Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1933, p. 45

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dinner meeting of the club wvill be held as usual in the Congregational church. The club announces that. it feels ver3, fortunate in baving Ma- daine Rost of Winette, as guest for the. evening. .She will talk oni -Heaith -and Exercise," giving démon- strations. The club f.eels, suire that mainvof its friends will be gladi to "list-en ini" on this talk. Exercise seenis to be the popular thi.ng nowa- days wbenl the ,slim, waistline lis. stili in vogue, but miore than ever before are pieople realizing 'the importance of eercise lu gaining and miaiintain- ing hetalth. Dinner! vvill be served at. 6:30, Thé clul> invites all business womiei to attend, thisý meeting during which tinie is provided to "chat about. cur- retît topics and the neé%vs about Ail the chairmen of, the various, conimittees will be asked tô makel-a> briei report on their activities. duriixg tlie past six months. At this time oppartutîity wiII be gh'ven to learn of the past activities and the plans for' the ititure. Miss J ennie Shantz, emiblein chair- mian,.lhas planned an interesting pageant for the social meeting in March. Those who are taking anl active part. ini the pageant are Ruthi Slown, vice-president; Nlrs. George * Hobitead, -Mrs. Clara Harrison, and, Miss Dorothy Boyington. The pag- eant will be presented to interpret the iiiaing of the five emblem figures. and 1Erntst j.r., and Suzanne I essmer, two brothers, Martin. Schlick of, Chi- cagoý and William Schlick of ýMarsh- field,>Wis,, and one sister, Ms Eliza- beth Lebherz of'Chicago. ,ln addition, to other relatives, sev- eral nieces and'nephews fromi Cani- ton, -Ohio, andMadisonl, Wis., came hiere to attend the funieral, wvhich wvas held Monday afternoon at the home Of Mrs. Carîson.:in Kenilworth. The. nieces and nepbews:'wbo attended the funeral were Chrles Tessier and MIrs. Martha Keener of Canton and Gieorge Sauthoif and Mrs. Frieda 01-. !s~on of> Madison. Burial took, place at Rosehill cemeteryr. [Kappa Delta Mothers Sponsor Evening Bridge Kasppa Alpha -Dlta.. >others' a- sociation is sponsorinlg an evening bridge party at the Chapter house, Northwestern campus, Saturdav eve- ning, February 11, at 8:15 o'clock, ýParents and friends of the sorority are cordially invited to attend, the association announces. Arrangements for the affair are in charge of Mrs. J. Walter Ellingson of 728 Noyes street, Evanston, Mrs. G. W. Neis- tandt, and Mrs. E. A. Brotison. The junior organization of the Seventh district will bave a. V-aleniitine party at "The, Hut" in Evanston thi 's Saturday afterno.on at ,2'clock., Mrs.,,S. Va'nInwagen, 308, Ses ci- teenth street, will be Iîosteqss at the regular montbly sewing m eeting Thursday evening, February '16. On~ Friday a fte rnoon, February 17, at 2 o'clock a tea for,,new% and pros- pective members wvlll be given by Mrs. E. A. Gould. 922 Forest aeu.Ms Paul Stade and Mrs. W. J. Benner will entertain with, piano and vocal select ions. Kaskaskia De A. R. Meets Next Truesday The February meeting of the Kas- held Tuesday, February 14, at the home of Mrs. George F. Barry, 1640 Chicago avenue, Evauston. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock. . Mrs. James V. SilI of WVilmette, chairman of thé Americanisnm and the Approved Schools coinniittee, bias charge of the day, ,and Mrs. John F. Dille of Evans- ton will be the presiding officer. T1he assisting hostesses are .Mrs. Melville C. C'hatten of 1025 flinsmore road,, members tothe it br.aturaay augnr informaI on February 18. at 9 o'clock, arranged to ýbe a rendezvous for everybody.. Supper will be served at. midnight. The affair- is' planined 'to meet the, desire that *somnething plan7 ned but strictly- informaI, with 'just' a feuw,,hours of dancing With an ap- petizing suipper, afterWards, be intro- duced at tbe club. P. T. A. Card Party Mids Highcrest Dental Fund Mlore than ,forty tables -of bunco and cards were in playý Wednesday evening of last week in the, Higb- crest scbool .,auditoriumn when. the Parent-Teacher ascain enter- tained to- raise money for a dental f und. Prizes and refreshments were donated by the mothers of the scbool children and, by several Wil1tettce business shops. Glasses were furnish- ed by the Ladies' Aid society of St. John's Lutheran church. Mrs. Catherine Schwall was general chair- nman of tbe party, while ber assistants were Mr. and Mrs. Donald .Hartnett, Mrs. Eva Brown, Mrs. Loretta Engels, Harry Kusmertz, Mrs. Harry Hasselberg, and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Toms. Tbe girls of the seventh and eigbth grades. served refreshments. held lu the Guild roomi of the Kenil- M-ortli Union church 'ruesday. Feb- .ruary 14., at 10 o'clock. Lunichetoi %vi1I be served. Mrs. %Valter Glass, Mrs. William Jenks, and Miss Mar- jorc .Xshby will be luniclîon host- APPETIZER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sean.,. 556 ('ree,îwood avenue, wilt entertaini con comittee whicb includes Mrs. AK G. Walker and Mrs. Charles F. Boss, JIr.. as assisting bostesses. BAHA'I LECTURE Tesubject of the talk to bc givCln at the regular service at the Baha'i bouse of worship, Linden avenue at Sheridan road, Wilmette, Sundav oti.nEiPWg. the rrencli Cale party whicKI was given by the Fortnigbtly club Satur- SEE PRE-VJEW day at tbe Evanston Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eckhardt, 1228 MNrs. Matthias is the former Helene Greenwood avenue, entertained. thi r- Seibold of Wilmette. ty-five guests at the Fox film studio Tuesday at a pre-view of a picture, DISCUSS TAXES "State Fair." A group of neigbborly people who are trying to solve the bigh tax situa- flIVIN<G VALENMTINE PART Y ,ionnnmet Wednesdav morning at tlie. 0o The Tuesday club was en at luncheon and bride this we( noe of Mrs. W. J. 'King, est avenue. rtained ôo at thé Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 Warwick road, 1 For- Kenilworth, was, hostess at two tables of contract 'last Saturdav evening. Miss Lisbeth Go street, entertained lier, bridge club, Fri 520 Seventh Edwin H. Colegrove, Il ie menibers oi avenue, will entertaint ly evening. Whist club February 15.

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