The final date of registration lias, been. se t for.February,6 and must be in the recreation office, 914 Central avenue, by that date. Glen.W. Gath- ercoal, recreation assistant, is in charge, of thetourniamenitan appli-, cations may. be sent directly to himi or mailed to 'the Playground and. Recreation board, at the above ad-, dress. An entiry fee of 50 'cents must accompany each registr ation,. it, is7an- nounced. There are to be three tournaments, a singles and a doubles tournament' for men, and a singles tournament forý boys. Consolation tournaments will be held. in each'above for those: c ontestants Who lest the first night's games. Gold and silver medals- are te be 'awarded as prizes. Al oramnt gamues will . e played at the Howard school attic where tables and other equipment have been installed and are ready for play. LPot aenfl av. -k l ,ys 2' w ass. Ho S p. m.-North Shore Basketba.ll league. Huff Boliers vs. Hoffmann Florletig. Howard gymnaslura. 9 p. m.-North Shore Basketball league.. Schultz & Nord vs. Vegrants. Howard gyninasium. Ilonday, February 6 6 p. m.-High School Boys' basketball. Gophers v's. Llghts. Howard gym- naslum. à p. m.--GirIs' basketball. Y. P. C. vs. Six Bits, Stolp~ gymnasluin. 7 :30 p. m.-Men's volley bail. Mfethodist, Ri. tr A. Rossmun Wolff,, referee. .1. Jordan R.ý Steffens J. Miller R. Èraun A. Bauer T. Schinler H. Peters Wolff, referee. Hoffnmann Florist s (37) H., Johinson e. Brammer G. Hiuck W. Johnson P.. EVans Hlereferee. Van Deusens (23) 7 G. Jones 0. Altm~an R. Moran T. Buck R. Schwall G. Bgck WolIff, referee. R.Jackson L. Todd B. May Winberg Drues. (41). R. Fridmnaný L. Gosa 1117 C. Nordberg J. Marshal R. Gogs W, Webst.r Hornets (19) W. Young A. .Russo J. Allworth 1Ê. Young R. Greeni Y. P. C. (22> S. Kraf t K. Wagner E. Schuet.t V. White Teanm standing,;la-in.f'Basketball, league: W. L. l'es. Hoffmann Florists..... 10 1 .909 Van Deusens.........9 2 .818 Winberg Drugs ............ 2 .818 Âne rican Legion ........... 6 .454 Hills Serviee Station.....4 5 .444 Hornets...........4 7 .363 Y. P.C................2 9 .181 Basiçeteers.................. 5 .OO00 E. 'Stffens H. Seifert Jolies, refel'ee. Gophers (12) R. Spechit J. H-utchins E. Erickson M. Hutchinis D. Haas C. Huttchins E. Co Team standings in "A"' btýketball league: W. L. Pet. Hoffmann Florists.......... 10 i .909 Lynami's Texacos......... 1 .909 State Bank'..........8 2 .800 KofC...................4 &6.400 ýM.Y. P.D..........4 7T.363 Yorks ...............3 8 .22 Alethodists..........2 9 .18 1 St. Francis ......... e: 2 9 .181 IufNORTH SHIORE LIEAGUE HufBoliers (40) Wilnmiýtte Life (37) L., Horder A. Meyers R. *Cramer EB. Bramnmer E. Driscoil V. Meter B. Heap T. Obermneler J. Harrison L., Howard Todd& Jones, referees. Schultz & Nord (33) R.1lacLean, G3. Saxton B. Uardt R. Reschke R. Nord ltoaa & jonc~s, Bahia'i (34) J. Sheldon R. Oelerlch B. Dyniewicz R. Nelson E. Lange 1Todd & Jone.s, r Hoffmann Florists (30) R. Leonard' C. Thorsen R.: Horn R. Huck H. Johnson referee. Highland Park Y. N. C. (28) W. Rogan B,.Jiemb)e B. Tiliman T. Russel M. Maiman T. Rogani 1. Garling' M. Moore teferees. in North Shore Ba.s-j tte Litey.......3 6 t.ld Park Y. . C. . i VOLL L. Kraft C. Kirwin Methodist (15, 15) D. Anderson W. Lindblad Sea Lions (32) H. Stone R. .Hermnanson C. Gèppert H. er On . Geppert E. Horn A. Brown Phillips, referee. C. Willianis EXl" BiLL Hoffmann Florists (11, 11) Jake Hoiffmann James Hdffrmanu A. H-offnmann. E. Miller G. 1Hucç B. Thalmann The feature gamne of the card pr omises to be. the contest betweetn the Hoffmann 'Florist quitêtt and the Htuff -Boilers* of Evanston, be- ginning at 8 o'cloclc. Although the HÎoffmahin Florist team bhas,:had a run *of bad luck Iately, it is giill'~con- sidereil one of the strongest teamsin the North Shore. league and bas an, added advantage of newplayers who will be eligible to compete with the, qudfor ýthe first time tomoôrrowv night. The 7 o'clock game, will also be ,a good game and will be. played be- tween. the Baha'i team and the Wil- mette Life team, both local quintlets. The final game at 9 o'clock will be bet-ween Hlighland Park Young Men's club, newcomers in the league. and ,chu.Itz &-Nord. The North Shore league games are attt-acting a larger number of specta- tors eacl, Friday evening, recreation, authorities announce, and offers the best competition of ali the leagues. conducted on the current program. The games are the only games for which there is an admission charge to spectators. eritrv tee inere wim ue a membersnip, campaign to increase the class enroil- Iment, it is announced at the loffice of the Playground and Recreation board, sponsors of the class. NEW 8CIIEDILFE G.irls' Basketball( Third Rtound> February 6-7 p.m. Y. P. c'._s.Six Bits, Stolp. 1) p.m. Kudas vs. Porter, Stolp. Februa.ry 13-7 p.m. Brownies vs. Ku- n's basketball. "A" le-ague. Lynam Texacos (48) .nk vs. York. H-oward gymi- C. Inm W. Rogers »'s basketbali. "A" league. H. Kaufman .exacos vs. M. Y. P. D. Hlow- D. Dingw.tli inasiuWyle n'5 basketball. "A" league. L. Pabimann ri Flôrists vs., St. Francis. ,nnasiutn. iR. F.Lu D. RiggIe, rt Y. P.C.() M. Weber 'eferee. S., Keil .Porter (18)I V.Johanston t Teani standings ine girls' bitsketball ague: W. L. Pet. udas ... . 8 1 .889 >rt ... .. .. 8 il .889 ownles 63 6673 YZ ........ 1 7 .125 x Bits . .........O0 8 .000 i I. I I I Stolp g