Uday Shan-Kar, a native of Bengal, has. recruited ,a, group of native dancers and musicians ýaid staged a truly, theatrical'performance depict- ing thedances of. India ini ail their exotic 'beauty, one of the most atir- ring,,spectacles in Western experi- ence. Shan-Kar, who at One time.,assisted Anna Paviowa in staging. her Radha Krishna ballet; One of the outstand- ing hits of. the.day, iearned.the dance and music of bis native land in bis childhood. Fotiowing bis engage- ment with Pavlowa he. decided to present to the Western world the real àncienit India as depicted in its.dance forms and music. ýAfter many years of training thé e goùp he recruited f rom bis native land, hie brought the production to Paris. This year hiée came e ,Aiweia for the first -timne, and bas had over twenty perform- ances in New York since bis arrivai the first of the year. The dances deal with love, and *dealing with love they play the whole octave of emotions, ranging f rom en- chantement, melancholy, and opu- lence to erotic ecstacy, rising finally to their culmijnation in tbe rarèfied2 air of divintv. The splendid cast atone.issufficient to recomznend this nçuwést production of the precious inwsical. gem, ýfirst presented -by' the -Messrs. Shubert in 19U4 and it returnis to Chicago. niot as a reviv al but as a survival of ýthe mostsucessul peretta eer written. Tn the fopregro6unc of an unusualiy large roster are George Hasseil, who wilsing the role. of "Luti, Allau jones will. play the "Prince," Ger- trude Lang-"Kathie"ý-John Chartles, Gilbert will 'be heard as "Doctor Engel." Others:in the'cast are Betti Davris, Berta Donn., Lorraine Wehnar. Manita Powers, Chartes Çhesney. John -Goldsworthy, -joseph ,Torer, Charles, Har%-ey and Robert O'Coi-' nfor., In addition '.to the famous male student choruis, there are the al- turing girls in rich and striking cos- tumes to compgte wiiji the Ieight-ý fui singing and dancing that marks "The Student Prince." Further wel- corne news to playgoers is the fact that the plece will be offered ini Chi- cago on its return enagagement at "4popular prices." The rousing score of Sigmund Ro-. berg's best-loved operetta is stili ful and vital to the brim, providing enough mielody to stock haîf a dozen ordinaru nmusicals;i wbiie the storv o; Uday Shaei-Kar wcitla a compa4ny of Hindiu dancers and<Iusiçiqss ?viII stage a thcatrical Performance in Chicago this Satin-day venilg whéich tc'iII depici ny dances of MetroPolitan Stars -Coming in "Tosca-" ka Muùsic clu.b.ýý. Although Russian by- birth ,Zii- balist is in >miany respects an Amer.- icanarit He is an American cit- izen, makes, hisý winter home in Nev York Cilty. and bis suminer. home ini Connecticut and bas two childreil born in this cotuntry. Ziinbalist was horn in Rostov-oi-, Don, on April 9, 1889. 1-is first te ach- er Masý bis father, who was an. or- chestra leadier. ýThe boy showed sucli extraordlinary gifts at s0 early- an age> that when be- was onty 9 vears otd he became first viot.inist. in a grand opera orchestra. And it va-; flot because bis 'father hapipened to. be the distinguisbed director of the opera bouse, for the eider Zimbatist was the niost exacting master Efreni ever hait. It was only -at the in- sistence of tbe older musicians that the father finally consented to entrust bis vouing . son witb so important -a post, Altbough an active cbild, fond of sports andt fun, Zinibalist had au ab- solute passion for music. It was tbis insatiable desire to master music in ail its forms that decided bis father ini sending him in the auturnn of 190,', oteItntina.io1 enrvratrin St. niystery land of India, is in itsetf strange, beautifut, and thrilling. Some one hundred and twenty instrtiments are useit by the group. Musicale Is Àttended by North Shore Guests Hostesses at a nuisicale on Thurs- day evening of tast week were Miss AtexnderBloc -w'i 'm-he-ue- A novelty wiil be furnishied by the of the Wornan's Symphony orchestra spainlVens ntMtooi in its concert at the Drake Fe.bruary tan opera star, Maria jeritza, who, 12,plain th Bethvenvioincon- as Tosca, wilt appear for the irst certo and conducting Wagner's heigrnopainCcg. "Siegfried IdN,11," Liszt's "Les Pré- John Chartes Thonmas, Arnerican tudes" and the overture to Lalo', "Le baritone, wilt sing the rote of Scar- Roi1 d'Ys." pia. Mario Duca, discovery of Gior- For the orcliestra's fiftii concert g'o Polacco, will have the tenor 19 W-L- ...rote of Cavaradossi. Vittoro Tre-. Class in Rhythms for Young Children Miss Kathleen Air of the Columbia School of Music has a class iii, rhythms at ber Winnetka studio for a cunning group of verv youig chul. dren from 2 to 4 years otd, wllo aro being taught the various rhythm, tbrough actions. The cbildren firsi --.----- tg 'further informna- I he program is to ýbegini at and will bc followed by tea. 3:301. nfve, organ ry 23! ýnu gave 1 more, pianist, week of Katherine El J 'he program. rano, - Iii