In the earlier meeting at Mayw(iod. cf Highland Park and George Mc- Proviso won, 37 te, 23., Since «theji, Murray, justice and clerk cf 'Marshall however, -the New Trier lights bave, chapter; Richard B. !Finn and, C. R. been impreving.' They won their first Serb, justice and clerk of Storyý chap- game cf the season from Morton: twoy ter; Edwin A..I-Hale aiid J. Ç. Rat- Nveeks ago cliff cf Evanston. justic and~ clerk cf New Trier suffered its second dotdble tWebster chapter. 1 1 defeat at the bands cf Evanston. lasi The other efficers of thc Ch icago week. The scores were 28 te' 17 ini Aluihi chapter are Robent Owens, ýthe beavvyweight game and 30 te 26 vice-justice: Glenn G. f>axton, secre- in the lightweight game. BothEan- tany, and Charles Roclwood, marshal. ton teams are headed for the Subtunhan Other comimittee inembers are James 1 league cbampionsbip. H. Turner. Homer Dodge, joseph C. Greensiade, Evanston forward. .%vas Gross.- Alvin. R. Oson, Henry' L. the high scoren cf tbe beavNywe-ighit iChatroop, Harry Carlson. 'Lloyd A. gaine, making a total cf eleven- points. Faxon cf \Wiinnetka. Philip G. Bren- It was Greensiade wbo beat Ne-,% Trier uian, WVilliam J. Nealon, Thomas C. almost single handed in tbe earlier rneet- Hollywood. L\ e Richmmonud. and Jay ing betveen the two school .when lie i'eters, I'vanston center', made! fine Kenilworth Cagers points. EFvanstoîî led at the haîf, .17 WJin From W innetka t08..Ntw 'r'rier lightweights b-ad i The gaine between two 'boys' teanis betten luck thaî the heavies with thieir representing the joseph Sears school cf Evanston rivas' Evanston won .30 to Kenilworth and the Winnetka Çom- 20, after laig 13 te 10, at the' hait. munity House, played as a curtain- Tbe high individlual scoren was G»rigg-, raiser te tbe annual basketball battie Evanston center. \vho made nine poinits, between Nerthwestern university fresb- His teain-Iatc. Jones, playing forwardl, men and alumni cf the university last scored' seven p)oints. Falkenberg, New Friday, resulted in a 6 to 2 victory for Trier foýr\%ard. 'and.Campbell,' guard., ong." WVe closed d luck, rwnier.! May yen lbe ps. "-Jane Ethel las glad as .your Brownie f riends, that yen. have joined the pack t a& . . . . .O%* L j.u. i4,viiiitoii. xirii-O. v erno ve two taiks, ene at bas charge cf the arrangemEc Woman's club, the the Fashion show wbich will ago Woman's club, on by Mrs. Nellie' A. Hanta. Joucks ents for 1be ptt :iII witn ýscribe.

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