Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Feb 1933, p. 48

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m.mery, w. tialduf at the -Womans* club of .Wilmette -Monday morning. These talks, his hearers declare, bave been sane, thought-provoking, help- fuI. Th ey have 'been. giv en ,under the auspices, of the cbild -and home de- partment of the club of which AIrs. Ray S-. Warren ischairmnan.ý Stîwdards Change The oic! standard that made mant the provider and wonxan Just.,the,*wife and nitewith lier place entlrely in the hoesl belng broken down, Dr. Bal- <tuf déclared. With that changre have corne emnotional eoflt h. are re- flècted on the. sensitive mmnd of 'the chuld, especially- the adolescent child, the speaker reniarked. Womien wish te express themselvès ,In the werld and are, né longer content to bie Just wlves and inothers, and the time will corne, hoe belleves, wýhen a woman can choose lier, life ln, the world Just as she wants te, Wornen, now, are more iiiited, and ~wht h aI~U4~n do Is guided by the. needu of their chlldren. This chatlng against the cernng of a new order breeds con- lilct, and needs to have more coopera- tien and adjustinent on the part ef husbands and wives te effect a peace- fai solution, Dr. Balduf enphaslzed. Wemen, lie pointed eut, have as inucli riglit to express themselves in the world through their talents, as meni have, and this new standard he considers to lie inevitable. Must Arhleve These Ends Special entertainnient is provccled fo the eveniug, which wilI start îpromptly and not last late. Bob Towuley will niake bis ann ual presentatien of football letters and other insignia for the 1932 season, aided by several ýof Northwestèru's football, stars., An orchestra "wýith pleuty of zip"l will furnish, theénmusic, and' the, "Gold Dust Twins, fresh froni a triuniphal tour of the Pacific coast, will1 corne in their first Chica-ý go -appeàranceé." In: readiness for, the, event is the freshly decorat.ed lounge wîth. its fresh tint on the wahls, new coverings on the furniture and new hangings at the windows. FORM "TRIBES"9 The twenty eight-year-old boys ivho are niembers of the 'Kenilworth Junior 1-ikers1 organization have been' divided into four "tribes,' t'he Chippewvas, Iroquois, Apaches .and Comanches. The tribes planned tot hold their first big pow wow on the lake front this week. A hunt for a buried treasure was te he one of the main features of the pow wow. Rob-t ert W. Townley, director of physi- cal education at the joseph Searst school ini Keuilworth, has charge ofs the Junior Hikers. juain 4:/),.iealtl prograni is broadcast over this Amnong the citations which coin- -station by the Tuberculosis institute. Prised the. lèssoxi-serliion .was the fol- Miss Altha A. Lyman, the insti- lowilg' froni the Bible: "The Lord tute's nurse' in Kenilworth, said this biath appeared of old unto nie, say- week that the prograin to be Pre- ing, Vea, 1 have loved thee with an sented this, Sunday will. be luin the everlasting love: thertforé with loy- brio kthdpciganonn ingkindness -have I drawn, tbee" iibler odffice.1 Miss Lyman will he (Jeremiah 31:3). sitdb Ms èldéHWr, The lesson-sermon also included asserted y MSu isAELaide Hardo the, followin assgesf rom the sceayt ut .Ngadc Christian Science texitbook, "Science fleJsp er col and IJealth with Key:to the, Scrip- Before and after the sketch .Miss tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "That M., Louise, Robinson, a -niember of God is a. corporeal being, nobady can the joseph Sears, faculty, will Sintg truly affirni .. Net, materially but' two groups of songs. spiritually- we krow Hîi as Divine, The. village of Kenilworth bias Mind, as L..ife, Truth, and Love. We shown an*uniusual interes 1t i n thet shall obey. and adore ili .proportion work -of the :Chicago Tuberuoi as we apprebend the divine nature-isttue.Forhepat in vas and love Hini understandingly, %var- ntue. orheps ievas ring. no more over the corporeality, h oehSassho a a h but rejoicing' in theaflene f urhihest per capita sale of Cbristmnas Cod" (p. 140). seals. BACK FROM TEXAS GUIDE LECTURE TOURS Mr. and Mrs. Htrry 'W. Dodge, "Marineè Life at 3 o'clock on Mon- 1110 Lake avenue, returned last week day, Feb. 6, is the subject of the 6irst froni a nioter trip te Texas where of next week's guide-lecture tours they bad .gone to place their three for the general public at Field Mu- boys in school. The two older boys, seuni of Natural Ilistory. On otber Harry, Jr., and Edward entered days at 'the saine heur subjects will Texas Mdlitary institute in San An- be: Tuesady, 'Eskinio Custeois"; toxiio and Frank was placed in thie Wedilesday, "Animal Life ini the Chi- San Antonio acadeniy, On their re- cago, Area"; Tbursday, a general turn borne Mr. and Mrs. Dedge tour of anthropological, botanical stopped iu Houston, Galveston, Dai- geolegical and zeological exhibits; las, and Conroe, a sniall oil city iu and Friday, "Weaving in Many the niaking, whiere the Dodges saw Lands." These tours, conducted by buning oil wells. Thev covered in staff lecturers, are oinen to il iit- Dr. *iaiduf then teek Up these pountjî i detail. *rIncemmenthng upon the tirst lie stated that lt ls net necessary te 'expel a ehild from the famlly, but wean It away." If that ls net done ."aduit lnfantalism"' resuits. TI achiev- ing this end parents, lie urged, sliould ho net tee hnqusitive, nor disinterested, but should keep a middle grounld and shou.ld take keen interest i ail th^at lie does se that lie mav feel his pa~re~nts~ Mrs. Percy Del .wood avenue. enti club at .luncheon r'viimeunves;y i imnois LUo *n*4uY8e 1 spend 'ler mid-senîester vacation Charles Snyder of Highland Park, BAHA'I LECTURE with ber parents, bringing with her baggageinan on the Chicago and At thie regular Sunday afteýrnuoi,, a classmate, Dorothy Davis of Gree- North Western railroad's uorthboun'd meeting, February 5, of the Baha'i ley, 'Colo. Both girls are Delta Gain- train N\o. 365, suffered three fractured fluse of Worship, Linden avenue nma pledges at Illinois. On Saturday isls rdy feno hnh and Sheridan road, Wilrnette. thle Helen entertained eight guests at th 1e slipped and fell wvhile repairing the sekrwl cD.ZaBgai1' stearn bose between the tender and spaePvl i DýZaBgaio dinuer dance at Skc.kie Countrv club the first car of thie train. The acci- Wilmnette, whose subject -is, to bie >"Ba- in houer cf lber bue<et lent eccurred at the Wilmnette sta-li'u ahsM sge0 teXTý.q tien, where the train had made its Dr. Bagdadi was boru in Palesti1ne Mrs. Hugo T. Fischer of Evans- regular stop at 3:23 o'clock. Snyder and lias been in the presence of Ba- ton, formerly of 738 Tenth street, re- was attended by a local physician and ha'u'llah, and later cf Abdul Baba. turned recently te her home f rom a two wvas then la ken to Highland Park on foursopie at luncheen Vednesdav. Kenilwortb. VI, -o-0- 0 ~Mrs. Jacques, de LaChapelle. 132 - Mrs. Arthur Bonnet.* 157 Robsant Harold F. Tideman, 138 Abbingdoi' Abingdon'avenue, Kenilworth. enter- eplace. Kenilworth. entertained ber avenue, Kenilworth, returned Fridai taiued ber sewing, club) on Ttiesday, bridge 'club at luncheen Mefndav. froni a businessuiip te New YVork. Janutary 31 0+ p

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