Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1933, p. 6

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Mr. Hindley will preach on 'IHumian- ism, or Religion without God." at the service of, wrship next Sunday at Il o'clock. The musical. programn for the service wHii be: Preiudè.e"Chanstoni" ......I>unhi Trio-"Pather. Lead -Me By the Hand"................ Butterfield offertorySoio-"Liord, God, Have MercYl<from St. Paul .... Mendelssohn' Anthenm-"Beautifui ,Saviour". ~arranged by Christiansen Poalude-"Carillon Sortie', ...... Mulet The Sunday Evening club Wll neet An this church at 7:30 p. m. -George C. Blakesle staff photographer ofý Yerkes Observatory, will speak an 'lThe Lateât News - rôm the Skies." His talk Wini be illustrated with the, finest af A luncheon meeting of: the Neighbor- hood circle wil ho held ln the church Tuesday. February 21. lins. M. H.* Me- Mfillen la chairman of the luncheon coi- mittee, assisted by lins. H. A. Pope anoi be spent ln sewlng. The regular week-day activities foi' boys and girls are scheduled as fol- lows:ý Tuesday-4 p..m-Camip Fire Girls. Girl Scouts Tuesday-7 :30 pi. m.-Boy Scouts Thursday.-4 p. ni. - Junior chair re- hieansal Thursday-7-:30 p. m.-Troop Na. 1, Boy Scouts Friday-3 :15 p. m.-Brownies Priday-7 :30. p. m.-Senior Cattpl Fine St;ewart will te the meni icesýe The women of -the .North circle con- tributed a.,goodiy sum to the N-am as's Guifld as the _result of a Foad sale held at the Club House Stunrday. ,The -mem bers of thé South circle held a Bridge luncheon . at the homne of lira. M.. Snyder, aiea addlng ta. the guild's fondls whlch - have been greatly depleted through lielp, given the needy. The.preacher next Sunday at the 11 a.m. servicelwili be the ]Rev. John B. Hübbard. rector of St. Mary's in Park Ridge' The Young People's 'assaciation *Ill meet In the club house at mupper lnext Sunday evenisg at 5:,30. St. John's Lutheran Wlmette and Park avenues, Wilnxetteý Herman W. Meyer M. A., paqtor 406f .Prairie aveonue .. Tlpfn Church telephone 5379 SERVICES Sexagesinma 8unda.y 9 '15 a. m.-Fi-rst ervice and sermn 9:30 a. n.-Sunday svhoal and Bible classes Il a. nm.-Second service and sermon S-ermon-'*The Parable af the Sower- 31 E ETENG S Mondai- at 7:45 p). m.-Choir rthearsal Wednesday at 4 p. m.--Ciasses for-chul- dren Saturday at 1.)a. fi-7assfor chu.- dren Junior Luther leag-ue wili tucet Sun- day evenipg at 5:30 o'cock. Helen Peterson. will present the tapic-."HOW Do We Kno-W That Th>e lible Is The ,Word'of Gd? Confirmation classa meets MNondy afternoon at .4 o'clock.ý An invitation ia ectended ýta ALL ta attend:tan -entetaisment ta be given by aur choirs Friday evening. February 24, at 7:45 o'clock. The: program .will 'con-, ast of favorite sosgs and conclude with a. parody skit entitled, 11El Janitoro." Tt Is the deer meaning 0of Jes à words that we should seek' ta know. Came ta the Church Where the Word la taught jn its truth and> purity. First Presbyterian Womnan's club roomsn- Tenth street at Greenleaf aivenue James T. Veneklasen, minister 'Christ's Appeal to the Mind." wil be the subject 0f the sermion by the pastor at the mors ing warship Sunday at Il o'clock. Watt once sald: ý'Were 1 so tali to .reach the pole, Or grasp the aceani with my span, 1 must be mea.sured by my soul; The mind's the standard of the mlati." show! The admission lé free aud an of - fering wiii be taken to caver the neces - eary expense-s of Production. .ýyouItj wanit ta staY tnr the social time ami(j refreshments,,after the show. TVNG PEOPLE Menibers of the B. Y. P. 1,. are re- Minded, to ,be at the enid Of the "L" line at 4, o'ciaock next Sundayr for nur tenP- ta the FI rs t Baptist ehureh. Chi- The Jurdor'choir rehears.ti 'vit be held next Saturday a.t 2 ,o'elo)ck in the afternooýn, February 18. Instead o ,t the regular mnorning hour. The, choir wiii slng during. the church service on. Sunday. There:Wiiî be a meeting $unday aft er. néon, Februa.ry: 19. a.t 3 :30,0f the eon. mnittees on: the Union Lenten servives. Girl scouts ýof Trçoop 7 are having ;t te.a for their niothera on. Thursday. February 23. They will present ai plaý and -Zt'~ert Of SceUt &ongs. SU-NDAY SEVICES There is a place for every mrnember of the famiy In ojjr progra,af Sunda v activities. The Church school canvenes at 9:30 a. M. with a graded prograni availabie for ail ages. The nîorning worship service at il a'clock Sunday. February 19 ' wiil be of. unusual interext. The pastor la ta continue his senjes of Sermons on the great watch-words of Jesus, thi-S one to be -Forgive us our- Trespasses,"l 'and It will be developed through reference ta. Lloyd Douglas, gram Piday, March 3, ufluer thé, tén se qu.spices of the Men's club for the bene- 'the su fit of the. niusic fusd. Our artists, in later. addition Ito individual 2iumbers, 'will the ha present the second act af, the opera Of the Matrtha. The advance sale of tickets la to att. large and the response of the congrega- ta plal tion nost generous and enthusiastic. attend .The Keniiwortk Union th l hlstor: lKenilworth avenue and Warwick mail attend; Dr. HIerbert L. Wlllett. minister tîie 1: Irmos o meFasio'K f Chr list, tOn, "YVoris, bysin ton): Vris bythe Choir; Solo, "Like biecta af which will be announced As A Fatherj" Scott, by Mr. Edward The chair wili sing a chorale in Otîs, saloist; 'Postiode, 'March ln E,", ýronIzation of Bachi in every one Rogers. services. St. John's Invites you end these services and urges you We Invite you to Join our Sunday n your calendan rsa that yau may school which tneets in departients and every leniten service. classes at 9 :30 o'clock. Sunday achool has naw reached Ou r adult Bible ceses one for. thA £- . Eo-g'wu"&ag .iq f4 -I Rev. Oscar Thomas Oison, D. D., ndnister. The ministen's sermon theme for thoý Il o'clock wvorship service next Sun. day marning will be "Overcoming Fear. 1 The music for Sunday morning Is a.- foiiows: Ongan Prelude "Solemn Prelude" (Gloria Dlmlni")>........... Noble "Adagio" (V Symphony)...... Widor- The Antheni by the Choin--"What of theNiglit, O Watchinan," Thonîpsm onthe and Its MIeaning for oroday.". Febru- onthI This churcli will Jain heartilv with ary. 16--"A New Deal" by- Stuart e, at the The Waman's society wiil hold i ts the other ehurches ln the Union eve- Chase. Reviewed by Dr. M.. H.Bick-ý. the ýAs. - Februarv wark nîeetinoe this afternoon ninz service at the Baptist church, hamn. 1attendj (Thnrsday> .,at 2 o'clocic,. at the., home March. 6. ,Gnou0,III-"Thinking It Througlh With

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