l'hi board discussed the propriety of the township in. aiding in the work of the Wimette Health center. This apl)eared -to be pertinent. ,iinasnuchli athisclinic is available to tlhe ëtown- slsip at large, and silice so many patients outside of the .organized- villages are using the facilities of the clitic. The 'bo)ard,, for this reason, feit justified in contributing the snal sueuîi of $15 per month to the support oi thse Chicago Tuberculosis Institute niurs. Mrs. Inez Bliss, w~ho super- j vises the center.. Three Board Members 1 hIs inembers, of the townsip boardof health are Mrs. Gertrude M. Th'urston,ý township suipervisor; Mrs. Mlargaret, S. Pierso n, township clerk.; and George R. Harbaughi, to\\nIsip 'l'le rep>ort ofJD r. Orvis ftôUuw5: -Co'<mmunicable disease w~a, ofluI iitd.fv nt only here. taut thr tugholit the ,îorth shore and the state at larige. TIh.ýre ha*ve been only elevefl asOs tight ineàalestwo .%hool)i.tg cuigli and. oîs~ "caiIetfever. Rýco-,'erY eurl iii all cases. *"\Vt have miade a special -fii-t duiiiig dî4tis ifitheria and snailpox was >aItd amioflg the children .ttetding iii" vuaschool and yoUnger children in the townshiip and Northfleld. Thère Mathew Francis Photo 'loth lite ,ers o!flhe Jitior aurdîorý'of thse, oan cu!; of if iîljjictte 2.C!ito art c ' IdttqlPJfor te ashitoa. Sholv ygiven as a a.ftjo.r part of thse bridq(' ea ita.rilialrv Is gùqi t aurAf flernon. February. .11, for local charit.ý i- vt hos' f'icttred above. Seatcd : froan le'f t1tyri.iiht., Stilla Trteska, A-lma3ntaMellbcrg, .Bessie ilY~,IIarict ois. Laov, ai;standing: fr<>uurleft to arijhlt. Ant Klopt'c i. l.iilf H all. Catlwrîwll ý1'Viss, A4lice Jamnes. Jane Butrril!. !iiael t'tb W .. asllitta1 is Centra J-Lazfrel. IP. T.A. News A Valentine party is planned by the dancing classes for Friday, Februarv 10, each child being requested to bring two valentines. The fourtlimi flfth study groups will combine and ineet at 4:30, instead of their respec- tiv~e hours. . John P, Steffens Gets, Purpie Hesart Citation -John P. Steffens, 315 Fifteenth Street, a Wilmette mail carrier, bas been awarded- the Order of the Purple Heart by the War department. He re- ceived tht decora- tion last week, and it was prcsented to hini forrnallv at. The toj2rnament wiIl be. an ail-day. aif air,- starting', at 9, o'clock in the morning, and the exhibition matches-, will be part of the eveningetertain ment., They wiil bring .together Frank. Vork, -Illinois' state champion. and Max Rushakof, Chicago district champion, in 'one match, and Yoshio Fushi 'mi,: japanese champion. and Ted Ping, Chinese champion and, champion, of the Ilüivc'sity of Ais-, consin in another match. There will alsîo be a doubles exhibition match be- tween Pearson and 'Lewis. western' open doubles champions,. and .Drake and .Hofer., runners-up for the, Illinois state championship. Utili.. 30 Tables *Thirty tables will be placed in the big gyrnnasium for the various sec- tions of the tournament, and'cofisola- tion tournaments ivill bc run off in ali 'divisions, it i im nowedt. Fqui- ment will be furnished. There will be boys' and girls' singles, men's and women s s ingles and men's doubles. Tl'lie bovs'.and girls' events wili bc run off i il the nmorning and evening and the men's and wornen tourna- ments in the afternoon and éening. SArrangements have been made for spectators to play ping pong, if they wish, as well as to watch the tourna- *Health. Dr. 0'Donnell was very kind ti donating his services for the %vork. Ita required four separate clinics. The L~very Thursday suorning over tetai number of children immunlzed was W A A F a fine. talk is given on par- 4!t. 1 think Mrs. Bliss bas completed ent train g s.e'lmore through the Wilmette. ig "l'lie Seticie o u ifnWelfare 'lnI Suffers Hemorrhage on '-iline.in-Winnetka hasbe:n availlble Street Friday NighC t)fam,,iles in the totwnshipl and Nrh Mr tenfens dur- ý ing the MI-Trld war - was ini the Thirty- third d ivisio,> Company C, 129th Infantry. He saw service ini France on four sections-the Somme, St. Mihiel, Verdun and the Meuse-Argonne. It iwas in the Meuse-Argonne engagement that lie was gassed on'October 5 , 1918.. to attract a large crowd ui ping puug enthusiasts f rom Chicago's suburbs, is being sponsored by the Tri.Ship Bioys' club and the Girls' club of the high school. There is to a small ad- miission charge, and the proceeds ,will be used to purchase ping pong equip- ment for the school. It was announced this week that [W"ilmarth Ickes of Winnetka will act 1Iý32 a total nie and à488 t ln health matt C. E. ~k will be aven ue. ary Il. en w ýone ca 3 ror