Anyone who so desires .may make use of this funeral home. It was created for the use of those we serve. "TeHouse qj Personcil Service" 1118 GREENLEAF AVE. WILMETrE 654 554 CENTER ST., WINNETKA 4"' Our, Mo ruaàr.yis Equipped.- with a Pipe Organ "h e Oldest R.stablishéd Undertakers on the immediate. Noeth Shiore Sueçror Ambulance, Service. Licensed Lady Atss1istant isoturPoliey 't'cars ago, Abraham Lincoln worked bis way frorn a poor shabby Iog-cabin borne to the pesidency of the United States witb residence in the White House. An insistence on absolute honesty in ail things was an important factor in his success. Like Lincoln, we too, believe that honesy is the best polivy. WIlinefte Coal & Material.Yard 1301LAK AVNUEPHONE WIILMETTE 4200. I fi- -1 1301 LAKE AVENVE