tionaries which familles boast are as .:1Id and out-of -date as a 1919-automo- bile.' They are. nenîarkable examIplesý- of fine bokbni, antiquated printing, and wood-block engraving. but are of venv little service today i this fast-moving world, wif h ifs ôver- night changes and, incneéasing nini- bers of words. While: the information these old dictionanies contain may be autheli- tic, one must remlenîber thaf mnany new, words are being dded. to, our language eveny 'ear, Add Siàx Words Daily Statistics on this subjecf reveal somfe venv sunprising >and startiing facts which slîould put the. individual intenesfed in keeping up with the times to thinking. It is stanting, but true, that six new Nword,sare %dded to our language eveny day. ffith the advent oyf radio. television, talking pictures and tlie napid ad- vance of ail branches of science anîd indusfrv new words are niecessanilv- coined at the rate of 2,500 a year.1 SIn f imes like f hese when industry and science occupy nîuch thonght oi the average citizen, if beconies more necessary than ever f0 understand wvords peculiar f0 theni in their ad- vance. In order to be kept .vel l i- G.enlemen: The people living ini the nôrth shiore towns will be retarded in their efforts fo anduce thieir frlends at- tending the fair to put up at their ho mes unless a 'quicker and more convrenient means of, transpôrfation is arranged;.* The. steamn road offers a quick and satisfatr transportation to the de-, pot bu t thé trip from the depot f0; the fair g rounds :will *be slow, and confusing. to strangers, and the rail-, way . liouM -provide bus .accommio- dations, *ith some, stub ticket ar- rangement -on a'25:ride ticket, cliarg- iingP sav $1.50 mor e than the regular price .of a 25-ride for the different towns. The bus îieed ixot enter the loop. f hereb y saving conisiderable time and, with guides at, depof and fair. visit- tors cati readilv find their way. A copy of this letter will appear in the loc~al, north. shore papers and the residents along the line wilI ap- preciate the value of this iniproved service that would lie shown b\- the. increased traffie. X:ery trulv yours. William L. Morris, Wilmetfe. Ill. February 3, 1933. Editor, Wir.MJTtýre LIPE: Bystander's analysis of thle polit ical situation ini \Wilmeff e. as se.t forth iii done a fine job in jig time. Thne only conclusion that is warranted is that the Harmiony Convention will d1o nothing except- to play tlrough and namne a, full ticket. 'Wl lîul it play polit ics or comnpronîisc in any wy?. It Lç here and wiIl bc here, by vint ue of* its self -pérpetuiafing chanacterisfics, in spifte of somne well directed efforts to*0lîead if off. There is no necessity for if f o compromis e. As for the "groups" and *facions" they find a neéw condition,,wif h the Harmiony Conîventioni an- esfablishied fact.. A new deal is c.alled.,for.. Any faction. or group, who really wants the best foi WVlmette will work in.accord with the' Harnîonv Plan. Evenl the Village p>arty îhtd.i seemus to the wrifer, abandon any, thbtight of any other course of ac- tion .and. will desist, from going for- wand with a41 r oed campaign apart frcrni the Harniony Plan. If any othen course is persisted in, if seems fairly obvious to the writen that it is simply an indication of sfubbornness wholly devoid of rivic consciousness. If the Village party: or any other group persists in private campaigns apant froni the Ilarmony 'Plan, it is difficuit to see why the Harmony Convention should take any accout strongest. contenders for the nonor Qf winningthe annual interschiolasfic, j im, Weckler. former- Senn ,Hi' gh school stan, who waâs the best swii-, mer on Coach Edgar B.'Jackson . Ne* Trierý squad this, season. recent- lv was declared**ineligible. on a schol- arship technicality. Despite tlie loss of Weckler, NeW Trien's senior swimi- migteamn won f romn Evanston. 30 to 19 last Thursda', at Evansfon. The M;ew Trier junior swimnliing teani als defeated Evanston, 27, t6126. flecause of- fh ineligibilîtyo Weckler. New1 Trier 'vas forcedl to forfeit thé nîeefs which was wvon froin Oak. Park. and I)eerfield earlier thi,. season. This virtually gives the $ul>- iian leaguç senior chanipiots hip to Oak Park. The New Trier junior swimmers are undefe.ated and expIect to win the league chianipionip:l') Saturday afenoon of thi~s week the New Trien senior andl junior swimming tearns will nieet J. Sterling Monton Hig.h school af Ciceno. I t wiIl be the final meet for the New Trier swimmers before the lecague iii- terscholastic next week. Higherest Girls' Team to Meet-Sharp Corner M&wa onelu, na d à f .. .ite Wrifen 1suspects is alear 0to te, ivasoneof the largesf ever accuni- heart s of many. Out paf ianchis are .uafdBig aid oe a. rather prône f0 decny "condit ions."f Dig M t. R.derThev seeni rathen fond of revolting t is flot inferred that mien anîd estbnî women todav have thîe finie norin (converainly) from f lie appallingt Centve t rea a pge adav n astate of affairs. One speaks f0 themn coen vé toaread abage a aceii2aabout things political asking why, mode dîtîoary butscacel 24they dIo tot ise and smife. One is hours pass that these people do liot invariably told- by Soandso that he read in the many stories contained hias made his flig and f lat, having ln thein niewspapers and periodicals stuck ouf his neck once or f wice foi of eents dévlopmnf sand app no i avail. lie is now convinced that name nameé bark mnost tions Sas candidates; and tiio§s 5 ýd will be in a. position f0 em- on thieir -candidacy under the forthriglit and favorable condi- that have ever before been pos- ini a Wilmef te election. Y ours very fruly, Randolph \V. McCanidlisli 819 Sixteent h st., Wilmef te, Ili. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Higncrest on the îatter's "oor. Results of last week's ganfies 11. which Highicresf feains participat.ed were as follows: Monday - High- crest girls won f romn Sharp Corner. 14 to 7: Tuesday - Highcrest boys losf fo the Howard school heavies 27 to 6; Friday-Highcrest boys won two gamies f rom Elk Grove school, irst teani by a score of 12 to 10 and the second team bv a score of 5 to 1. -Earl Borre sank thie wiuining field Bookbinding mefhods today have ary which they considen one of the .c,- made the modern dicfionarv a volunie1 best, a special deal which makes this Leonard E.. Stankel entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck, flot cumbe-some in size and difficult up-to-fhe-minute dictionary easily Men'ýs \hist club Wednesday eve- 755 Greenwood avenue. Glencoe will f0 .use, but a convenient and att ac- within the reach of aIl of ftle. sub- ning of last week at 1033 Elxnwood. enterfain tlîein evening bridge club for tive book quife "ai home" in.,fthe ,scribers fo this paper.' avenue, dinner next Tuesday afm m.