- ~ jenkins, 630u Lake avenue.. Mrs. r And added comforl Fetter is on ber way tô- California ai whiIe~~~ ham~yu emnn ia Texas and stopped for a. f ev days pl in Wilmette to'break.the trip.a MURLE ai Mrs. Llerbert A. Lundahl, 2Z4 Ra- n( -it.e new, îImproved steam leigh road, Kehilwoirth, entertaîiied, in waye assures a Iasting, beau - at a bridge, lunch.eon Thursdàay, fiful, nef urâl Iookng wyave. Str.fchinq.ft. hair, no padsg and iMlicify,,fhroughout are tea o ust t foeures of this new process. ç I tv In ft.e Ioop they charge $i5 Luacheo ~ te --w. are maina an Introductory Off er me Your Appointment Today WILMETTE 4517 Wilmettfe 35L CobSLETE WILMETTE CAPE 1181 WILMETTE AVE. 'Central AV*. io*Wil. 2998 . 508 Main St. Phone Grm. 61 - N tc mette, states that the number oi Imen anld women, wbo are in need. of en-ý ployment in- Wilmette .i s greater than .t any.time-since the depresion started, and that itis increasinig. Therefore, do not growr weary in the. matter of help;- ing out the sit.uation,ý and when -you do .ssist do nlot delay the.niatter. Make it a matter of first importance to plan to, gîve wvork to sombebody, and do flot wait until the day arrives for the work to be donc.' Plan for it ahead of '&me. Cal1 Mrs. Blaylock, Wilmettie 2550, two or- three days ahéad of, time, and te berý just. what kind of work you want donc. She will, then arrange' to, a ve a competent ma n orI woman cal to see you. *Perhaps it is true that everything that has a beginning also bas an ending, and you, who have sut44T0id ftothihtg. more serious than a reduced income, inay be 'able to regard that certainty in a sort of philosQpbical "don't worry" manner, but it sounds like niockery to the mnan or womnan wbo is absolutely witbout any inconie, and witbout a chance to carn a cent. It is -rather tiresome, to say the least, to hear the wise ones prate: "We always have corne out of our de- pressions, andi we iirelv willemeL c.iaimng is victims. I nere are now, ac- coi-ding to officiai figures, between twelve and fifteen millions of men and women out of work. Prësident-elect Roosevelt states that even if ail the nulls and factories were to be operated nowv on full titue, there would still be 5,000,000 who would remain idie. Yes . . . we may he even non the Concurrent with tnis, was the an- nouncement that beauty queens b'ad .been 1 selected by, ail the Big Ten schools, 'and they wilj vie. with Miss White- for, the titieý of, "Big Tien. Beauty Queen." The: queens froni the varions 's'chools: are:e Indiana:«. Miss n ososephine Dorsett;- Minnesota., .Miss Mai-lys H-anson; Illinois-: Miss Blanche Waddell; Ohio State: - Miss Jane Berry; Michigan. Mary Phil- lips ; Purdue: Miss Lillian' Peterson; Chicago: Geraldine Mitchell'; Iowa: Ruth Katter.; Wisconsin.: Jette Lèe Luellen.. The bail, scliduled for February 17, is to.beheld at the Aragon Bail- roo ml Chicago., Wayne King and' Bernie Cumimins wi11 provide. the musi ' , and the presentation of 'the entertaiinent will.be handled by Ben .,-rnie, "The QJd Maestro." Tickets will be placed on sale in the near future. Until then, reserva- tions may be inade by calling Rooni 204 of the Carlson building, 636 Church street, Evanston. BACK FROM MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs. John Magie, 2815 1Blackhawk road, have returned fi-oi a three weeks' iotor trip in the east. They visited Mr. Magie's sister,: in ÀMiss Catherine Schmidt,'710 WVash- ington avenue, Wilmette, left Siund(a-, for Granville, Ohio, wherc shie wvill attend Denison university. -o- Mrs. Frank Barrett, (615 Esse'.. road, Kenilwý,orthi, entertained a bridge foursonie at luncheon XVed- nesday of last week. other authorized or purchased nt DAYS-Wednedmy and Thursmy,, Feb. 84ý - mmbrthe Food DrBwToîg ________ THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVJTED TO A'TFBND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM DOLL