About Hats and New Trier lost bath gaînes, the h4tavies by a score of 34 ta 24 and the lights by a score of 36 ta 27. Since tlîat time, however, New 'trier bhas~ l)eerli mproving, eçspecially the lighit- weights., wbose victorv over Xorton last. week was their fi.rst of theea New Trier's. ightweiglht teainiis iralyout of the-,iunii . i for the Suburban league .clîrhpions ip, but teN 'ew Trier heavies stili entertain, liopes -ofý attaining that goal despite twô defeats-one by, Evanistoilaand the ather by Oak Park. Iast week Provigo, which New Triér1bas de- feated twice this season, upset the strong Oak Park, five. 32 ta 25. No teami in the league remlains iîndefeat- ëd, and. New Trier by <je feaitingEv anston this Fridav'cati tie Evanston 1o ecn place. If OakPrksipl lose, New Trier, Evaîxston andl Oak- Park would be tied for first place. Both Gamet Hamd Fought New Trier's victories over NIortoît Ltst Friday were acconxpflishied b)y scores af 24 ta 21 for the lieavy- weights and 27 ta 26 for the light- wveights. The New Trier heavies won rom Morton before Christinas also, but the lightiveights lost ta their Ciccro rivais in the carlier engage- ton. of the politîcal science cepart- ment, of Northwestern. Mayor Charles H. Bartlett wvi11 preside. Alderman Mtassen, a Northwesterîî graduate, who baàs been opée of the leaLding memnbers- ofý the Chicago council for some years, wiII argue .1n favor of consolidation, wyhile Presi- dent Saunders will.take. the opposi- tion view. Prof.* Hatton' will discuss the subjectalong a îuiddle course. EXHIBIT SWIMMING The Northwestern tiniversity swiim- Ming team put on.a meet of compe- tiive swinmm ing at Shawiîee Counrýv club last .Friday night. ' T give va- riety and add :ittereýt to their pro- grain.- they iixvited three exhibitioný swimmers ta perforn. Claudia Eck- hart,- jimn.v Wekler and Ma.oi Hedrick of Kenilworth. Claudia Eck- hart did exhibition <iving; Jiinvi~ \Veckler gave hreast stroke exhibi- tionîs. and 'Marion Hedrick displa.yed back stroke sw%\iriniiig. Claudia Eck- hart' mho entered -the Otvnipics this suin;ner. wonx fiitl place-iii the -\Il Anierican wonen* djving comlpeti - tion. - Punch -Com-a-Long ridort In GrY, oige. and.Naèvy EdgarA$i leu m mpoeu VUN NeJ4 i m -I* C $395 e flSIflL guard, and Scott, center. madeiv e! po3ints each. New Trier led at the lialf, 17 to 7 and was ahead at the close af the third quarter. 22 te, 13. Then the Morton boys begai siinking tlîem and came close ta victory. Morton Lightweights Slipping NMorton's lightweights, wha won the Subùrban league chianpionshipl last year, have beeîi slipping lately. Tw<o weeks azo thev Iost to~ vis Our Junior Department in'trodi Anid uctory' bow Frida'ý cer tanly fkef's makes ifs. y' mornin9. enough to ent for thle Mir. and Mrs. Roy E. Knauer, 166 Abingdon, avenue, Kenilworth. enter- tained their supper bridge club Tues- day. t&ei