Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1933, p. 37

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buildings ofthte nortfl shore, the in- teresting windows containing niedal- lions depicting the story of' books and learning planned. by ý Mr. Koch and the beautiiul carvings ini wood 'and stone which, have beeti douie for the interior. Af'ter seeing the library.,the group wiIgo. to the Treasure, roomi and there sec an.exchibition of, C. h. Ricketts of Wilrnette. The collec tion, aiter the -collections of. J. Pierpont M,organ in. New "York and'that. in the «Huntingt-on, Library at Pasadena, Calif., is the Most extensive collec- tion of Latin illuminated manuscripts in the United. States. Mr. Rickctts ha-, brought the manuscript., together ovr a period of fi3rt3y years and they * triti a unique collection in that they 'have l)cen broughit together on the bas is of flieir àrt1stc infte' sis i meit rather than from 'thé 1u1'torical or antiquarian or collector's. point of 'ieW. Miss to T1he mette prograr M'atil da Uteeht Address Group Here Vonan's society of the \Vil- ýaptist church i s prescnt ing a iin the intcrcst of "Christian mizatiori" Frday, Feb)rtarv.% Pink ýand white carnations and snapdragons decorated the William B. Lucke house at 394 elder lane, where the service took p lace by c ani- dlelight 'at 6 o'clock Saturday eve- ning. No guests were present except thé ininiediate families of the bride and lridegrootn. TIhe Rev. Hermian W. Meyer,'pastor.of St. Johni's Luth- cran churchi IWilmctte, read the. serv- ice. The bridegrooni, son of Mr. and Mr.R. E. Bakerof 205 Fifteeinth street, Wilmctte.. had Albert Zibhle of Wilmctte as bis,,best man. Mr. and Mfrs. Baker have taken an. apartment in, Chicago, at 206East- wood avenue. Henry Furst, Jr., Dies 8atwIda7 t Age 'f 69 Heury Furst, Jr,. 502 Washingtoni avenue, P. cut stone contractor, dicil last Saturday at the age of 69' ycars. Mr. Fürst wvas borti in Chiicago. Ile had lived in Wilettc for the past nine vears. Surviving buii are bis widow. Mfrs. Ftrieda Fur-st. one daughi- ter, Nrs. Raymiond 1. Scliuller, andl two granidchildren, 'Marguerite .lulia and Frances Jane Schuller. The fineral sriceswe~ re held at the, First Churcli of Christ, Scientiat Tenth Street and Centrai Avenue Wilmett, 111. SUN»AY SERVICES-il A. M. WEDNESDAY- - TESTIMONIAL MEETING- 8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHIOOL EXERCISES - 9:-45 A.. FEBRUARY 12, 1933 Subjecet: :"4SOUL"W READING ROOM-1148 central Avenue Open Daily (excepiing Wednesday): 9 A. M. to, 6P.M WMednesday 9 A. M. to 7:-45 'P. M. Satudav 9. A. M.-, to 9, P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker, Eddy aidal éther anlthorizedl Christian Science Literature moy, be read, borrowed or purchaed' et te Reading ROOM. THE P17RLIC 19 OORDIALLY INVITEO TO ATTEND THE CHUIRCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE RIEADING BOOM I RAYPRICU-AIDJUSTMIENTi of Xinnetka, -wïil sing a group of cott. of lilleter. %weuvguests o Italian songs ini keeping Nvith the NMrs. l'Fd\in Hadlev, Jr.. of Highland theùxe of the prograîn. Park, Wednesday at a litien showcr and bridge tlchteonii i honor of ARDEN SHORE MEETING \[arjorie Ashiby. The Arden Shore board of \Vil-'o- mette will rncet today with Mrs. W. Mni. and M.[rs. Louis Stuekoif, 819 M. Harridgc, 1440 Forest aventue. Chestnut avenue. left 'Sundav to mo- This will be the first meeting at' ton to Miami Beach. Fia., wh-Iere they which the ncw members wi'll bc pres- will spend six weeks. ént.' ________________ E -',-' ' :Om I - g ITeievrapl RorJtI 235 RIDGE ROAD STIDIIO 1606 CII ICAGO,&VLE., IEVANSTON UNI. 2238 1 , a 1 . 1 . 1 ý ý 1 1 1 . 1 , . . . , . . . - > , 1 7- , 1 , - 1 . ý 1 1 1 1 . 1 . , . m o m a

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