regular meingJI vvneaa V IEbU drICIJIVI the public is invited ta attend Sunday. aternoon f ram 3 until'6 o'clock. Mrs. Carey Orr andMirs. Walter U. Clark o-f the- art department, af the club are 0 the cliairmen of theFeh)ruary exbibit.. Charcoal, water colors and oils, are by the, students ' f .Kari Gassiander, while Miss Clara MheGowan's stu-. dents. show black and. white designs, textile designs in colors, wall hagngings in, batik and in 'lack. prints, and block prints of book plates and .Christmas cards. Thé eight block prints-:made for the art work of the Northwestern Syllabus. arealso being shown for the first time. The advanced pupils in interior dec- .(ration under the. direction aio Miss Anna Helga Hong are exhibiting fivÉ plates covering the different types of * periods inhomnae. £urnisiing. ,The. American plates represent the pilgrim, colonial and federal styles, and there is a modern plate, and an early Eng- Ilsh plate. The sixtb illustration is aý plan for the interior of the Zeta Tau! Alpha house on the university campus which, the class bas f urnished in a con- servative non-period style. Among tbe talented young people rejresented in the group. are Dean Chinnian and Lucille Wilkinson, stu- Originality' and persoiïalitl are ainong the impressions which onîe car- ries awav f rom the exhibit. At, times titnskilled and l aboriing in mastcry, work rarely descends to flat conventionality. Oîten subtle in idea, the college student vvi<ently strives for. meaning and thought in his art. Abstract painti.ngs, and unusual motifs. such as an- airplane ur the Palmolive building in the de- place, Unicago. Miss Crocicer and Mfiss Hill will be guests ýof nortb shore. alumnaeý during the ýtWo-day s .ession. The, former willbe the bouse- gu est of Mrs.. Ralph Brown of XVin- netka. :The latter will 'be enter taineci at the haone of Mrs. RalphCburch ini ÈEvanstan. Already word bas been received that two representatives fron the Cleveland College club will attend, the conference as, will. one deleigate tram Milwaukee. Mrs.-Henry Bourg e of Cleveland, céouncillor, will behç the. guest. of -Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor of Glencoe. Registration 1for, the Friday, a fter - noon session'I at I :30,o'clock, with tea. following. and for the Saturdav morning meeting at 9:30 o'clock. witb luncheon served. afterwards,. are ta.). be made with Mrs. Ralph Brown. 712 Prospect avenue, Winnetka, who is chairman of the conference. XIrs. ,Alfred Taylor. 528 Madison avenuie,1 Glencoe, is in charge of arrange- nients. The second conference of alunmna-, of thjs region is called by the execu- tive board of the Chicago Wellesley club) in response ta a réquest af dele- gales ta the first parlev. recent meetings of th te t.radinate council, wil compose the prograt iio the conférence. Book Reviews Start ai Woman'*s Club Feb. 15 The first of a series of book re- views for this year under' the a us- ila. 59 er Good quaflty Oak leather haif se nd strong.ý durable ,ubber fhelswilI b. put on shosof an y iz..Wor.- manship'and mateials quarane..d. P1l soles .< rubber leis-: ho es lsk. ew-spectiil ai $1.39. Riedutced rates for .Corne being held in Vienna undler the aus- pices aif the Austrian Werkbund. Eric Nelson, 923 Oak street, Win- netka, at 2 o'clock Monday, Febmuary W. C. T. U. MEETING 13. Thle speaker of the afternoon The Wihnette-Winnetka W C. T. will. be -Mrs. Frank Briggs of Wil- U. will meet'atthe borne of Mrs. mette. FRENCH LICK SPRING'S HOTEL C0. French L'là, Indiana> T. D. TAGGART. Pmeideat @$Home of Plut. Wafer" H., J. FAWCETT. Monager