FRANCES TAU SERT: THE STUDIO 0F FASHION. 1183 Wflmetf. Avenue IV. Speewihsle z R VICEZ Dering Fcbruary. W ili kcfasec, *ecicat md tGrInd Vai've la uu-Motor on mli i1cyllader Total Same service t4>11 I1tii Total s". j. $5.', I -~ s'as Cullsos Motor Comspay FREE Pick tp &b dItvllery Servic" 725 MainsSt. Wil.ette 2W L>L%.d.VtI ~ ~ ~ -use wr thect ccrnnte, jernaps. ner rier in the direction of Bear Ridgc which it airl the ~so dead People prets 'Il fn 't olein't niouitains, Hertuan talked. abo-_ut.out- afte2rardsý corne back to lite again give her a dollar for the certificate doors lufe and a. little oi the history in the .'dei 0 animlais. WUýUdn't andl use it ini shopping atý Wilrnette o: -the long and short handled ax. 1that be terrible il ltwere truc 1' Dari stores. He pictured, early. pioneer life andý shuddered at the t.ogt 1 al ahwe r urtpalse n the struggîes of the colonisis with ;1iaughed heartilv o.t7 *xat lie o oelteswtnb edr hostile.Indians and the rigors of un'1.bought1 :'n1-)ene. . f the -Deeds of Dan" in response te tarned nature;ý how thev cleare the 0,a butg!e-.lS~ ? the question': "Children, what, would, -lan(d*. felled trees, fitted and squarec. ya.cuthink thex1- have sous- tço oudoý -o were Dan-" the logs for their cabins. and made1 làughir.glv remarked Car.l. DO}U Ti ed fDa"eiaisu- floors. wooden hinges for the doors nrmeber the tie.o anewe isd vrywek.Eery chidi n ro.ugh-hewn table>, ami beinciit and! we wa c1hrd them ni toneC UP in Dr. vited to writeý in each week and. rnanv ot the other com.forts, ofaiile- Shudders laboratory.Thev had tp answer the question. .A trade i:erti- all 'this with the pfaineSt .d tOo()s- give yua whiff of smeliing ,aits,*,Ficate %%orth,<one dollar iý z,,ivtn tor, their axes., Hé went on, to0 tell hûw. I contiluued Carl, without, waltlg 'Or ev-erv letter publîshed. in that way, our f-orefa'thers gain:d; Dan to aàswer. The sight ôi bioad In addition oth dëe~ ach self rehianceand abihitv to take carei usualy hbad that effect on Van1. letter S-hould give- the namne andJ age. of themselves. .vàtthrr h e a, v t .ria la rt..o fthe chiid trvinz for, the prize. tîs-t-to. shoe- them a' fe% t r ic£k! a meat mnarket. Lctterý; must reach WVilmette Lufe HIerman drew b. is shoqrt 'landled 'ax While Carl po.ktiu n at .:bs:iv bxt'he first Tue,ýdax- followin- the from hi4 beit and choppedJ right and nîo'Dn eimee ho.~h ed of Dan"* storv. Letters about eIttt. with swishing sound,'. ope-ning a inearly tini-ýsed aà race it rcu5'e 'the 'tory inthi_ issue nmust reach bro-ad path in the- taiiglud uiderb)ruSh xo.-U:(nt tk i- nbu an Wilmejnjtte Life on or before Tuei- throug'n which the 'ýos 4ox in hittcrlý,-v-1 tt' /rh!vctiasýý t'dax. Februar 14. Indiar fashiýn. xa Plain t.;, . ._'a. ýtr î t aite' pz-wn iletter *Xhowas a faiii. ýu-,aý i ii rdr. mre.r àN i (jow Hlermran, aý; if 50ct--th sb' D ff Theb:. aIae ar if'1.IF"-tavu- terguard. th no i idi11cattrd r o'. xen br Licon" hutdsevtrai in aixe Hermn.iBloonm the -coutma-,rr. .iad l - tr Mr H4~ x-uce. Th t, ri : " cnitiut,,lentered bo-yjs1 ix int,, tiei .rt ~i 'r-r~ '.uiaI hn Hema. ouscut navwelfol- ithe c-ase tor xlgame. a Ld ar. ", n ýn~ h- 'pratý 'nrin:n Rags bn- b:- ~xpc'î-n.-'.ar~ asTrik. - hjd -tvars old. awl ihenever pt t d" lD fr .s'cVrg " .u uJ b-'u-!tb un-tIi he xxas tý re!ý.hI-factm î --:- "~ ~~ ' ' * h- i"iiv' n î_incohi ck1 ha, .a-s -'et f ..~ .- -~.7,2c1, -<wi ùelnz- t-n-~.ikd i~.a-uar ~ -~. -- ~-- 7 MOBILGAS, thl~y canions 5 MOBILQIL $ the coim nit<. td-- x d<l\V,-into'.ct 111gto hak above their ha~ The- boys tii a-uglit Herniani'; sturv ()i the a a tting tribute to their I)p ii-it. ,nda ,2 a re t- . _11i i'.ii thie rtgrix of vwa- ir-'ii r vaew aI àanyone who might )iye c, m n lown the rojad. x c u t the trac'l- ut righ-t anigies. ýStand11ing 'irti -n t.:e, traàckS 1- a îm\Ue any one ta sea caningtrai morethIan a hundIrud ife lnxax. rtact, it wa uch u--ian -ut r~.ewa flc.that ntfiLter egne n wAalking -might. x.c. :îacdn happén there. Carl started en a rurii da«ný- the road, and couldn't stop until lieh.ihi ànd wared frantically at the orirusrt- ng tanser.With rierves tingling as yt cet on Cte bc sanie hfe-gixtng Daii ~njerked h.sSuta-ta As, sh eath. juinpedl bac:k a paceai raésed. tue litening weapon high abox-e hichead. Everv ibér-of hlés baodx-grew taut; a st range povver. ne liad néver feit befCre, smweled xxithin uiI but vviien bis ey-es turned fro ni the blalck monster- te the hleýedin-z - ...- . -J--- Lussng irait ~PiiIVorUme boys, and an uncontrollale impulse seemed to Ul rule that no Scout dare use 1118 gun was trying to stop tthe onrushing de.- be ptu1ing at bis arm. Oh ! he cried except for target practice.4' mon of steam and steel. but it was in despair, "WThat shall I do?" "Oh, Dan-.don't be such a sisýy! too late, the distance wvas too short . Children, wvhat wotmZd vois have done That's wha.t rifles are for!' What's F'or a moment the boys vere para- if vouzrc~ Dans?