Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1933, p. 3

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man, and iHenry r owler Qi %V iHIVUVe, vie plant roinme KceA.Liv VA. council president. TJ.his drive pro- Mr.' Udeil is continuing bis activ.- vides- for the administration of ities in the .publishing field in Wil- Scouting nterh shore' villages mette. with a new ýpublication known iru,îi ilmette to.Aýrden Shore and as the .Wilmette Bulletin with the west porthý shore villages frorn tempor ary headquarters in.bishome.. Glenview to the- Ubertvville-MuNftde -_________________ lein district., The total sum to bce raisçd ini the Courtney Will counicil is $19,O00 of which $7*500' is5 for aý deficit carried over. The act- Address Civie ual budget for council operations aid1 maintenance of -camp is, cut.-more eg eFe . , thaft haîf, or down to $11.500. ýEiery States Attorney Thomas J., Courtneyý dollar collected goes directly into the wiAllhe the speaker at a dinner meeting. work of Scouting.* No paid solicitors of the. wilnîette Civic league to be or experts are employed to conduct.lield in the Shawnee C,,ounltry, club the -campain Monday evening. February 20 at 7 N.ed $ e Scout 'O'clock. Sj.ý Duncau-Clark, well The actual cost for Scouting per know~n Chicago' journalist and a resi- boy is $6 in the North Shore Area: dent of the vilage, will 4i the toast-, concl.,Thati iê far below the . tst,;naster.. . national average figure available, Mr. Courtnevý will discuss 1.wEn- mlîich was $10.33. . f4rcemnelt iii Cook County." The parents of the Scouts are co- 'Since Mr. Courtney is making few operating with the troop conittees speaking engagements, the Civic league and the friends of Scouting are rais- Ilias taken this opportunity to invite ing these funds. Meetings of the municipal and civic leaders from al parents of each of the different Cub [the villages ini New Trier township to Packs, Boy Scout troops, and Sea attend the dinner meeting. Scout ships are being held in each of .'Mr. Courtney, who Nas: elected IaSt the eleveri districts of the couincil. At. November and assumned office at the the end of 1932 there were 1,427 Boy outset of the hew yVear. receiv ed a' Scouts in 54 Scout troops: 141 Sea, trnû efl )emnjirmn,.ii ..ln. Benjamin Il. .lfarshall. WI.Vlmeette, alid Clicago architeci. ha.s beeai .ç.'Ictetic b eSi11 ilîe'tté.s fie7v Postafo.il)î'be bif t athe.sorith- catcorsier Of Cenitral and Park av,~: murs- .7;stc onwr the, neîi fî'deral l,ildisiq is. e.rpected to stlrt t wthîn tivo months. C. of C. Takes In More New Members S everal applications for new or ad-' diiional miemberships ini the \Vil- muette Chamber of Commerce %vere accepted by tha, organization at Its regular mionthly lu cheon mieutinig M'ondav at Weeks' 'diniug rooml. Vhe new er are': of the or sale of his sensational explorations of the ocean depths off Bermuda-for high scbool and.grammar scbool cbildren of *the township at 3:30 o'clock in tbe afternoon.and for aduits at 8.o'clock in the evening. POPuIav Witk PupE.a Arrangements have been made with superintenidents .and pinipls of the gramm ar .schools in the four New Trier villags-Wilmette. 'Kenil- wortb, >WNinnietka and Glencoe-so that pupils can obtain tickets at these schools, as welI as at the high school, for the afternoon lecture. >Villagers desiring- to secure tickets by mail cat do so by writing to F. D. Frisbie at. tbe high. school. Mr.ý Frsbie isfaculty advisor for the Tri- Ship Boys' 'club of New Trier,. which 'is sponsoring Dr. Beebe's appearance on the nortI shore to s.wcll ts, relief f und. Usez Aunat.i Cartoonis The lecture Dr. J3eebe is giving this year, which deals particularly with his' submarine explorations at Ber- muda, is illustrated by animated car- toons and colored stides sbowing the inarvels of what the noted_.explorer and scienttist caîls "the fairvland un- fder the sea." 'portance of' continuing the support the north shore has always s0 hearti- ly given to Scouting, states: "Unlder present conditions character building * institutions are more necessary than ever before to 'Combat the destructive social influences, usually restrained, * which are breaking out. under the present order of. things. Everv con- structive influence on the niinds of adolescents must be stimulated to ship. H. L. Steed to Address Building and Loan Group The conmmittee interested ini the pro- posed WVilmette Building and Loan as- sociation, of which William E. Hughes is cliairman, is circulating a petition for the necessary signiatures to secure mette avenue. and C. C. Schultz, su- ine tons of 'water, yet clearer than perintendent of public %vorks. \il1 glass. afforded Dr. Beebe an oppor- lage hall.' tunity to record, study andl sketch Additionali nienberships were <ak- the mysterious if e that swain past eni out by the VVilnette Batterv and bis vision. E-lectric company. A. \V. jensen and FsiaigDsore Andv Frankovitch. joint owners, 740) . FacmtgDiors Twelfth strieet. and Frank Hlavacek. Those who have hecard,,Dr. Beebe -.............. ............. zv New Trier* News...... 20-21 Recreation ............. 1 Society Page . ......28 'Two nt. for 4.

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