A Anew semester ita.inifliW now. Programs are final and hon work bas begun (ail too soon). W . tbe commencing, of a new semester, should f ormulât bopes and ideas, make ,tbe incoming.semnester richera fuller than the previous ont.N shouid try .to be a definite asset toc scbooli Our classes,, and. our f rien, .Mrs. .Boýk, ,the nother'of tbe 1 IdadBôk. once1 said to ber . "-Make the world a better placeI cause you lived> in it7 Thsset inspired ber son tosucb an extenlt d lie -wv1ent'througb life with that one' and desire,'and, at bis deatb the wl paid tribute to buntto prove- that had fulfilied bis -dream. At present our world is our sci and bomne. *Let us make Our influet felt in, eacb 'and contribute to nim this world a more desirable place.1 us j 0n. clubs, not to use it as la me2 to get T. IN. 'r. credii. but to be a to make a defnite' contribution.1 us flot go out for athletics fori honor we will receive but to ni them 'better and develop those tra wbich make a person so admirablea wortb' knowing. WVe have closed the book on the fi seniester of 1932-33. Tbat la al hindYt~tthe past be f orgott It k i the prescrit which dernands( semester! YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY! Is tbere going to be an Echoes for 1933? Are those dollar bis coming in f ast enough to warrant a '33 Ecboes? Does the school body, fresh- man to senior, want an licboes? XiIi tbev show their spirit soon 'etough? The opportunity is at hand! Now is the time for ail good meni to corne to Ilt-the most successtul' hmen and wOtiet wet are *those who bave poise eriough not weto, )eruffled'by every trifflung nisad- ad vnue.ad 7h haepride enough wéto pull .down the curtains of their minds> orsometimes so that the 'public iay n .ot. Our. andl uponi corners that are cluttered, and disarranged. on, H Jere and-Therej rd Hey: *I've been trying -to think of be ýa certain word fo r two wveeks.'. :i Hay: ýN:ehy, dont ou îrv ,f ort- à nl ghtv aLe Wben iJhn). Rockef elkr giveés a. ýaparty a good dime is had by ail. able L<et Irate father (to youflg mani at the a. m.) : **\\h3 are you bringing my iae daughter home at this hour ?' -aits Boy friend: -Fin sorry. sir, but 1 and have to) be at work by 7." first! Waiter: "\\',tld yoil, sir. like a be- little garlc ?" ten. Diner: -There is no such thing as our a little' garlic." ies- ý. ood i ni ,when y o u iows' tula belongs to 'mah wif e?"' ' Ne w (2 Flyni M\istress (to insurgent doniestic) Falk( "But, Hilda, we&ve always treated you Bartt as One of the family." Cam' Mlaid: -Yes, and l'ni îlot going to pa vil stand àtany longer!" Finally biuuing tbeir stride, the New Trier lightweigbit cagers 'downed, the second-place Morton'teani, 27 to :26, lagt week in WVnnetka.. Before tbis tbe Cicero quuntet had been beaten o nlyý once this . season, 4, Evanston twro weeks ago, 30 to 29. The game was a nip and tuck,,af- fair ail the way,, With 'Morton lead- ing, at the baif. 17 to 16.' Aiîbough tbe Grey-Gre en.bad a five-point lead ai tbe start of the, final >period, 'the Cicero îeam icame 'back wuitb .a sur- prise. rally in the. last two minutes. Durung the last 30 seconds the ecrowd went wild when Morton sank>a long. shot wbicb tbe officiais ruled Out on a* charge of traveling with .the bail, and Bert Falkenberg did the same for New Trier, leaving the score tbe saine as before, 27 to 26, as the gunl sven Off., .Ray Bartelinan and "Irish"' Flynn l-ed the home team ini ibis initial vic- torv, the former scoring five baskets, and thé latter four and one free tb row. Campbell and Davis played a fine game at guard for New Trier, gral)bing the bal'off the backboard and forcing their opponeflts to resort to long shots. This combination of Flynn amiand alkenberg at forwards, Bartelinan at center, and_ Campbell esunimarieS: Trier 'Mortonl ) BFp 26 lf 4 1 4 Derfler,li' ýnberg,rf 1 0 3 Koba,rf lniaflc 5 0 i Kraft,c )bellIg 2 1 2. SvecIg 12311. IlF P 1l0i 2 11 1 20 35à3 frec tnrows. Wlv U auconuaus r maining to play,, Morton sank the basket that would bhave put uts team abhead by7 one point and possibly won' the game, but tbe referee had blowrt the. wbistle and ibte. basket was not countedi. The. baIl Wae tossed. up and Preston1 recovered for New.lTrier and san'k a long sbot from the right saide, of the basket makuing the: score. 24-21. ht wa's a regular football game for a, While wben 'botb teams held each other scoreless.for seven minutes in: the, ibird. quarter but in ýthe last' minute tbey made up for it witb four baskets and îbree free throws be- tween tbem. Sunding was t he bigh-point matai for New Trier, scoring four baskets for a. total of eigbt points, wbile 'for Morton, Massett also sank four bas- -kts Ed 1rter, 'New Ti'iev's star of two overtuie battles, started for the Green and Greys and played the entire game. New Trier wili go to' Fvanston to play a retunn game next Friday. New Trier' Morton (24) B FP, (21) B F Stndilg 3 .0 6 Feiidrych 1 0 2 Frazer 0 0 O Bondlow 1 3 5 Scott 1i 3 5 Kayse O O * Prestoni 40S8Teik 0 0O Claytofl 2 1 5 Schieves i i 3 Massett 4 0 9 Defeated at' Cicero The Frosb-Soph cagers dropped their fifth league game to Morton iast Saturday at Cicero, by a score of 36-17. This ivas New Trier's ihird defeat of the season, and one wbicb dropped the teami farther bac'k in the race, but still leaves them with a. possible. chance- of capturung first ilns sucb a shock that sure it's fl ' to v_ latter c 73 12 156' '1