lar Lays of A13.-WedInesday and Thursday;, February 8 and 9-shop- pers will have an excellent oppor- tuntv of cooperating with local. itidependent merchants initheir Trade at Hlome Cé'rtificate Plan. It. lias been pointed out. in the pa.t.-an.d*is hecoming more and.more, gerierally known, >that thie.Trade at, Honie Certificatie Plan'is for the pure- pose of keeping',each dollar spent by local shoppers or exchanged l)etween .local indepenident, merchants. in Wil- Ilette. where that money will do thel lflos),t goo<l. "Ear Mark" Dollars 'l'rade at Home Certificates are simpl% *'ear marks" placed upoti dol-- lars to keep them from wanderig into chan nels :which will takeý then' out of town where thev are Iost to Wilmnette and its interest. Faclî dollar exchanged for, a Tr a dej1 at Hlome Certificate is placed on speriat depoi at the M1inette tt batik. Certificates are thus secured and there can be' no question as to their value. Upon the face of the Certificate is the certification to this fact, signed by an officer of the banik acting as depository for the. dollar. sed;iring the Certificate. Unusual Opportunity ., the face value of each CÇertifi- cate is one dollar. and Dollar Day of loéyalty to their commi Muet Endorte inity. luis pointed out to 'shoppers who use Trade at Homne Certifleates for. their. Dollar, Day purchases. that their endor-semnent is required upon the back of Certificate at the timne tbev give the Certificate in paymrent for. a, purchase.* This may cause a small delay and a little inconvenience by requiring the ýWriting fyu naine but, as these Trade at'Home Certificates circulate- among shop- pers> and imerchants -your .signature will definitely identify you as a resi- dent, loyal to Wilmette andits -in-. terests, and cooperating'in promnoting theml. T'rade at Home Certificates may be Dtollar Day shoppers for onie dollar each at the Wilmette State Banik or at the office of Lloyd H-ollister Inc., 1232 Central avenue, wilinette. Dollar Day shoppers are urged to pay for thei-r purchases on Wednes- dav Nvith Trade at Home Certificatés which keep the dollars they spend at home where thev ill do~ the most SWEAT EACH. H Q SýER.Y 2 PAIR $U TWO FOR. ONE AND $1 Wilmtte IISS WILMgTTm AVU. Blouse and sport types in sizes 32 to 40-tbese are from ourý regular $1 .95 lune' ý--elso chil- dren's sweaters. Pure. silk-full fashioned -,Citf- fon and servce. This hose was featured in this sale lest year at ý$1 a pair. Ail coafs, hatsi dresses in, stock -when *one is purchased etf regular prce enother of equ ai value cen be purchesed for $1. WILMETTE 312 Uome here for a really enjoyable LUNCHEON 25e 4 Ibs. Jc 3 doz.j 4 large eaLLýe( FOR î& Grapefruit' I I AV E '/2 your Beraty Costi1 2 35ç Boulies , Iwt Soot 'J La Jeunesseic Juniors' and G*is' Wear Phone