i FïeId"s EVANSTON STORE Rmichaird. Halliburton ii t}ieEvanston Store Richard Ilallibutrton, the weIl- k nown tra veler and writer WilI le in thei Book Section . . on Ille' Fourth Floor of Field's Evaliston Store.on Saturday-, February il, a t 11 a. in. Mr' ltaliiburton wili speak and autograpiî co ies of bis latest book, "The Flying Carpet.", Personalized Valentines, Wouldn't you likc to and. LAYETTES Higb Chair. . .. sturdy; snap-on t ray; w!de- srpeadlegs o revent ivoy inisha$a.50 Combination tub and dressing.tabl . . .the tub is of soft rubber with an ivory enamel-. ed stand ,. $3-46 'I u~r do the work and you wjii find lier on ihe Secorid Floor of our Evanston Store. Valentine Candy It's 'time to lie tbiinking about Valentine Day. As always. candy ~Li IliP Play Yard... keeps your toddler safe and secure; varnish finish, with colored beads on one side., Ingenious hinges enable it to be ,foided into a small space. Price, $2.98 COMPANYi 6 I