plan. In the evenmig -rnvrt-is to ,ue a reception from 5 :45 to 6:15: o'cloc'k at the C.icgo Womans club, 72 East Eeetstreet, . followed by a, dinner., Later, the Chicago Tuberculosis. society iil hold. its nmonthly meeting at which a speaker of nté illpreenta paper. Kappa Alpha Thetas to *Observe Foùutdirs.Day 1 ln observance. of.*thiesixty-third a nniversarY of ,the founding of Kap- Pa Alpha Theta. the Evanston Aium-ý nae association of the sorority V w act as hosis at the Founders day luncheoii Saturday, February Il'. at the Georgian hiotel in Evanston. *Invitation lias leen e'xtended to ai! *alumnae o'f the Chicago and subur - ban area 'to: joi with' the Evanston aiumnae chapter and the active c1hap- ter at North%%esterni universitv un11)1,1 thîs Occasion. Mrs. Marcus Hobart of Evan-stoni wiII act as toastinistress and the speakers will include M.\rs. D.* Blighi Grassett of \\Vinnietka. national treas- urer: M'rs. E. E. Stuits, oi Winnetka. 'district president;. Mrs. Guy Reed of Giencoe. Evanston alurnae 1ures- ident. and Mrs. R. M. Parks, pres- ideit. of South Chicago. " McClintock, Kosemnary LJay, 1Betty Rose, Pe ari Hickman. Louise Thomp- son, Babette Lavin. Helen, Sand- strom, and' Ruth Johnston. M is'S Voôle has recently had two m tore ea9,v teaching, pieces accepted for obia tion by a New York firm, whic'b will make ten pieces of bers which, this firm! is publishing. Churcèh Guild Announces Quilt Exhibit and Tea A 'colonial tea and quilt exhibit wîli be given by the Womàan's guiid of. the -'Northminster Preshyterian chutrch on Central Park avenue' at Harrison street ini Evanston on ýTues- day and WVednesday, February 14 an.l 15. The hours on the opening da,% will lie froin 2 in the afternoon until 9 'at night. and on the second dav' 'from 10 in the nxorning~ until 4 ini th-! afternoon. Mrs. 1-H. J. Pfandhoeffce: is general chairman. Aniong the many quits on1 displaN wvil1 be a numnber of antiques. Qih, 'patterns and patches. will also be oui sale. Chairmen of the committees will be ini colonial costume, The ex- hibit and tea, an a nnual affair, î-s openi to ail resiclits', of the nortI' shore. many of %NIom attendcfd last Junor -Dorothy MleLoretta Sturm,' Antoinette Richter, Louise flehrendt, Bylvia Keil, Lorraine Huncke, Agnes ,Reckert, .(Gertrude [à-aumrn., honorable mention-Margaret HolYman. Sophomors-MaÉ (Juala mii, Irene> aprFrances schmitz, Anna Sireit, LiwiaSesterhenni, Marlon Schneider, -W illam Ine Oe e ie 'M ary V entur ;. honorable mention - Anu .hïne Bech- têl, Virginla Btbland,. LoIsScîb*. Pr&shenDorthiBore.A,' o-L. mann, Mary3 Catti Richter, MNargar Platz;, honorable Kreusch., Municipali1 Section There vili be section of the Illi Friday. March3 thé. Palmer Hous be discussion of p Marshall, Giencog chajrnan o>f the Iuagule. Ail the .are rnembers. I..v> V là A lo("s . . . . . . Borchu .......'.. Blrïder Shema ........ ..Biider Veohavtoh..........Traditionlil-Shapir-) .Mchomloch .. ..........Binider Kedusha................Rogers Let the Words.........Shapiro Dut . *God Shall WIpe Away.Al Teatrs . . . . . . . . . Mi Taylor and Mis Lnng Sreo rhè ' Mighty God Hath Spoken" Lucille Long. . ... . . . . .. iqta rk rine Scni)lr anl etShmitz, Ade Miss T heresa Stenau menton Mr~ M Is Summoned by Death -- - Fnéral services were held Tuesdav League Law niiorning at St.