Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 9

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ini the suOtirbaf area and country towns of Cook county so far as 'in- tcr-munlic al relations are conven- lent and-desirable; te promote legis- lation désirable for, the mnutual wel-, fare 'of -its membership, and te op- pose ail legislationi designed to vio- late the political integrîty of its.rmer- bers and communities -similarly situ- ated and to use .aill honorable, manis, to secure and preserve the right of, suburban communities t1o home rule 0on all matters of pturelY local con-' Opoise Police Change. On thé same ni'elt that it decidedl to join the suburban area organiza- tien,.- the .Kenilworth Village board adopted a resolution expressýing its intention of mnakin*g everv effort ýto preserve it% local police àepartmnent and of opposiliw any plait to estah-' lidi. a mietropolitani 'poice district in lieu of the present' local police de- partment s of suiburban -muniia!i - ties. The resoltition read as follows: Resolutiofl 'WHRE~,the publie press (arties alotdaiiy accounts- of a nmnvement for the establishment of. a Metropoli- tan Police D)istric-t lit Cook County: and wHFrirErAs. these. reports and re- ,~frnmn other src indivate that 1 Ile proponeîits of this invernenf for the vre-atin of a mètropolitan. Pol.idc Early Suniday morninig an automnobile ran into a. snowbank at Lake -avenue and Sheridan road. The machine started straming and -created a. ire. scarc. The firemen were. called, making the run about 3:30 o'clock. There was no dam- age from fire, however. ýAil overheated f urnace iii the. home of Mrs. Rosé A.. Reynolds. 726 Elev- eith ýstreet, wvas responsible for a run iùadc by the firemeni last, Friday-after-. nioon. about, 3 o'clock. No 'damage %ý,as reported. JOINS NEW'LAW FIRM Edward A. Zinimermail. 219 Sixth street, forinerly of the law firm of Howe, , Zimmerman. Kreamer and Mack. bas become associated %vith the lav firm of Zaneé. Morse, Zimmerman and Normnan of. Ciicago. Mr. Zim- mnentian was former1y-t'Wilnette Vil- lage trustee and ini recent years has represellte(l the .Villagu ini important zoniifg vases. *"jaclk*îe" Haw-xlîurst. .018 Esse, road. Keiiilwortbi, entcrtained her bridge chili at te-1 o1 Valentine's dav. sciation' of Cook county, and to our *r~nesêtaties u tie 1Gneral.Assem- FREISI4FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES They ast nd cook lust, like ý0potatoos,25 TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT. 54 size, ful of jiice mnd 5 not many seeds, 2 fo... 10 FOR 65C FRESH GREEN-BEANS. Flavor with chopped onion'arid bacon, it's an old method but good jut the uane, 1 5c 2 quarts .......... FLORIDA STRAWBERRIES Delicious in flavor, sweet end., vine« ripened, Thurodoy, Priday and Saturda'y, 1 pn 2 for None better for isauces, 19 bakiàg o.r pies, 5 Ibmý...i B3EETS SrnaII end tender, they 'don't have to be cooked, long, : O 3, bunchés ...I.. GROCERIES BI4KLLtD'NIêTS' Always a welcome addition to cookies, cakes, home-made rolis, desserts or salads. Take any or ail of these - they're ail reai 35c 35c "buys." BLACK WALNUT MEATS. LB... PECAN MEATS. LB. .* . A selection that wilI deIight the pcre.There'. a fine variety here from which to choose. IIERKIMER SNAPPY39 AGED CHEESE. ID. 9 YOUNG AMERICAN COLBY CHECSE, LB. 19C il h iftgofniKeilnrh ill bp sorveil liv flic rfetention of its local police de- partinent under the supervision aind iurh«llcjtlon of its lncally eiected ros- ide-nt ahnd Board of Trustees; .and "'VHEREAS, taxation for both ss tefis would be oppressive an 1d would not bc an economy ln governnent, 'NOW, 'rHEREFORE. 13E IT RI- 90TVEDb b the President and B1111' nif Trustee.9 of the Village of Kenil- ...,.cb t. , . nr cl l T-Ilni. th*1q,t fhis 12,0m fur Plus Bottie Deposit it is priced very 10w-use it, too, on orange slices -served, with Wafers for I9 tea ................ 9 H Rt TromATOES No. 2 tins. Whole ripe. Just, hea, sasmmad serve I2 .ste.ae...... 2 6 FOR 65c 1167 I ~iImmiuumIhNhmUHIl

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