Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1933, 4b

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many of us ' o the northsiiore to get acquainted with thrce young thes- pians who arie developing a nice dra- mnatic- talent before our ver.rv eyes. They are tbree New Trier boys who have, in fa.ct. had,.somne acting .ex- perience in, high school plays. Wil- liain Jenkins., wbo' lives at 630 Lake avenue. Wilmette, and is a member of the Glee club and of the Dramatic: club at New Trier: High. sclool. and who was recentlv' seen as'the Mock Turtie 'iu the Fresbmani-Sophomojre play, piays DeTreville in "«The Tiree Musketeers.Y Robert Merriman, of. M43 Exmoor road, Kenilworth is a junior. He is vice-president of the Drama club ani last fali piayed in **The Road to Yesterday," an aIl- class play produced at New Trier,.fie bas been working at Miss Foley's Sçhool for Acting fo~r fi,%e- years. and, is to have the Iead ini the "Thlree uskieteDebater Alfred Brown of 1539 H-ighland avenue, NVilmiette, also a junior. is intere'sted not only ini dramiatics, but bas played -on the highi scbooi foot- ball team ftor two years and is .a inenulwr if oie of il, irst deb)atill teamis. He is on the publrity comi- mittee of the Dramiatic club and hadi a part in "Seveniteein," wlien il was( ingly accepting the responsibilities of ryour several tasks in baud. D oubt- Iess you have uow had tie to con- sider wbat.those tasks are much bet- ter than a bystander wboý simply fis iuterested iu the results you may turu out. But because tbe public at large is always-apathetic about such tbiugs, this, letter, tbougb addressed to you, in meant ùmucb more for the voters of this community, so that they may at least have some conception of what one personi envisages,,as your Miost dificu;it job. Que person isolated in bis office and writinig this. letter- cannot pre- sunie to forecast what, unay. be, the thoughlts, i lit e r e g t s, preconceired views, debates and .c nclusions of a. body made of fifty-two representa- tive citizens of tbe community; four from c.acli of ikirteen precaicts. But without taking into account psychol- ogies boni of meetings and discus- sions. certain ideal theories cani nev- ertheless be nîeasured against certain. political practicalities. And this we purpose doing. No Strings Attached X'ou were chosen to organize as a self -perpetuating "convention" nanmed - Harnony" for the purpose ô1-nain- linz candidates for political office so Tbursday, .February 16 -Keuil- MfOrtb -midgets aud heavies iplay_ ut Haven. Saturday, February 18 -MIl Glen- coe teamus play at Kenilwortb., Saturday, FPebruary 25 -AIl Haven teanis play at Kenilworth. Tuesday, February 28 - eiiilworth midgets and- heavies playat Nic hols. Saturday,. Marcb 4-AIl Kenilworth teams play at Gleucoe. Saturday, Marcb 11 - All N ichols teams play at Keuilworthi. N,.S Fortnightly C lub Has French Cafe Party The Nortb Shore Fortnightly clubs French Cafe party held at the Ev- anston Country club Saturday eve- niigwas voted a gmet sucees. Guests came costunied as Frenchi sailors, gendarmes, Dianiond Lii and Bôwry characters and tere, greeted. as they camne in, with a genuine hur- dy-gurdy.. A pair of professional dancers did the Apache and tango. Supper was served at tables under colorful awnings, Marshall Ling's orchestra played. Jack Cullen ap- peared as a French ambassador, and Tomn King of WVilmetîe.as a F.re.niclh wvho, wlio will perpetuate uthe uhuïîuîî family traditions? jimmie ,Shannon (Vic McKeigban) is the last- of a long 'hue of, Shaninons.- Will the, hue be extinguished? What l No perpetua-' tion ?, The question will be atnsvered at the -Howard scboul 'auditorium Fehruary 24 and 25, (Friday ami Sat- urday .)-samé deécision both nights. BtyRyerson, already known to Wilmette.,aud.iences, forber work lu "Adam aund va," will, be seen in an iMpersouation of Aune Windsor, prac- tical,. Aune,: Jiuimie's seventh chance. Really, now, you should witncess bhow the vicissitudes of Anne's mental stattus creates perplexiug situations for Jim- mie Shannon and his f riend, B illi IMeekini, who strive to complete. a two- ycar series of courtships in one e niug. Try it sometime, or better still, see how iinrnie does iti' By the wvay, Vic McIKeiglhauiii charge of ticket sales, may bc reached at the Prouty Service station, phone Winnetka 3748, but if you do not Nvant to go to Hubbard Woods, why no(t drop over 'to the Normandy Tea"rooni in "No Man's lýand." Otherwise, sce arny of the Lake Shore Players, whio will be giad tb supply yot, with .sufficientc.\ of tickets. lakC 1the part î UI rus U. Experienced Player Frôni Oak Park comes Victoria Scbirager to play Constance. AI- tbougli only 13, shie is a sophomnore at the highi school and bias hiad un- usual stage experience. She bias been with the Jack and Jill Players for some years, playing the lead in ".The Tinder Box." and "Robinson Cru- soe" Last summer she was ini the cast where shie worked with a well-, caucus; you migbt decline to self-' perpetuate; you rnight drop the idea of. barmony. You niight turn defi - nitely politicai. In short, silice you are not beholden to any group, areý bac-ked by no organizatioti, and you represent no one but the public at large, you can be self-sufficient and develop a plan of operating to suit the situation. Alil the miachinery used to, woodaveue, ntetaind te Yongformer years and not in J une, as has, Mothers club Iast Monday evening be rpsdb h onybad at bier home. The usual businessanam The date of t he election this spring ais th prbles o chldtraining is April 4. The Township board de- alr sotenpoe itns fcd cided IIpon this action at its regular wer dipened itlta'leb eveninlg, February meeting at the township oi- jnstead, was devoted to bridge. fice in the Wiunetka Village' hall. There .vere six tables ini play with Monday evening. The auditing o:- nineteen members present and five guests. Prizes -were trading certifi.- bis and other routine business wa, cates. transacted. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Nelsoli St. Louis, Mlo, were week-end guv Of M\rs. Gabe Wegener of 36 Ker worîh avenue. Keniilworth. to, do IAt îer it is wholly contrary to you;. soi, Jamles.iakavne And then what are vougôig 0 about it? Mrs. Herbert J. Lýach, 630 Wash- Gerard Taylor, 849 Michigan a\(.- this point it wouid seeni that iuîgton avenue, was bostess at lunch- nlue, recently returned from a tcii (COntinued ou page 42) eon and bridge for eight, iast Mondai. days' trip to San Antonio, Texas

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