ARMAxl N 'Sý TAILORS AND FURRIERS BROWN BUILDING LOBBY 119WILMETTE AVENUE PHONE WIL. 18 ____Umm___ ART. FURNffURE CO. Uph.Istfriuog . Rc>frmug 0. SCHOE14-40 Tears' Expbertene WcVt Solve Your Moth ProbIem with 33 LINDEN Ph.. WiL 4m5 BROWL NG WILMEtTE BOWLING ALLEYS 1159 WILMETTE AVE. 20e-LUNCH ES-25e 6Radio. Shop EXPERT RADIO SERVICE 113 CENTRAL AVE., Phione Wil. 81 .1 t U d w Bcoeiuy Iland Lamidry Econoamy Finish 10 Iba. $1.45 Shirts Finished, Sc oaci, 3 ELECTIêIC PLACE Phoào WiI. 2707 KFI<IIWORTH PHONE SHAREETAILOR FURRÎERS SRELINING AND'ALTERA- TIONS DONE BY EXPERTS 521 4TH STREET PHIONE WIL. 1907, Â je A, WARD Ladies' Farrier and TaiI.r For the Month of Feb. Ladies' Spring Suits or Coats, 'faiiored te 45O Orior ....... .......$50 PALE DRY GINGERALE,lO JELLO. .1 3 î,kgs.18 1247 MAIN STREET Here they. are, iciibe',s of the' Jack and liii Pla 'vers l-o 'Ire i ht cast for "The' Three Musketcers" who wvill make their appearimnc,. beforî' ail audience of children at the' Wiimette Womian's club Salardav ;norning. Pc brzary 18 at 10 o'clock. In the' center, costuiii'd for his roi&', is thý- "lcadiinq monj,", Robert Mferrimiai of Kenilworth. At his le1'sf i id Brow'n, and at 1lis right, Williami Jenkins, bnth of J ilinette. rite trio aré, .VcM' Trier Hiqh sèhôol students.- ___ RIWge-Lujk. Av«. Piwme Waluette 316 rH 3.2 Pli0 rWILMIETTI 9 777iý 1 ",