years old be graduates from ' Cub bc no charge for the ladies. Pack 60 into Troop 13. In the 1932 Mr. and Mrs. Thornas Coyne, 240 Troop l3 registration there were 37 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth. who Mrm J. I. Thompson, of Ben Avon boys that had been Cubs. The 1933 bavre been motoring.tbrough ,Florida Heights,.Pa., and ber daughter. Ruth, Cubs are as foilows:. the* past mnontb, are çxpected b orne wbo attends. Nortbwestern university, Arthur B. Adair,, Robert Anderson. early next -week. Mr, and Mrs.' Ros- were the- uests of Mrs Tor p Glený Anderson, James ,Bay. Albert weliICoynie (Charlotte iclcbart) bavre cousin, Mfrs. Albert Page, 901 -Asb- Buehier, 1Loula Brennier, .ui~Buhr Jlm lcwe.Jc areErd been keeping bouse_ du ring tbeir ab- land. avenue,' during Rutb's mid-se- Claffey, Robert,'lark, Wendàll,,Clârk. sence. etrvaation GIVEPFAND WE1GI "f wai, tired, runt-down and thin àà a ra Il. Slnee taklng Vinol (iron ton~te) . mleep1 wýelIl, eel better and have galnted 10 lb>1." - R. A. Cromûberg. Vinol gla del icloum. Renneckar, D)rug CompaUY., IThis new Ianip lais adouble 5f.! 1141 CENTRAL AVENUE Waosy other local lamp dealers ais, seli hs new, reflector lampa I