featw-es. Performs like sets costing twice a miueh. Esettrs e Conte In-PHILCOS $1.5U Thse .saro» MW .M.del 89, WiIautteBDtter6EletreSeve Tweilth Street open 7 .to 9 P. M. Phone Wflniette 691-696 Th e Weather MVan--.Says: "COLDER TOMORROW" Blizzards often'arrive unexpectedly. Even the Weather Bureau can forecast but a few bours in advanc,. But we are quite sure of one thingj-tkot we are going to have' colder weatbr. Y our b.st protection against sudden changes in temperature 41s a bin CGtJARANTEED COAI. FUEL O!L SOLYAY COKE D EL1IlYVER Y, YIARD S ALL. OV ER' TH E NO0R TH IWILMETIE 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75 S HO0R E DI1S TRI1C T per oe> Ewato Brun, 27381 'md ve.Univesity 770 I Tazrl 740ý -CI I I