RATOFFý FRIDAY end, SATURDAY. FEIRUARY 10-11I CONSTANCE BENNET PAUL LUKAS -JOEL. McCRAE Startç Frldity 8:00; e:0 <hurle> Chase Comncdy ..strAnge As ET t es . erappy Cýartoomi8 Hllfy wood on Parade ... Utrotone News S4trday Matinee Oly-"TRE L<>ST SPFCIAL" é, Nlc -er, nitdFrank Albertson SUNDAY. MONDAY, TIJESDAY. PEBRUARY 12-13-4 ln beer-garden wai te r-grappler wh o falls 1tticater tiiis r-riuaLy iandU turUy. in love with Karen Morley. Wladak Revolving about the stormy rlo- Zyszko, f orme world's champiolin aîîce of a sea-captain's. daiighter wresler, is Beery',s.,ring. apponen .t in and a minillionaire's son when the for- the "'big -scene" of-the picture. mr one1a ie 1sorthis lew Hilarious excitement that the.younig' velicle is said to be the mast exciting in. spirit,,witb a slight bankering after onie ever portrayed by the famous horseplay. will devour- yep, 'tbat's sweethearts of the sc.reeni. Pictures- .*'Fast Life,," starrinig Bill.Hines, Cliff q (ue settings in a rocky cove on the Edwards, Madge lEvans, Cotirad. Nagel Maine shore -and aboard a big thré*e- and Arthur Byron at the, Varsity thea- nmasted schooner at sea, and the work ter an Friday and Saturday of this of a noted supparting cast headed by week. Itfs a, speedboat 'racingi yarn. Dudley Digges, Claude Gilinigate'r The Friday and Saturday mnatinees rand June 'Cljrde, 1 are: sa d to add. aller Chapter 10 of the tbrilling boof 1greatly ta. the enterta.ifment quality beat 4 sei7 TeDei os. of this production. Alfred Santelli di- The story ofahppily married na, etd suddénly iînvohved ini an illicit love af-" Both Plain and Faucy f air, is, simply and' logically told W. joe E. Brown 'dosý someý plain and the drama, "Cynara," Varsity attrac- IfancY aquaphane stunts lu his latest, tion for Moniday, Tuesday and Wed- jcornecy bit, "You Said a M.\oultfu."' noesdav, ebru.#y. 13, 14 and4 15. iheý picture which i.s shêwing at thie. Jim' Warlock, superbly played by \VXiliinette theater Sunday aud MNon- Ronald Colman, is a rising yotingi day, February 12 and 13. In this liv barrister with a hovely %vife (Kaylfis aided and abetted by Preston S. Francis). On the eve of their seventh Foster, bath of wbom are adepts with wedding anniversary, the wife hurries! the sea planes in which they are ber younger sister away f roum an ian- ihatled over the roug'h waters of the desirable romlanice.' Jim's friend, Johin lacific, at 'Càtalina. 1'island, at a ter- 'rring (Henry Stephenson). iliveigles rific speed. Jini iito dini:ng with two girls.. One, joc playing the part af au artless (Phyllis Barry) f ails in love with voiiti s induced ta step on the boardl Jinx-and the plot moves swiftly audi tlirough a niisapprehension, but inevitahly toward the coniclusion o)f a, manages- to stick on by luck and great story'!1 fitiaill topples into the water throuigh .. <*o ni .'.t> . . . ~rlU;iatrIe& K04Ym-l o- Pu. lru i -Notinîanly pliotoplays cati boast of four downright spell-binding examn- pies of acting, but "'Rockabye,', ithb Constance Bennett 'starred, is onie of the few wbicb does, according ta ad- vance reports. 'At the first pi ,the draina, cril t N<ews ývew of t'his RKO- s, conxmentiigo Miss Bennett, Joe1i J)lunges'ita 'the %water, it is 'really his skilled divin.g that makes it appear to l)e a funny accident. The story by William 'B. Dover Is filed withi uproarious situations. 1 Ginger Rogers, Shieila Terry, l'a- rina, of "Our Gang" comedies, Guiln .Williamns and Harry Grilibon art auîanlg thase. in the supporting cast. Three Storieis Interw.ave Warren William's tbree leading of thre, RM. OINSMON CRT7SOJEr'. .»OUEIBS Falrb and hýeard in -a miv .!Iscreen of alnorth will be seen iwbo saw biîm Wit Lct from the D)onald in "Monte ( theater.' ' less, bail his arrivai .uxute Mac- will doubt-, en.thusilasm.. GEO. RAF' las t to