ý Joseph's chutrch for' to~~~ MetSoiss Theresa Stenau, 1733 Lake ave-ý 1 to ,Cet oon une, who' died last Frid ayof injurié!, a meeting of the, legal ;Uffered -,ihen she-fell in bier hionm e mlois Munici pal league on Decemüber 14. Biarial tool, place . at .12:3Ù o'clock. atatorShidn e at which there wiIl a\FortStern.h a . er ,rohleis of importance sStnu hova, 0;.cr rne%,s, Alexander Il old. w-as born in Germanv and came )e Village attorne% 'is to thiicountry %Whet she wa. s 4î legl sctin o' te ears old. She had lived in \Vilniette villages ini New Trieriabouit forty-five years. During ther 'S.panishi-American war sle va s _as- _________sistant to the late Rev. 1 . J. \att ;pelles Fail manin wbien hie ias major cliaplain t11 pelles Fa l the Philippine Islands. 'lace in Contes-t Surviving 'Miss Stenatn are finirSs scbool's three repre-' 1 ters and one brother. al' of ~oN% 01 the Chicago Dailiv lire ini Germany with the exception spelingbee, -l ' of one sister. Nirs. F. 1. Heii richs ion of the contest in (f Minneapolis.' Norton A. Booz, 919 Forest avenue. i The Tw.elfth, Biennial State con-'i and Pearl MouPtain was second. entertained eleven' eigbth grade girls vention of the Catholic Daughters of, at a s'iumber party and breakfast Frn- America will be beld in~ Chicago in RETIJRN FROM THE SOUTH dav and Saturday, after which they 'May. Through the invitation of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Spitzniaglc ail attended the plav. "Alice in 'Wonî- Chicago assembly. the city will, be of 2907 Lake avenue returned last derland- at Nev Trier Higli schoi. host to the conference for the sixth Saturday from a fortnight's trip in time. Mf ns. Emma N'augbn, state re- the south. They went to Florida first Ellen Boozer ' 530 Essex road, Kenil- gent for the past four years. lias ap- and then 'took the large ailiner wortb. a student at Northwestenn, and pointed Miss Elizabeth O'Brien, past American 'Clipper, fnomn Miami to her friend. Josephine Punchart. wiIl grand regent of 'McHàle Englewood flavana,' making' the trip in two spend next we-n at Dartmouth court, as general chairman of the' af- hours and a 'quarter. After visiting Il--- 1fair. Miss O'Brien will be assisted in Cuba thev retnned by air to~ the j home of ivis. iAlbert' K. Pr icimiïaaii, 336 Essex road, Kenilworthi.' This is a social "get-togethen" for the five 'gil'ds. A, small fee will be asked of each one attending. CHAIRMÂN 0F FORMAL Miss Helen Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Lynch of 135 'Mel- rose avenue, Kenilworth, %vas genenal' chairman' of tbe music committee for the Freshman fnrmal at St. Marv's to'hen bridge 'club on Tuesday, !Fehru., N. K Levis of Evanston is in çbargc i41232.>eenwoocl avenue. entertained Ruth f olhnston. 321. Meirose ave- arv. o reenvtios.'. " 'hei bidge 'lub at dinnen Wednles- nue. left Kenilworth Fridav to re-ýen- 0day.. ter the University of Ilinois. Robert Byrne. 150 Oxford noad,. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hall. 172i Lake ' ' 0-o-- Keniiwor)tth. who was home between avenue, and their son, Dick. are back. Mns.' Johin NVilds, 244 Oxford 'road. Mr. and 'Mns. Clyde Eckhardt. 1228 senstr from. the University of Ilii- from a t 'wo weeks' motor trip to Hot Keniiwvorth. entertained at a smnall Greenwood avenue. are giving a diti- POS nos.Went back to coilege on Mondav. Springsz-. Ankz. luncheon Tuesday.lier part% Saturday. -h