Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1933, p. 1

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. e New An, League ent-i of ,Ippro%-aItif, a sIate of candidatel, voted i1upon at the TOsiieection pr~~~April 4. w4s fôrnlially ajp- provd h -te .New T'Irier C;tizell> league in session last Saturdav. Candidates :endorsed hy the league.' %with bujt-few' exceptionis. are incunm- hents who l1ave served the ýtovnship, for several vears. The list inclu*dcs, For~ ~ - Tovn Hip iglhwavý Co"nîs \%ne. 7alter IMîlis. Gecc For Towniship Clerk, Miargaret -S. Pierson. ilnette. *For 'Tow.ishil) Colleetor. Saii(rui laie. \XVinnetka. For Assessor. George R. Harbaugli. \\'iliiette. - t. Thurston. \irinetka. For Justices of the Peace: Ralpli E. Sinsheimer, Winnetka, James K.! Caihoun, Glencoe; Frank Pavlik.i Kenilworth: Edmund . W. Burke1 Wilinette; Daniel M.. Mickev, XVil- mette. For Constables: Jacob Rudolph. GIencoe: Alfred A. Schiempp. Kenil- wortb; Clarence Schafehien. Winne.t- .ka ; Arthur Peters. XXlmette. Alnton ]-^Igels, Wilmnette. DO LLAR DAYS' SHOPPERS ýDOLL AR..DAYS, CONTINE. F,'riday a. nd Saturday. B CAUSE -of -inclement weather conditions' which ha ve made Dollar Days' shopping for many villagers impossible, the values offere d for Wednesday and Thurs- day will atill be aval-biê o*- Friday and lSaturday at practically every store in Wilmette. In other- wQrds, Dollar Days in Wilmette wiIl be extended to include Friday and Saturday and 'thus provide shoppers with ample opportunity to avail themselves of the rearkable values. offered. The foilowing is a li of merchants' cooperating in extending Dollar Days oveer Friday and .Çaturday: Sho p aïônai 1Tea. r»ii rrom terests; F 1 1ng On invitation of the Village board, a committee f rom the Wilmette. Cham- ber of' Commerce is being selected:to Study.the present Village code and the proposed revisions in the code or such parts of it as m ay be particularly 'in- teres ting to-the Chamber., A. S. Van- Deusen, Jr., president of the, Chamber, was authorized to appoint sucbi a com- mittee Monday of this week, when the business mùen's organization held its regular >monthly luncheonl meeting at ..'eks'* dining room. For several months the judiciary conimittee. of the Village board bas been %,vdrking on a revision of the Vil- lage code. wbich bas flot been changed since 1916. Before finally aclopting the ~redvetttcode jpublic erangs are- tob held on the matter. In addition to secu.ring the views of individual citi- 7etns concerning proposed changes in the codKe, the Village board also is desirous of obtaining suggestions from the Chamber of Commerce as topor- tions of the code in which the Cham- l)cr may he particulà-r1y interested. Kimui. Pen* Letter The following letter f romi Harry C. Mkt. 'Trier to.wnship has agreed as, tollows : 1 "if ncninted and eleeted a Town-l ship (Collector of New Trier township 1 agree thâ'i any réquest fAr addltional vonipensatin frûn the Boqard of Audi tors of New Trier township iwill be firctl qubmittedI to you (the Ciien l eague' for approval wlth a statemient ini detail , of expenses inurred in muiaking the col- lectin. and agree that (only ini case o n nfnremeen a ndi extracirdina ry expehse. (Conitiniued on page 7) Hoffmann Brou. kashisn Brou. Kenilworth Grocery LaJeunesse, lac. Ethel Mannerud Mathew Francis Miss McMahon Schultz & Nord, Imc. Shore Uine Cleaners. Inc. Snider-Cazel Drui Co. Wm. Taylor VanDeusen 's 'Village Cleaners, Inc. Wilmette llutter y & Electric Wilmette Confectionery i.e<u in the eoue. F Weille court bas [fIiessinular tE t] code invalid. Thi.â< code ln -such shape cu-it oralyonie t rtermore. the ei-cared rnany ýse ineluded ln 4ves OUI i*re- LhatIt iu very a-scertain just 'orce. ýee of the Vil- Doard. .~trom 4:JU have b ý board. ,4:30 . have N.

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