New Trier townsnîP taxpayers, it is announced,, may expect their bis in the verv near future. Cllector Sanborn Hale, wbo bas hel this office in New Trier-townsbip sincé' 1924. during which time he, bias gar- nered in about $9,000,000 ini taxes, has: the.lcollection miachinery set 1u p'to re- ceive the 1931 taxes. nowdue. 111 1925. M(r. Hale recalls, there were only, twelve books in the township list- ing. whereas today tbere are seventeen including the personal property books, Pirepare Own Bis Tue 'cllectfor miust prepare his -own bis f rom the books and mail them out to the taxpayers. Under -the law- the countrýy town tax collectors are allowed to keep the tax books for three wveks, *recei'ving 1a percentage of ail the taxes N\Iliïch tbey collect during that period. The township 1»' which tbey are col- lected fecives M1l collector's ees 'above' This year, it is announced, the couintry town tax collectors will keep the books uintil two weeks after the penalty date, which is 'March 1, re- turning them then to the county treasurer who continues the collec- tion. The books ivill. again go to the countrv town collectors for another three weeks' collection period on the Seconid installmeiit of 1931 real estate this. issue), invites inclividuals or groups-to suggest candidates' for consideration by the convention. This> meeting is1 open to al votersin the village and the con- vention expects a record turnout of representativ.e citizens. John. P. Stefenis GietsPurpie Heart War ServiîceAýward. John P. Steffens, 315 Fifteenth street. aa Wilmette 'mail carrier, has, been awarded the, Order of the. Pur- pie Heart by the War department. He received the decoration this wèek. and it is to be presented to. him formally at the meeting of the Peter J. Huerter post of thé Aneri- cati Legion next Tuesday nigbt. Mr. Steffens during the World war was ini the Thirty-third division, Company C, 129th Infantry. He saw service in France on four sections= the Somme, St. Mihiel, Verdun and the Meuse-Argonne. It was in the Meuse-Argonne engagement that lie wvas gassed on October 5, 1918. The Order of the Purple Heart was the southeast corner of Central and *]Park avenues, facing on Central ave- nue from Park- avenue to the' alley midway between Park avenue and Main, street and with *a depth of 100 feet along Park 'avenue. Announcement was made.this week, that Benjamin H. Marshall, Wilmette and Chicago architect, bas been* se- lected to design the new building. Mr. Marshall received formai noti- fication' of bhis appointmuent 'a few days ago. Before any workcan be started, on the new, building :a complete topo- grapbical survey of -tbe site m tust be accepted by the office of. the super- vising arcbitect in tbe'Treasury de- partmnent, Wasbington, D. C. Tbis survey is to be made witbin a short tiIne, Pôstthaste~r joseph E. Shantz. said this week. Puali Project The Treasury department bas in- dicated that it intends to push the \Virmette. federal building project to early completion. Making the sur- vev of the site and other preliminary details are routine niatters encoun- tered in the erection of' an-, similari building. 1I Gen. Robert E. Wood, b h,ôorary president, stated that Scouting' must. continue and this announcemùent was entbusiastically. acclaimed., President Henry Fowler of Wilmette an-, nounced that, as, thé result of the work of a special, budget committee,' the' amou,ùnt .to be raised :for ý1933 is, ma-, terially less than. in any former. year of the. council's existence. Tbe e xecu-. tive person nel bas, been reduced by more tban 50 per cent and the, reMain-l ing executives bave cbeerfully aëccpt- ed material, reductions for t-beir'serv- ices, he stated. it is estimated that the cost per Scobut for- the' côming year will be, sligbtly Iess. thani $6 as com- pared wNitb $10.33 as a national aver- age cost, and is as low as possible to permit tbe- work to be continued on an efficient and proper basis. Plan IutensîVe bras. - - Financial chairmen were appointed for eacb of the communities ini the area and the two weeks drive wilI witness an intense campaign on their part to enlist tbe aid of aIl the friends of this movement. Here is wbere your Boy Scout Dollar goes in tbe North Shore Area council. These figures are compiled from the aud it for 1932, completed I anaury 24, 1933. bv Arnold, Himmel- ilasten Computation The comiputation of the tax rate for 1931. it is expected, will be com- pleted tbis week, following which tbe ta\ extension will be hastened so tliat the books mnay be sent on their 'mav to the collectors. \\hile rio definite figures are yet available, the opinion prevails that, there. will be approximately a teîi per cent increase in thie tax rate, due to the sanitary district anid cotinty and Tnomnas Bro ,sçieeter at the l,îext Week. now l)eing given to World %var vet-' club, Oak P±arkc, rebruary 15. crans who were wounded in actioll . Te fering will be vocal and ini- strumental, book-reviews, novelty numbers, oriental presentations in Fathes andSonscostumnes, etc. Proceeds will go for FJold A nnual Dinner relief work at the league. Tickets niav be secuired fromi Mrs. R. R. The annual fatber and son banquet .,\ar(uardt, -Wilmette 388, Miss sponsored by the Men's club of the Helen Fridmian, Wilmette 2113, ýor First Congregational cburcb of XiI- Mrs. WV. C. Gillies, Wilniette 3568. mette wil ehe ll W.ediesdahv e 1-11CI "" person with the ecitor in order thàt Jr., The ilew ýsuch identification may be estab- *shool starts lisbled -Budget IteIIS Il 1. Executive Salaries 9. Otfile Salariés 3. Rent, ,Lighit, Heat, Téléjphone, insuranoe 4. Office Supplies 5. Postage 6. Publicity- 7, Transportation *S. Camps and Hlikes *_q qa Çe" t- 49i% 12% 9% 5% 2% 2% 5% 2%k 54%. 74% 52% 66% 59% CALL WILMETTE 4300OIalintnrJh Penag:sser, sang sevralaras rom"Mrth." IlTra- vatore," and "I Pagliacci."