February 12, the sermon themie will ho "The Beatitudes"-with s1pecial emn-~ phagis on "-Blessed Are the M.%eek," as portrayed throughout -the life of Abra- ham Lincoln. This day is: Interracial Oood-Wi1I)I Dy and many colored andl white churches are exchanýiglng pastors iand .speakers. in our céhurch Williami WaIi wIll siflg two negro spirituals dlur- ing the mioring service. Anattractive subject for Sunday iuorning, Pe.bruary 19,' will bie "Foi- give Us .Ou r Trespasses". and it *111 be developed through the use of, Lloyd, Douglas' new novel 0f that naine. On February 26 this. séries of mes- sages.wiII ho conciuded by an interpre- tation of ,Christ's words, "By ,their fruits shall ye know themý,". a discusý- si)honfethfe laboratory method ln re-, liglon; > YOUNG PI»OPLE'S ACTIVITIJES NXext Sunday at the meeting at 5:30 the Stewardship commission will lead us in a good di.scussion of the topie. "'WW WmeMt Até Wu-?" Alice nehi la the comimission director. We have -been dlsapp~ointed ln. 1earning tha.t the Austin Young People's group will nfot meet with us, but everyone can ho as- sured of a worthwhile prograni from the, Stewardship commission. On Sunday. February 19, our s.ociety wihl make the trip to thxe First I3aptist ichurch in Cica-,go where wve will be entertained by the B, Y. P. IT. there and ln retui'n wili iprésent th(, progi'am of the devotionalnmeeting. wilI nav lowshil) ut songs which they have been ig especially for tbis occasion. 3ible Reading for Februe.ry ls i Peter and James. Get husy! Lsday evening, February 5, we ,e another great meeting of fel- and prayer. etthe .curch at S8 Evryone ll~h. our church school whlch nicets eacb Sunday accordlng to the following schedule: Beginners'- departmnent .(ages 4 ahd.5): 10:45 to 12. Primary departmnent (ae S, 7,and 8):ý 9:30 to 12. Junior department 9ae , 10, and 11):. 9:30 to 10:«45. Intermediate department (ages 1i and 11): 9:.30 to 10:45. Hlgh sehool department: 9,30 to 10.:45, Theire 15 aiso àa>nursery department -thee veïry young eblidren Wl!! ho cared fon during the church service. >'The Wilmette gundav, Eveffnig club wihjl meet ln this church at 7 :30. with. J. Franklin Caveny, artiat and sculptor, presenting a program. appropriate. to L1incoln's . birthday. An' Interesting prograin le belng. planned for the Mothers and Daughters banquet. which will ho held Wednesday, Pebruary, 15, at 6:30 p. m. The Cozy Corner cîrcle will serve a chilcken-pie dinner. TReservatfonq nxstybe imade through the. chu rch office, leimIete 12Ô4 Thie regular weel-day activîties for bosand girls are scheduled as foi- lows:. Tuesday-4 pm-apFire Qnî,Girl Scouts. Truésday-7 :20 p.m.-Troop Ni). 2, Boy Scouts. Thursday -4 p.m. -Junior Choir re- hearsal. Thursday-7 :20 pan.-Troop No. 1, Boy ,cout.s. Fridy-3 15P.M.-Brownies, Frldav-7 :30 p.iii.-Sentor Camip Fre Methodist Chu rch Dr. Oscar Thomnas Oison. minister The minister's sermon theme for the 11 o'ciock worship service next Sun- day morning will ho "Dranmatized Ex- penience."1 The music. will be as fol- lows: Organ Prelude: "La Fete-Diett" Dubois "Chorale and Prayer" -.. Boellman The Anthenm: "Whereso'er* Thou. * Walkest .............. ...FrIeke The' Oftertory Solo: I'Consider and The second eveniiiIg of the Churcbi Nilht prograin will be tonight, Thurs- dayv, February 9. The program *111 con- tinue-.until, Apri'l 6. The achedule for this Thursday and next*,Thursday is a., follows': 6:30-7:30-,rCafeteria Dînner and Social .Hour. Mir. C. Rollin. Smith wil ming tonight 7 :30-8 :00-A Sertice of Worsbli unjer the direction of the.,MInisztèr i :0-9 :00-Five ýInterest qroups: cGroup I ..The Use of the Bible Iti the <dr Momne and Sebool" Leader: Professýor Frank 'M%. M(Kibbafl of Northwestern uiversity February. 9 -"Changed.Attitude" To- ward the Bible"f February r1 6-"'Modern Scholarship and teBible" GroupIl --contenporary Lîtergture and, Its 'Meâning for TÉoday February 9-ý"Once a Grand Duike" ýby Graý.ndI-Duke Alexander of Russia and *'A Princess in. Exile" hi' Mfarie- (~r~I~e 't ssa. Rofwe hy Frank Pettee. February 16-l'A New Deal" br Stuart Chase, Reviewed hy Dr. M. Ti. Bick- hami. Group III "'Thinking lt Through With Yoiung Peo- pie" Leader: Reverend Randali B. Hanmrick Fehruarv 9-"Hfow Do Voit Face Lire-?" February 16-"Wliat Are '> Afraid .Group IV "levent Social Týehdsý" The Choir If they sbould win in the contesýt. the-v will enter the senîi-finals at a la ter date. The east is as follows: B-ridget ('lancy--Margaret Bird. Ruth Elien 0'Neil-Annatnarie Boo>z. SonO'Neil-Albert Ackermiann. MayDoye-Myrtlo Koll. Norah Clancy-Jeanne Rehifeàld. Annie Fogrty-Jene Ilorsting. Peter Fogarty-Ted Hsig Tim O'Ryani-Theroti Smith. George-Fra nk Ilooper. Thomas John ('lancy-Frederick Let- man. Jack Brown, is the direetor of the Mj, r, Mack wiil speak hefore the Suni- day schooi. at 9 :30 o'cloik. metetirg the ,vartifeil.4departnxentA ln t.urn. The Aduit Bible ýClas-,ssWiiI inet as. follows: The Worman's claKs at 10 o'ciock, the Daugehteirs of.f4ervice class j at 721.Nlnth street a 4;the' MeiVs Bib4le class at 9.:5oeok Junior church vii < are for, the chul- dreni duning the wibrshii> service at Il o'elock. The Cnitin 'fdeaLvor .society wil! melet et 5.:30 ovl<>ek vwith 11elen Condit, 614 Laur-el ave.nue. Henry Vonder Hoff wiil lead the discussion of the topie, "When Is Friendship. Christian?" AUl the youig'people are Invtted. The Suziday Egveningclub will present gr. 3. F'ranklin Cavney,, artist and sculptor in a Lincoln's Birthday pro- gram, at thée First Çongregat tonal churdh ai -7,3#0 'eleock. The session of the churceh will meet on Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the pastor, 721 Ninth street. The Woman's society will hold its an- fluai Foreign Missions Praise service Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Lenoir Hood Miller wil l bcd the devo- tionýtl. The speaker will be Ms Annie- Mary Allen, on the subject of -Missions in. Africa." Mrsý Allen returned from Africa after the death of her hutsband. -119 a fltoaufune 1meetingl. The midîveek meeting of study afld( decvotionIs Will be held on Wednesday evening àt 8 o'clock at the Woman's club. Our studying the Psalins will ho Psalm 45. "The Song of the King." A. Church social, in charge of the young péople, but for the entire church, will be held on Priday evening, Febru- ary. 24,, et the Woman's club roonis. wn -l I - mesMonday The. Philathea clase will nieet Mon- I ±New .'aytn:iesS 1subuJect IAnfl 's." Mr. me -'s ait our familles