of cach îimmigratr. iEacn one carried hiis lunch i a receptacle, the entire gopoffering a large assortment of containers varying. from cardboard boxes to baskets:and even tin cans. A conspicuous group. sat-on the floor, and. ate lunch. 'Another group went modern and satý at long tables covered witb dishes an d partook of chop suey, pickles,, olîves, -and'chocolateé cake. After , lunch was e aten, a huge gang plaànk was placed at one end of, the studio and al those ini costume were 'requestd o ak down. in, view of the judges who were Oskar Gross, Frank .Peyraud, and -Jamec, Cady Ewell., Carnes Ancestrl B.d M r. and Mrs, Peter Johansen, diressed as Danish immigrants, started the pa- rade,, the former carrying one of he ancestral featherbeds used on tbe shi'p and since uscd ini the' United States; tit, pans, an~d kettles which were. faç:-- similes of those given by the ship to help immigrants start out in if e. 'fhere Nvas a -great variety of costumes, many *t of whichi were. very ludicrous. A pair of nionkeys were so cleverly- disguised that nione but their hostess, Mrs. E. A. 1Brin.knew their identity until they rernoved their masks and appeared as Mr. and Nlrs. Harry Champliii of Gleni-i *cue; H. H. Burkçe and iss 'f heo rke of .13 ented, a pair the days of wood-burning locomio- tives and scrap-iron rails. He %vas graduated from the Northwesteri University school oôf liberal arts il thé. class of .77; and inimediatelv after his graduation entered the. Chit. cago officesý of ,th2e' Chicago and V>a - ducah railroad, whicb aftierward b)e- came a part of the Wabash systeù.ý MNr.. Newmani'srailroadt service at the tinie of his death totaled more, than fi fty-five years. Surviving Mr. Newman are thrcec sons. Philip Il. Newman of Wlm4ette. Frank. R. Newman' of Minneapolis, vice-ï)r--.s-ent -rÂ--the Soo uné. andl Robert .R Newman of> Sacramientoi. Calif. His wife, Adelia Rogers Ncw- miai>. died in 1916. *Mr. Newman %vas an hionorarv Ir e 4*11etrber of tbe T;afiIc club of Ch i cago, anid a m;embl.er of tuie U1i101 League club and of several M.\asonic --INFANT DAUGHTER DIES *Barbara jean Cazel, thirteen- rnonithi-od daughiter of -Mr. and -Mrs. Ernest Cazel,. jr., <ied last TIlitursdla% moÉtniiig ()f pie.nioiia. .T'he child lial bcen Ili only tliree days. Funer- ai serviîces were held> Friday aflter-1 me na!e LlsPingS 8ing ine -,,taie sMJIg, «rea 35 an average audience for t he ".iioi,4led 1by Mrs. GeOî4ge E". Players; five hundred Seats have ai,-, Sbipman with Mrs. Eîni'ory' Cobib An- ready been reserved. drews at the piano. 5t vial The state recording secretary and Cnrr ormrhwvr u chairman for Ellis Island wvas guest bouse iîs fot sold out, atid seats-may of honor and gave ýa short talk about çstifli be obtaiised at' Chandler's. and Ellis' Island, illustrateà hy sampifles T1 ommiry Airth's in 1-Evanston :and at. of' work donc by the iimmigrants the Fiorence. siop. 333 Park'avenue, there,. The hostesses;. Mrs. Harrison Glen-coe. Tiçkets, reserved by tele-? and Mrs. f. K. Farley of Kcnilwortb, poi' h'mn anett lno served. aý deiightfuil tea -during thée()29, Will b-e eld at, the box, office enijoyablje socèial hour which enfled &ni :15 .o'clock the iniglit of the the meeting., performance. Memnbers are invite(i to t'le "Ai)- The t hCater of the college 1 s smali, nual White Breakfast" birthiday party -iinformna, with an -excellent view from of the General Hlenry Dear rnail seats. D)ue to the musical char- chapter of ýChicago Fcbruary .11, at -acter of thle, show, the best i4mpres- 12 o'clock, in thé Gold,room of the soSmlr oa pr, sotie Congreýss hotel. Those wishing to 1 by flot Sitting too close to the stage. attend are'to make reservations wiîth Seats still available, therefore, are Mrs. J. K. Fariey. of .Kcrilôrth at very desirabie. - - one~. I i-, n oimied. 