feated Evanston. 30 to- e), in' th senior division last week .ini the Lv- a4ýston Y. M. C. A. pooôl. The- New Ttier juniors also were> successini. 29 to 24. Bythis victory. the fourth in as mai13'star ~ heWnetka ju- n ior team retained, the league lead-7 ership. In the senior division, the Evatus- ton team jumiped into a lead tbrouigh an easy. victory in the 220-yard relay and held the Ilead up to the last event. The :deçiding event cof the mieet, the mederlay, *as easiIy taken by the Grey-Green when BrN - ant, swininîing the back. stroke. and Heyn, the breast strgike, piled up. a big, lead for. Wilder, and Conrad. Thee Firets i Five Ewonte The Grey-Green were able to get events through the efforts of Captain Heyn, Shapker and Happ. Shapker's win in the 50-yard f ree style was the most stirring race ol tbe meet, the league record holder coming up past Ferguson of Evans- ton in the last few strokes to %vii by an 'eyelash." BoIth Captai,î Hevyn and Happ won their events with little trouble, the time being 1 :19.0 for New Trier won Uts first dual track meet, last Saturday against its great- est rivali, Evanston, 51-44, in the New Trier Fieldhouseý It was New Trier's irst meet ýof the current season and Evanston's third. New Trier took the start of the meet and was leading until the hialf- mile and pole vault resuits hiad beeni tabulated., Evanston took al ,t hree places in the pole vault and first and. second in the baif-mile. New Trier nosed..ahead again after the broad jumfp, and the low hurdies ýand 'fin- ished up the meet iin great order l>Y winning the relay. Captain Schuman set a new field- houe ecrdin the shot puit wlien lie heaved the steel pill a distance of 47 feet and %T/ inch. Alex Newton was high -poit mani for New Trier wt two. first s an4 àon the wîlnning reIay. Next Saturday. New Trier gees te Oak Park for a dual meet, and tbis wilI undoubtedly be of great inter- est, as Oak Park is the 'Suburbaît league champion. and bas already l)eàten several schools. inicludinig Evaniston, anid Froebel of Gari'. I.y New-ton. (NI,) ;1 cond ; Keitel (Ee' no depression. fathers and daughters are going to bave-a banquet February 14Its not going. te be an. ordinary banquet and song and dance. if is ex- plained,. but a .n "extra -special", affair onl Valentine's day. Father can go out with bi.s next best girl-and daugbter. is lucky. :Dinner will be served profipltly at 6 :30 o'clock and thé entertammnent, w~hidî the: sponsors ca-nt disclose yet, ivill end hy 8 :30 So that îail girls can gt't their studving dmne after the ban- quet. Cet a date witlh votîr fathcr.» 1itis urged. but if lie (ails You. remember there are lots of fine inen on thiefacul-, tY---ju.st standing airouind waiting te be asked. -P$ng Poag Mct Opento Every Suburban Resident An all-suiburban ping pong tourna- mlent is te be*iield in the New Trier gymnasitim. Saturdav, February Il. Open to residents o;f ail subtirhs of Chicago, there ivili be morninz* after- noon and evening sessions. The tour- nament is sponsored by the Tri-$hip cluib and the Girls' club of NeN,î' Trier and is sanctioned hi. The Amu.vpica "«wings of Song" Ed Fraz er, '33, the George M. Co- han of New Trier High school,. bas composed the following couplets to tell the wo*;rld that Mie will. lacl, ".that sornething» 'if students fail to contribute to the cause, ôf -Echees. year in andi year out the year booik for ail New Trier: Make every day a'.happy day- Your Efehces 4will rolt tbe eclouds away. New Trier for action han a "rep*' Buy an Eéhoes, show,.your pep. With a book about frlends.,yéu cant, gri wrong; Tour dollar wllhelpthe. echoesaloig.- etsgo!, On our t oes! (,ta dollar, buy an Ech6es. Ani d ithe gloomi of futU're years AnEhoswlll.dr-ive away y"ur tûar!ý. The years of youth are thehap*s ,îour Ehces m-111 save for you the filn. Make, that thermnorneter overflow' N'thing b it, huy' ai, choes,. WNhat will hold the place of hoi ioi' iin our bungalows?. Tn the living roomi the're'l1 lie, a c of the Echoes. Ther-e'll 'he no need for dominoûs If every .student buys an Echoe. Put .away your cares and woes! L-auh once more and buy an recho .# te win the diving1trom Davis ot %emw Trier and bis Evanston teammatte. Graves. who flnisbed ini that order. Juniors Make Weak Staut The WVinnetka Juniors got off to a lîad start by losing the op)eing rela -v. but camne back Nvith four firsts and several other scoring places"-,ini the next four events te clincb the Imeet. With Bob WVatt swimrning with the roke: 'Won b Rneh eond; Coffin(NT) Won by Cunnlng- Thiompson (E), second; Tideman <E), l 1 olrnaînelt tor theser losing their first third.., Timne, :56.7.1 match ini caci. Because of -thirty Haîf mile: Engle (E), first; 1ce available tablste wlb n wa- CE). second; Buckm-astei' (NT), thil i'd neghr il en at 'rine., 2 :13. ,-în between matches. Entry blanks Pole vault: Arpan (E,), fl'H.t; mehesnay be secured at the door or f rom (F,), !.econd; Schunway (E). thîrd.l Nem- Trier Physicai F.ducation. depart.- lielght, 10 feet.met Shot put : Schuman (NT), first ; Siddallmet (E). second; Nmrdberg (NTr), third. Besides the tournarnent there will be .Di-,;tan(-,47 feet ½ l nch (new field- exhibition matches by some of thebs house~ recf.nrr -- ----,e. e Won by Caswefl. (E>; Bar-' Jfeated tb-e- èecon4; Dale <E> thîrd. Iscores xwere a'eail the plast niemorles in ~ov Fehoes. WVhether it storms or halls, riis ,nows, 'lelI find amusement in 3*ourEho. Telars ind laughter, friends alid*fôem'- YOU'll see theém ail there la the Echoe. raOld Depression' by the toeis You <an do it-buy an Echoes! This is our ple.a as each one know- (ba't a dollar, buy an Echoes. ,s. The are interesté cessful. in going to) ,e it suc-