of lier, lecture, "The World of To- (ly'and Miss Ortseifen chose lier se.lections and comments. to conforni andl apply to ,MIrs., Poole's' subject. Shle introduqed ber- subject by a quotation from Anatole France: "o ciety is. vain and frivolous. Granted, Nevertheless ýit is'.îio badschool forý politicians, indeed. we May well re- gret, that it is so littie frequented by a l)resent day statesman.- "WNhat, conîstitutes society? WVom- an; she is its sovereign arbitress, it, exists by ber and for ber exclusively." Miss Ortseifen followed this excerpt froîn Katherine .Daytop's article, 46J ania ,ry -Slusb,".-- in .tbe Saturday Evening Post, and concluded ,witb the more seri ous "Anerica'for Me" by, Henry V'an Dyke. The meeting va's beld at the Rog- ers Park Woman's club. -with Mrs. Poole, Mrs. 'William F. Farrell, state presi'dent, and Mrs. Ivor Jeffreys. of Glencoe, district chairman, as guests of the evening, and i Mrs. Clement Cox, chairman of the district Junior auxiliaries; condticting the meeting. Part of the prograni was a group of songs by tbe Glee club of the Park Ridge Scbool for Girls,, transporta- tion for Nvhom was provided by the Catholic Club juniors. Amonçg the presidents of the north , te muhtoth ge nertimecnt Jan ute hree sthe grepuils cntrib-n Ethel Newman gave .a recitatien and Helen :McCarthy and' fane Redlin played.fpiano solos. Mrs. C. L.,Belding of Austin sang two solos,. "The Brown Bird" and, "Dawn.». Mrs. . John ,J.,, Tracey was the accompanist.- Miss 'Jane, Gandia,- assistant prii- cipal of th e Lea nder Stone' school, in Chicago, took.,ber audience back to the time 'Of. Rousseau for the be- ginning of, ber talk on "Modern Edu-s rcation," ',namingZ him as the originator of the progressive idea of education and the less formai way of conduct- ing classes. Dr. ýJudd and Dr. Dew- ey, educatoàrs.of the present, era, she stated, -s ponsored the idea of "ýso- cialized >recitation" and the "'prôj ect". systemn novv in vogue. The advan- tage of small class groups is now be- ing cÔnsidered as 1the next niôst ihn- portant step ini the improvement of the present school systeni, the speak- er asserted, Mrs! James Tarleton, .Mrs. 'Mabel Markhanm, Mrs. M. C. Rogers poured at the tea, the table being arranged in a setting of spring flowers. Guairdian Announces Camnp ire Activities, ýEAST 0F, FOUNTAIN SQUARE: SPECIALS Rolp TiUR S., týF]R1. SAT. PORK LOIN Rili or Loin End l.6jc POT RoAWVr Tendr, fwom Corn Fres Jumbo, , IL. Rond o 0sfrloiu I DAKED HAN Virinia S~y1p~, 14e Steak, b ...... Steak*, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Ortseiéi ife. ho acted as ushers. SISTERHOOD SPEAKER Ellery Walter, welI known traveler, writer, andi student of German affairs, wilI speak on "The German Youth Movemient" at the North Shore Con- gregation Israel temple in Glencoe' Tuesday evening February 14, at 8:15 o'clock. This is the fifth in the ser- ies of lectures sponsored by the Sis- terhood of the Congregation, February 7-handcraft. February. 14-review of bonôrs earneci exaniinations and record of local.hon- ors. February 21-ceremonial practice. February 28-ceremonial. MORE CHICKEN POX Five new cases of cbicken pox, one new case of tuberculosis and onie of mumps were reported by the Wihnette Heàltb departmient for the week ending Slb..1 5c Iuicy Ioia ,3&z.35 OMM WERIE Fresli Florida, Finest Flavr. .............. ...........bo do.. Dhuabwb - ~ Frsnh 3l 3b.199C MOTOR CAR DEALERS 0F UPTOWN CHICAGO and EDGEWATER,, BEACH HOTEt. 5300. BLOCK-SHERIDAN ROAD CIA(Ec Dry Picloed, MiIk-f.d LE O0F LA?« Gem. spring b. ... . . . . . CHICAGC Each IMM