vice-chairliiaf, heaci thle Wilmette District Scout. comlmittee, while, Rob- ert McNeil .Burns, district chairnian, assisted by L. D. Jones, vice-chair- mian, -direct the Kenilworth district P Scout corn ittee. L E.- Matson is Winmette district -commissionter. Hre folows the personnel of eacli unit: CUB PACK, 56 (Wilmnette, Methodist Church) Ranidaîl ,Hamnrick, who -until re- cently wvas asistant Cubmnaster at the Glencoe Methodist church lias assumed the Cuhmastership, of Pack 56. On the commnittee representlrlg the -clurch areJohn Nichols, 0. E. Geppart, and G. .L, White. Several l)oys at the end of the year had be- corne twelvc - year - olds and were, * jraduated, intci .Scouting frorn th~e Cul) pack. This leaves only eight boys to start the new year, but the *Pac'k is, continulally growing. H-ere are the naines of the Cubs: Gordon Evan.ý, Donald *vnWil- liam Everam, Hlobart Gary, Richard Hlickniafl. Wesley Hlickniax, Fred Lee- man. Robert latson. * CUR PACK 63 g (First Congregatioflal church) Pack 63 was -the first Cub pack or- Starting in tnetalis, oau"Illý. issumed the Cubxnastership.. 'On the Cab Pack conlxnittee are A. Seddon, -hairnian; Tirreli Ferrenz. Warren T. Fifer and Rodney Perrill. The Cubs rcgistere(l for 1933 are: Charles Biringer, Williamr Dodds, Mer- ril Hloefer, Donald Maxweil. Jack Mor- ri.;, Dick Neukraflz, Rodney Perrill; Ar- thur Seddon. Robert Frei, Bill.,Stewart, B3rooks bas been a Scout in1 troop since he 'was 12 years old,1 nôw on becoMing 18, bas béen * ltntd On Mr. Wiison's comnîittee H. C. Toeppe, Robert Crawford,z Howard Hindley. Scouts are: Arthur Brooks. Donald Burgg, AU Carpenter, James.Craig, i eliCrawtvf .Henry. Crawford, James Crawft Daid Davis, Dorland Davis, Jai Donahue,,Jr., Robeft Fletcher, How Fogg, Paul Lang,, Fra.nk Randall, JUck Randali,,. Harry Ray,- Jr., Spinney,.,Jamnes Streeter-, Donald-Tç î)en, Lionel Toeppeni Robert Vogel. the but pro- are anid Ibert ord, tordi oard Jr., Bill T1ROQp s3 (Mthodist church) . .Matsoù,, chairman of Troop m' conitee, has the activeu- port of members of his comimittee, nanieIy, B. 'M. Cox, R.ý C. IMoulding, Paul A. Stoker, and F. Il. fird. 1 he troop is eleven years old, having l)een organized in J;anuary, 1 922. Trhe Sccutnîaster, Willard W. Osborn, lias actively carried on this duty since September, 1929. 'H is assistant Scoutmaster is a seven-year veterail Scout, Jeromne Nevins. The troop bas twenty-six Scouts: James Anderson, Charles -Beck, Fred Bir. Gordo,1n Rling, Lester Bratton, TROOP 4 (St. Augustine's Episcopal church) Thîis ten-year old troop is spon- sored by an active conimittee repre- senting their parishi. t is comnposedL of O. H. Berschi, clhairnian. and Hien- ry Fowler, Carl F. Sterner, George E. Leai. Randolph McCa.ndlish, and cott, Edwin Maie, Van McWuQide.Louis MelchoIr, Bill, Moody, Charles. Moon, Richard Ogilvie, Fred Popper, Charles Ripley,, Locke Rogers, Phil Rtogers, Richard Rtogers, John Sauvage, Uobert Scheibel, Roy. Scheibel, Richard Shapiro, ,Lowell, Snorlf,, Pte. Stewart, Ashtonl Tagylor, lick Torrey, Rodger Venekla- sen., Jack 'Weigel. TROP 8, (Wil mette Baptist church) The, Baptist Ttoop's comftmitte is comprised of the Rev. George D. Alli- sonf, chairman; Harvey, N., Bowen, W. A. Kendrick, 'and H. J. Dernehl. john C. Blaylock- is. Scoutmaster. rroop 8 was first orga.nized in March, 1926. Although having its: troubles during the* last, few nionths and> not very active at the present, the troop is getting reorganized for this year and anicAatesa goodýcomacc. The Scouts at the close of last year were: Tom Allison, Herman Birlauf, Lee Blaylock, Homer Bonnern, Jimmie Chronis, Hall Clark, Rowland Davis, Ralph Elson, lRollo Gulltckson, David Haas, M. Herberliolz. Jack Jacoli, How- ard Jones, Da.vid Kindrick. Stewart Lake, Larry Tower, Kenneth Wax, Gordon Wells, Roger Willams, Haldane Wilson. TRM là d the leadership of Scoutmaster Ctrtisi Colegrove, with the assistance of Irv- ing Hell er. The committee repre- sening the club is: Dr. A. H. Fuessie, chairman; Hugh Welter, E. H. Hami- ilton, S. M. Peterson, and Dr. D. W. LRapp. Eighteen percent of the Scouts below who have registered for 1933, have also subscribed to Bovs' Life Magazine: and L. N. Brenner serving on the cornrittee. The skipper, Kenneth R. Borge.n, is assisted by :.two xmates, Philip A. Born, Jir., and james E. .Baker. In the, ship, are the. follow.,ing Sea Scouts: Richard Born, Theodore Buck,. Wil- liamn furrili, Hughi Carrington, Arthur DanGeorge Grommes, Martin lier- =ehozRoyal Martin, Grenfel Older, John Pearson, John A. Shaniki Edward Shapker, Ludwig. Skog, George Wood, C. J. 'Zipprili.è, John ZIpplIch. SEA SCOUT SHIP, ARGO (Wilmette Baptist church)' >Sea Scout Ship 43, -inmeci "Argo," lias mnade fine progress in Scouting since it- was. organized. tbree years ago- in December, 1929. Percy H. Arden lias been the skipper the en- tire trne and hias the support of a strog comnrittee now comprised of W.0*Hass, E~. fH. ICnz;, W. C. ITht- .gins, and Arthur Scott. The group owns its own Sea Scout boat and hias taken nurnerous cruises on the lakes. t lias spent much timé in keeping the boat in fine running con-, dition. It is a cutter and rigged by sailing as well as 'by pulling. The Sea Scouits registered for 1933 are: WUlbert Kuliz, David Haas, Lee Blay- lock, Lester Bratton, Walter 0. Haas, Richard Johnson, Fred Leason, Robert Johnson. particular, set-up in the village and because of tie strong leadership wel capable of mnanaging a larger grôup. Robert Townley bas been the Scout- master there since the troop started in Mardi, 1919. He has hinîself beeti ini Scouting. since October, 1910. Un- der the leaders.hip of Mr. Townley practically every boy of Scout age èin Kenilworth is a Scout. The troop iliD SE I,.,A iderhoff heads the troponi avey, Hari wvith the following mn ac- ard Kent, F serving as memibers 'of, the G. Meyeir,' JSa wnley was the first to rt (Continued on page uKi 3ohnà Samue long ýL