ý U- .... ý-U&1Lî 1) i. m-uîrls'gyminasiuim class Valen- S P. m.-Northi Shore Mens Iasketball le party. Hloward gymrnasum gamne. Huff Bollers vs. 13a.ba'. Howari( N P u.-LadIes' gyninasiurn elaIss v'el- gymi-nasSum 1ettie part-v. Howard gynnastiuni 9 p. f-n-North Shore Mens Basketbaill iday, February 17 gaine. Wilxnette ife' vs. Schultz and ' p. in.-North Shore MeI' asketbaii Nord. H-oward gyspnaium, -eagut'. Wilinetite LU1e vs. Highland J'lirIc Youn&r Men's Club Mê~.o~, Fbrur.y13 . n.-Smi-inal gaines. Second an- f)P. fi. Boys, beasketb)all.'4C"7 jeagut'. fluai Ping pong tour.n;tiient. Howard 4 ophe rs vs. ,$ea Lion 1. J Iowa rd gym - s'bool'at-t!Cz IISIIU ~pj .- 'north Shore Meni's ba.sketbali p.m.GrJ'bàakétball. flroWies "s. league. ]Baha'i vs.offma n ÈFioiiste. Kuda s. Stodp gmasii.ifowai -dgyrnnaeiumn 7 :30 P. m.-Bt)xlng la-ss for boys. 1mlw- 1»!j i-ýNqrth SoeMnsbsebl ardseholleague. Hui ly*]oiers ývs. Schultz and 4:30 p T.MÎ volley bail. 'teth()diStI Nord. Howard gyninastuin. vs. Swediala Dushxtâen. Jloward gym- baktý.ll ixBjsVý.Skating Is Fine Now; K:.-1, ,-Alettvllyftl.,Y* .. r.Rinks in Good. Shape v~* ~ptst*Howrd gynnaidumTaking adVantage of the, belated 7 :3f) p. .- vollè bal . P'T..winter weather, the Playground .and vs.. Hoffnian FlOr!ist. iHoward gyi,- .ecreation board lias nucd the nsuifollowing schedule for the ice skat- '9 P., .- Ir' as1ketba11.- X. Y. Z. vF ing poÔnds: Y P C Seia gYfV15lu~Every afternoon and e\,eing froxi Truesday, February Il 3 to 9 o'clock. 'p. m - Mns Bsç~ai."' Saturethy a nd, Slndavsfroiln 9 league. ' AmeiJean Legliti vs. Bas- o'clock to 9 ô-'clock. k1tteet-s.1-Howard gynrnatldum *k P. n-e' Basketball. "B" league. The, warmirmg shelters will be openl flioffmarn Plorisis vs. Van Deusi-n'z during those hours and an attendant Howa rd gymnastum eti hag tec.pae h 9P. m.MnsBasketball. -13- league kpti careatechplc..h Hill's Service Station Vsý Hornetsý ice is ini very good condition al, both M-oward gyrnntsium the Village Green pond anid the pond at the foot of Greenleaf avenue, Wimdnesdny, Februury Iý since a crew of mnen have been flood- 0; P. i.-Boys' Basketbali "C" le-ague. Meavies vs. Lights. Howard gynxi-Îng themi since early Sinday nîorn- cull TéIep1aoms Wiusette 0, X mi When the elements are at their worst anod your coal bin is low c all us Expert Repairing, Witchsi ocs, jw.ry sfat war, optical, beada rmsrua. 1166 WILMETI'R AVENUE WILMBTTB iMI1 FEJIR SumRvrE The Beast* in QuityA Iuay s HOFFMANN Bi 1208 Central Avenue Phone M For More Thaou Fory Years OBJECTS 0F ART from the- estate of' Miss Marian Cheen Also a large selection of decorative objects from the collection of FIeId'g OUr Greatest Food'Sale off 1933 Fancy, Juicy. Steak& and fine Flavôred-You'1l Like Theni! ROtaatl.... ...01/20 Fur Trimmod Coats. Il Coûts valued at 65.00 reds.ced to..... 3 Coats valued at 75.0O reduced to ......... Exhibition: Feb. 13-14 and each day until time of sale. I6~ ORNG~M .~ lacon 29s 39.50 I