'llie national'.. . presidenit-general 'of the Soci et , 1 Ttragedy-C@ai.dy Mrs. W. R. Magna, ill be gucst of - aged-wlie ii at cofd-rat-b honor and speaker. uig-e igvrty.- rma Itad i é prograhgis br',adeast iov*cr is in store for tiiose who. are witness- WUM Iîirays ar1IdW4-dnl..,a'3:o gteîer rac.Several of the to 3:4() a re--- cleverest character actors and act- Fe-bru.Hry -i; mrs. .Iiari é. G< rhe esses available, among them - 1. C. -The i1iih, ewij-<' (Pmeiii o h<ur- Ç I> lluglies (Àf - Wînntka and Kit Postle Febuay -M~.iîth-. s -l do()leî 1, 1 -llput across the choice c4ety."i-suces of iiuîor Ini the play. liuring a ïehrary13-in~. Williani ('Jy(]-Iow-1 recent relicarsal, eveni the faces of the aird, -~Abrhm4n4~î. Ferur I,- co-auth',srtec iSatisfaction with February 15-Opt. (c. i,. ji#opkinsIî l4hi' i .hgtI, ýat ~ ptared in a costune- of a gentleman of P)20. Miss B. Doherty of Michigan i-'ty'vas a Polish imjmijgrant, and F. A. Tuttie of Evanston, a Lithuanian pea.ýant. MNrs. Anita Willets Bumnham, (Jre>sd as a Bohiemian im migrant, car- rived a bird cage, baby in a sack, a broorni, Spanish fan, and a grip One hutndred, years old. Hem. daughtcr, Carol -Lou,. carne as a Romanesque angel. -E.- A, Brion wa .s ship's purser. One of thel 723J TIenth street, Wilmettc, and M r. "The American C*,IvIizatiîori of TO' iii ' ,anajjiiS(iie :wCe.s- Il.iIIImuUity- and Mrs. Thomas E. Maddock, 172 morrow" wmiil be thé subject (if 1,tin lu'9(04 iri, entertaînnent and -Myrtie street, Winnetka. -- address to be given by Rabbi Ch)arlu, ailhi,t-ýiiîlit, the uîderly-îng phiioso- E. Shulman at the morning sev p' -jl~~<etrlteBlow"of is .VfP, Betty- Gaivin arrived thie1 fte rh hr og egioi eitirc1iv s(riOu,,, and so thought-pro- middl of tewcek to make her home Israel Sun-dav, February 5, at 10:45 ing thiat a rcadiii fttpa bcfort Iterary - citics, previous to the witdh Mrs. Domothy Naethans, 625 lin the temple at Lincoln andVrxîiudtkng-fh routnnc Greenlea: avenue. Miss Galvin, who aeus lno.Tesbeti o-udraigo h:poutosc formnlylivd wth rs.Naehan, aenue, Genct. ht ubict s *-- riters a-, Ifarrict Monirot, juint Pro- iormrly ivedwithMrs.Naetansccrned iwith the survey of the PresI- ha., recently been making hem home idént's Research committee on social ie an-CoydHdwec t iChcg.trends.-- sword poi nts regar<Iinig the ethical, iii hicgo.Theororam f rUsi atthtserv - re iîgious 'anîd draînatic values of the' pre îet htCiaoAssociation of 1téee served- the coffee and chocolate. - _________ Paimte-rs and- Sculptors - Mr. Peyraud, 1Mrs. Brion and Mrs. Vennema orig- 'Mrs. James Horton, who inakes, çoming irom- Switzerland, is a landscape inated 'the idea for the party as. a 64get-lher homne with ber daughter, r. painter; :He told of his trip which took acquainted" affair which proved,- with Homer Johnson,. 158 'Melrose avetiMi, thirty days. - its informality. and fun, a pronounced Kenilworth. is leav'ing Fridav -for Si - .jasper King,. presicient of the leagu. u>es Petersburg.. Fia.- Mrs. Llcweiyn Lodwick an~d son, Nickie, of LaFayette, La., aret the bouse- guests of Mr. and Mrs.- Daniel H. Nichoies, 816 Forest'avenue. They- l~are emaining fo r an indefitei.ength loi time..