Stemnm.d and Cored. lu, beavy syrup. For S"l.d 14Cano*79 a M e t. 79. HEES SPCIAL i Bo Swss Guyee, porion - ALL FOR Z 2-lb. Pkgs. Velveeta or.American ý 3 Philadeiphia Crmeanieese J 9 Hierkimer Chuese. New York State.: A«4dteac Biéik,,o MâdAineicau. Wisconsin *i7 Fi117e Swiss Chees.. Fineut Imported 4lb. Roquefort Ch..... Socety Brand. Fimest 69 mtade lb ALL FORt 19e Toll et 12 Rtill% Fhitl%t quai- it> I.u IflOuse A dellght for el'ery Bey and Gir.l ALL FOR k:79e '790 SPECIAL 2 ILs. Jumbo PrUxnes........ ALL FOR 2 h,.. Ev'ap. Apricots 1I L. Pecan Meats I SUGAIL Can 2 orZEIs 20-l. 79e - Wtt a 4 Wpurchas-1 sa PRW.SHMUSHROOMS IIFancy White B uttons . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... lb.1 Park Avenue Club. Our flnest quliy ..3 îub.79c box 29c 790 Potato.. 179e 5-1b. C!ean Qu Soap Speolal nck Soap Chips ... AL ,o!7 Soap - cens I OOÂI