Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1933, p. 16

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Ol f an Winter, who whistle5 "o-o-o-o-yi" outside doors wherc scout Meetings are going on, cannoi stop the joîly scouts f rom playing and working. in fact, one troop even detled him last week and took a hike1 *Troop 2à had. been.,planning .ht pass the ire-building test-making a fire witbout more. than two -matches, *using no, papr-for sonie time. The girls ask you,'.as it .their faultta the weather suddlenly took a tumble? -Besidles. to build a ire -ini winter- that is thething to do. -So down to debeach they trotted- literally trottedI- and with driftwood and thrbits, built.themnselves fires; af- terward, kabobs (at least they started out to be- kabobs) and hot cocoa made them.gladder than ever, that they'had come; then back home they trotted. proving that winter and scouts get quite chunimy at times., Troop 22 is "nature questiiig"-aitl, th. ,girls bave pred »iat eveui if 1:, is the cold season of the year, nature is as inteesting as if she wore her summer clothes; eacb week for a nuniber of weeks, the girls will make a study of soupe bit of nature, until at the end of: the series, they wilI, find that they'have completed their second-class nature requirements. Troop Es "First-A.idiag TIronnn 24 ik "first aidiiig." XVith 4r ['ht Lis the organizationf 1 ntse are n just a few of the questions. In reply to the-lrs question. it ïs >expflained that a girl ntay join .thîe IGirl*'Scouts wben she. is 10 years. old, if she bas decided of bier own accord eafter.visiting four meetings that she twouid like to really become a, scout. These visi ts. to the -four meetings. give her a 'Chance to decide whether the progra.m is genuine and wbetber îshe will. have thé: Mpportunity of 1stressing bier 0w!) hobbies and play- ing and' working with girls of bier own, age and. interest. It also gives the leader the. opportunity to judge. whether the candidate is of the cal- ibre to enijoy the program. Then just whiat are lier responsibil- ities - The tenderfoot requirements 1for the girl are simple: Shé must be able to lay and folcw a trail, to en- jôy working and htking wtb a group. to give a hand when it is needed. to lcnow when and hlow to use the flag, to try to live uip to the Girl Scout laws and promise, to know when to use certain knots. and inally how to play the ganie. The mnotto -'Be Prepared- gives every girl the ideal of service, to be' prepared for everyday living, not just uemidermng numbters and ICids lit exhibitors from local and. out-"-f- town merchants and purveyors ior the. home. it is .becoming a more nearly.local unidertaking in chbaracter with a distinictlypersonal atiosphere. Not only the attraction of our own Wiln.uette and north shore firnis will be shown; bût social diversions will l>e offered., The alwavs pop ular1 tea room Will refresli those, who wish to stop awhbiie ýand chat' infimatelv wiîtlmý friends over cheerful cup and'homie- mnade cookies. The dinîmer, and lunch- eon service will cater to the taste and purse of the. tiffes withi the isl fanîous hiome. cooking of Our ci.î meml)ers to give just the rigbt zc. to the ineal. The partv like spirit ivill be en- fianiced by- the iniem tuntes of a. nOfn- ular orchestra inviting '.oinganLd to dance a la taxi. It will be an openî bouse affair with nio tickets or cards of admission inec- essary The slogan is "Corne o'me, corne ail. and have a fine time" Three Winnetka Girls VU 7 . Arrangements for the prelimiinar.v game are being made, by Robert WV. Townlçy. directorof physical educa- tion at the joseph Sears school andV former Xorthwes tern: football and track star.. The teamn from Winntetka Communitv House wvhich will meet To.inle.%-'steani is coached by Agate Màrtin., 'Mr. Townlitey announced earlv tlîis week -tfhat Donald, Campbell will 6e captain of *the joseph Sears teaun. Other hovs Who probably --- ill pilay on the Kenilworth 'teamn are Bobby Clark,' Eddie Eg9gert, Bud Stilinian, Gran1t FES, Glenn Anderson. Charles Grayling. jack Carter and one ôr two others. In pre-war daýys the. game between the Xorthwestern university fresh-. nien and the ýalumni tean was an aný- itmnal custom on. thé campus. This vear the gamie is to be revived un1- der the spousorsbip of the, Xor*th. westeril foundation with aIl proceed, going to the studenits, bani fund. The alumni basket tossers are raliv- ing under the leadershiip of Waldo 1lýisher, \\'ilcat cage star of *26 and W2. Aireadv a full conuplenuent of (-)d timers bas been assenibled iii- cluding' several venerable basket tos- sers froin as far back as 1906. Twn4 ahumi froni this period have aireadv voltitteered t hel r services. The\- ar'c Dr. 'Marslî Underhiil and AI W\einl- berger. Both will be in thte startiing containing- the scouts' answers to fli and eaciî tenciertoot scout sa3ys. amii INVr.. -ai Hi. Harris, jr., 826 questions 'pertailling to troop activi,- "On mv Honor, 1 will try : to do .mY Ltciavetiue, was one of six stu- ties asked at the previous meeting. 'duty to God and mv Country, to belp dents, recently elected to the Litcrary Jane Ethel Newmnan, troop scribe, re-1 other people at al l imes. and to obev club at the college. Elected to the laesho mchfu i i t sc ne,~the Girl Scout laws." saine organization is Miss M ary latesh________un___________one_ Louise Morris, daugbiter of Mr. and mame on the bulletin board each 1 Mrs. F. Thomas Morris f17 wee fr avig nserd biequs-Girl Scouts Are Offered 1W\estnuoor road. Miss Morris i tion succsf l.Hadcpt.îresident of ber class and a meinber Questions also flew about Troop 4's FineH n erf Program of the Publications Activity. Mviis s meeting, but these were tree ques- The purpose of the Girl Scout Margaret Freyn, daugliter of Mr-. anid house whien it cOntes to llxipg oua apî-i hapiuiuapora. s age. a ptj lue Harold MIcKeimie. ail.colfe reicc guard iii 192 Luke johîsos. '28. WhOic lias starred for several years on the Chiicago Bears football tean : Waldo Fishier, captaiuu of the 1928 quintet. Otesinclude pla.vers of the past tlirec e yers. Thiev arc: Rut \Walter. Bob Lockhart. Bol> McCartie. 'Frank Marshall., Bus Smith, Sauil Farber and Harold Sýclhîltz. tfnal and state onjecers and chap regents are to be gucsts of bonor. oüt a liairvin--iii llairpiil thât progeanl.

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