MIrs. Maurice H. Licber of Win- netka lias a large conîittce of representatives of. various NwOM'e&s?. clubs, in the.* Tenfith district assisting b.er in nmaking arrange ments for a citizenlsbip sehool ta be_ bediçiitisý inonth. simûilar ta the' onie beld at thé Winnetka Woman'is club iin October. The second >school is to bce held at the Rogers- Park Xoniahs club* Tht;rsday. February 16. XMrs. John B. Bartholomnew, represcnting the, Wilmette Woýbman's club, Mrs. W. A. iCloisy. for the -Wiimette Catholir Woma»!'s> club. and Mr-s Frank .Di L.oomris.,for the Glencoe Librarv%, club. are, some of the members of .Mrs. Lieber's committee. "Lobbying in. Springfield" will- be the subjcect 'of a, talk to be given in the miorning by 'Miss Auidrey Hayden. executive secretary of tie Illinois Society for the Prévention of Blind- ness. Mb4s Haydieil ha s seiit iuélh time in Springfield latelW. in the iii-. terests of the Silver Nitrate bill, de-. signed ta safegutard the eyes of babies: E. 0. Griffcîihagen will givc the afternoon àddress, speaking on 'Lo- cal Governmnents ini Chicago and the Metropolitail Area." His talk will be based on bis remint report on the consolidation of tax-paying bodies iii Cook countv. Thi' Neighbors -of wil ebrate Iheir birtIsda vat a liunch4 Kenilworth ,4sse,,ibl",ý, h '-Cigjhth i the It i quie possible for even a gar- den club to inject ino its programs something beyond the mere discus>-, sdon of how to conquer pests and 10M. ta' maket wor flowers grow Wvbere on- ly onie-or flnc at. all--grciw before. This variety of topics and speakers lias- kept the programsý of the Even- ing Garden club outstat.ding,, fr.esh. and lively, and bas undoubiedly been anc »of the reasons ini the success of the club. James H-. Burdett. of N'auglani's Sccd coinyWill show vicws of gardens of piate estates ini the East. Pictures of this sort. never fail to inltërcst ah garden loyers for tbcy, jshoiv the beauty of many -places onc could liot :ever :have the chance to 'visit. Mr. Burdett is gaàrdenë editor af the Chicago Daily News and bis nailne is .i4ia o.a -girat. siany; Mrs. Lucile D. 'Mixer %vili entertailn with several rcadings appropriate to the oIccasioni. Theù FEvcning Garden club is this yea r liaving a program chairman for cacb inonth. This February meeting lias been arranged by Mrs. Esther R. Stotie. It %vill be bield as usual in the loulige of the WVoman's club. Tw'Nelve tableaux,.marking the higli lighits of Illinois history are planned for the next fine arts nxetinig of th'r ,,Vomai's Catbolic club 'of Viliette. whichi will be lield in the large audli- toriumi of the Woman's club bouse on FridaY,. Fcbrua.ry 10, at 2 o'clock. Tis program is iin charge* of NtMrs.., ArthurXW.' Boylstoii,pa.qt president. opening wvith appropriate vocal slc haons l)y Miss, Flora Blaineuser. The Ihistiortcal'.evenlts >iortrayted and the inembers taking l)art-follov:ý Father Marquette addressing the indians. ýFather Marquette, Miss Emima Donn- nersberger, Indlans-MNr,. NW. E. Gen- * ler, Mrs. R. T. Markhanu, Mrs. J. E. Ta rieton. LaSalle establlshitig posse.sýsi.oit of Fort St. Louis atStairVed -Rock. LýaSalle -' Mrs. George P. Lundy; IToty-.Nils. Oeorge Roger s ('Iarik atKaktk. H3qlg.Iogers Cak-r.E. 'W. 3bS' -î nia-Mr~s. C. M. &iliva.n. Ai n (u-door sene shovifg a group oef vii-Žv wnun cooking thieir evening meai 'by tcampii fire-MIrs. A. W. Froelffe and 1-rs. C» . (- aliaha i. %Irs. Shadrach Bond, ifie of hrst Govei'nor "of Illinois spinntflg oo1- - lis. A. J. Rtassenfoss. Nancy llanks'. Lullaby-Mn4s. Go.rdonr iitz, Incident of Civil War portraying a Sis- ter of Charity and a dylng soldier. Nun-Alrs. G. A. 0Gladson ; SOIldier - Mrs. E. B. .Cunningham. Mlary Todd Llncolt-MrIs. <f, C. Nie- Carthy. C'hicago Pire ini 1871. Mrs. O'Leary- Mrs. D. J. Harrison., *Mrs. Reginald. Ford and M\;rs. Lieber will answer questions frain tthe "Inquiry Box." The district presidenit. Mrs. Ivor Jeffreys.. and the president of the Rogers Park WVoman's club will speak, anid there will be commuinitv singing. 'Never iii the history of citizens bip train ing, bas thiere beemi a greater *wiIl bhè /'rséelt as gulesis of honio. on Hibbard road., The prograin is. ta - e provicled lb'v the draina graup ni Aftcr the luncheon.' Gav MacLaren .the club, and. is a play by Howard will prcsent an original dramatic in- Reed entitled. "Be a' Little Cuickoo." terpretation. Miss MacLaren bias been It is said .ta* be rather nonsenscal- termied "l'le lbtiman speaking movie." the titlc wauld suggest such ta be the the "'Ome-Girl Plav Company." "The case-aind an evening of amusement. Girl With the Camera Mind," and "The ini the lighiter veiin is pramnised. Girl With a Thousand Faces." "She The. last meeting o f. the drain o1n Of. 'vmite, âI(-.'. S. bchroeder, Irs. J. Il. Waike r andl Mrs. IP. J. Joyce. Spilît of Illinois. Comîcluding, S a n i (11)n r g's. book, "Mary :Todd Lincolii" will bc re- viewcd by anc of the members, Mm.; Fred Clark. The 1)agcanttlias l)een skillfuhly di-, rected by Mrs. 1.ouis \V. Crush, and the script mhich. vas deftly writtcn by 'Mrs. Frank X. Thale, ivili he read postponied Unitil Mirs. 1P( Arden il -IW tn Players are puittîng on "The Tbiree day ev( MtusketeeËs." ."If yvan islito bave o'clock. vour child join the party. cal Mrs. bunco,c Stanley ý-johiison," the club annou nces. me1nts 'W: :her's club of St. joseph'S- Ihave a card party Tues- ýng, February 14, at 8 here will be bridge, 500, chre, and "M6". Refresh-. be served. thler n i