Last Friday when 5B wýas havlng ..readingand living," we had a lot of fun., We were reading two Uial- lowe'!en poems, ,one'about HalloWe'en in the old times;, the other about Hallowe'en now.. The poems bath had witches and ghosts in them. WNe bad several cliildrenread them. Then BiiIy Dodds. told Us a Hallowe'en stor. After that Robert Frei told us one about a_ captain and his crew. Everymorning,:a captain and his crew wouid go out tO sea but in zhe evening the ship ývou1d re-tuniî with- aut açnyone in it. This kept hap- pening until one morning a captain got his crew and.started out- ta salve thie. nystery. _When night camne the crew went,'ta bed. In the morning they awoke and found one of the mien gone., This kept up until oniy th.e capta-inand 4ontêman were left. That night they %vent ta bed and in the iiiorning the man ý%as gonc and1 only the captain was ieft. The next nighit when the captain -,ent tu bed( lie kept awake. Pretty soon abig hiairy beast came after the captain. The captain ranl and jumped overboard but the beasti was gaining on him. The captain, oniy had five minutes ta ive, iin four minutes ta live. and stilth -. \Von Peewvees 2 Lights.............3 Heavies . . 4, -B iliSpinney,'Stol p Lost L. o0 Pupils Shun Blue' Marks in Drill Chart Project In niathematics we 'are working on, drills. .. We are oh, drill. thirteen naw. 1 At'the back of the raom Mrs, Jones bas a chart and -she, bas al the drills marked, thirty of tbem across the top. Down ýth e sides -are the pupils' names. After we ha ve taken the drill it must be checked. off before a certain timie., If it ks not 'checked Off before thaft tue %we get a bine mark which indicates the drill is late and if we dIo get it on timie we get a~ red mark. We all try very bard ta keep Mrs. jones frorn putting bîti'e marks after ont names on the chiart. -Mary Portb, Howard 8B. AB-4 Team- Leads in Basketball Titie Race AB-3 and AB-4 were tied for the championsbip when the first sched-ý tiwas iniedl When the s~econd Pabst and Prof. James Kwast. Grain'- ger made bis -debut at the age of ten as pianist in Meibourne. He taured în Great Britain.,. Holiand: and many other counttries. He conducted first performances of bis awn, compositions at -Balfour Gardiner c oncerts. Mei came ta the United States"iný 1914 and toured Nvidelv. He is re cognized as -a master of the piano., InI June. 1917, lie enljisted as ai bandsman ini the U. S. army and play- ed the saxophone and oboe. The most important artistic influence ini hjs life was biis motherwith whom he. lived until ber -death in 1922. Me hâs made mare than 500 phonograph records. Me..played the sala .part in Grieg's piano concerto, the composer hav- ing died 'a month before the festivýal., -Betty Jane Mens, HoWard 7B. Children Go to Sehool Despite Sub.Zero Wave Wednesday, as there was no schooI,' many of the children, played outside but Thursday wlien the thermnometer reached 20 degrees below zero, wve had ta go ta. scbooI. Evervone %wlibed that %ve night go home. There were, oniy a few chikiren in naio the roomns and those who did camie were In our librayry period on Thursday, january 19, Mr. Hughes from the, company puiblishing the Worid Book taiked to us. He told us about, the' things the W\Norld ,Book contains. lie toid u a the advantages of the Guide. Book. He took the. Guide Book from aur library and having looked' ,the book overfoun)d it- comparativelv unused., Most of the class had to ad- mit. that they had neyer used the Guide Book. This book contains mhany.tusef ut outlines on .ait subjects. The subject %ve are now studying ini social, science he iooked up, and fonnd a great deal of information o n this: subject. which. deals ith 'the iAmerican history during tule inaking of, the constitution.- Mr. Hughes hopes thlat thé next. time, he, visits the iibrarv he will find- this, book -in a more nsed condition. The class was asked ta join the *'World Blook Look~ It lYp Club." Hle gave us all buttons ta show that we really are memnbers. He also gave, us Encyclopedia Work Books. These work books cantain questions which weshouid be able ta ansiver if we use the World Book correctiy. W'e are going ta .work on these books for a. few weeks and are to try to supl). piy ail the answers. Mr. Hughes wili coilect the books whien we have conmplied tbein andf \Ve lhad a few more stories and barJheau ePigRgr, oo'VoWiJninlgO r 41 U10 U VA W l 18W r ne 8Snucitv thien it was time ta bave. geography', Side and jarvis. Lingle.. We sureîy beJh avgJ lRgrDnW o ilKnl0fe Julia Booz, Stolp IB.. so we had ta stop story telling.- hope ta win the rest of aur games.- Jane Solomnon an Idea? Nadine Brown, Howard 5B. Jarv'is Lingie,. Miss Perring's room. 1 an sitting here iooking out of the, Lily Petal Wants Bird ________________window trying to tbink of wbat ta oEtO e oeBa Sale Helps to ray for Sec rte for the jUNIoR L . First I Progessof ilkthogt 'udwit bu h nw Recently I went ta the Goodman GlecClus'N w M sicSeeProres ofMil houht cold rit abut he now; :theater and saw "The Nightingale." Glee Clubs New MusieFrom Cow to Kitchen no, soinebody else would sureiy vwrite Iikdi seilybcueIke On February 2, the girls of the On Tuesday, February 7, the Stoip about that. M.\aybe I couid rte 1lke tepcal eas n. Stolp School Glee club hiad a dough- îo a eyitrsing as about aur assernbiy program yet One of tbe. main actors. nutt sale. The doughinuts ,sald for co hdavr inest there have been lots of artii-les i d ooded ad à. strange bean. He semb lv."lie program ivas a thiree- , al,-IOperudedLilv Petal ta eat this *we nad a test, ana jumble square puz derberg, Howard s .uesday we nr es.-Charles [e sevenl marbies. Somne beeni won this year,- Howard school. ivei and Norcind Brown ta neip ner; i ney 1tasi i uesaay nigni with theC estay after school and clean up the that D-1 took a 10 ta 1 trout j room.-Mary Boheim, Howard 5B.1 Paul Wipplefurth, Howard 8A.