Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Feb 1933, p. 32

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Tlhe onans club of Wilnette' is holding a joint, meeting with thie Wil-; mette Garden :Club of, Wilmette Wednesday, February 8. The mor.- ing program, opening at 10:30 p'clock, is in charge *of the Garden club, which' is pregeuting an illust'ated lecture by Dr. W. G. Xatermati of, the- Botanv departmeçnt of North- western* universiîtyý. He will speak on "Forests and Flowers of the* Four Seasons." During the noon hiour, Mrs. Paul B. Wagner will give a, short talk on'."Colonial. Hearth. stones,", an d' in the afternoon at 2. the art department of ,the Woman's club wilIl offer as, the speaker, Capt. -Kilrov: H arris. who wili gi-ve an. illus- trated lecture, on "Inthe Australian Bush." Dr. Waternman in, bis discussion will ugeautachromne jplates whith lie has taken hiniself ini natural color. He is an enthusiast for naturalistic groupings ini plant and flower -ar- rangement. His talk will cover thie seasonal aspects of plants as found in nature. forest borders and vistas ini nature's landscaping. rare and beau- tiful %vild 'flowers. as well as green- bouse and gardeîî blossomns. In ber before-lunicheon talk Mrs. Wagner will show sortie quaint deco- Australia to thase audiences that cannt g toAustralia-that hi- is.- land-contiient 'a-wa v doN- unitdi'- NOhen lie lectures. Captain Kilroy Harri",s, D. S. O0, M. C., F. R. G. S,F. R. C. I., is an Australian who servcd ini the \'Vorld war, and lie is a nman wbho likes toa get "ýoff the beaten traçcV The British "Who's \Vho" shoWs tlhat lielias avenue, Kenilworth, who is the host- ess of the day. Books reviewedý by Mrs. IVa rd this week will be chiefly biographies. Thle . openling lecture held on JanW Uary 24,, at the bomne of Mrs. John Sinding, was unusually well attended. Mrs. Ward, discùssed chiefly four current, novels, "'Earth's Horizon," by M,%aryAuistin: "The Bright. Land," by Janet ,Fairbank;, "Neyer Ask, the End," by Isabelle Patterson, and " The Last Adan,." by J. C. Cauzens. "The. Average Anierican.' Mrs.. Vard' said in comment upon .thc reading habits of the public, "bor- rows two 'books and. obtains tbree books fronT the Public librâryr an- nuially." The Meetings are under the aus- .pic.es of the art and literatTwre epart- nient of the Neighibors, of which Mrs. George W. Vaught is chaîrman. Card Partyg, Style Show for Business Women "Fuin is coming on February 16, for business women and their. friends" the Businiess and Professional Women's club* of Wilmnette announices. A card il2rtv f or evervanc whiether bridge.. bher :Wilmette shop. "Depression prices for admission will draw a large crowd, so get. your tickets early," the commit- tee announccs. >Ihere are prizes for .every table suitable for. either nmen or womien. ,Miss Esther Hoffmnai was hostess last Thursday evening to the Business and Professional Women's club when The White Donkey.......Hr .The Foun tiain' of 4cqua Paola...Griffes Sonata, No. 104, ............... Llszt Andaluza...............eal Lois Hamett of Wilmette, planlst MoonMretn............ Weavêr In, the Luxembourg Gardenls.. Manning Yesterday and Today........ Sproes Virginla NMarshall of kenllworth, soprano Dance of the Rebbitzeri (traditional dance),......Perina.n Andante froin the Symphùne Espagnol................. Caprice...........LVn WinifredTowniýend, Cree of, Wlnnetka,. IV 4 y Lovely Cellia........Munroe Marianlied.. ................. MarJx Si Tu le Veux.... ......... Koechlin Mrs. Vesta Simpson of Wlnnetka, soprano V. Dediction... .. ......lSchmaln Ever Gentier Grows My Slumber..............Brahms The Sea ... .........Grant-Schaefer Qod's World ........ ........... Wolfe The Cat Bird ...Colkey Mrs. Dorothy Cordts of Wilrnette, contralto VI Fantasia ini C Minor .......Bach Intermezzo, op. 119, No. 3,,,, Brahins Rhapsody, Op. 79, No. 1i.ý.....Brahms Mis-s Anna Chiniund of Chicago, pianist. rooni of the Ueorgian hotel ini ivaiîs- toni. It will be a benefit bridge part,% to which mnibers are request.ed to bring White Elephants. Newell S.. Knigbt will give a talk on "Xiilning Systems of Contract Today." Othi* r aeswill be provided for tbose who do flot play bridge. The hostesses will be Mliss Marin.. rie 2M. Billow. Mrs. Wz%"r,1W . v!- Mrs. P. J. Joyce, chairnian of the pbilantbropy departuient of the Wom- an's:Catholic. club of Wlmette, is plan- ning a large evening part-y for Friday, Febr uary 3, at 8 o'clock, in St. Francis Xavier auditoriumt. The.proceéeds will be used in the great work vhich, she and ber conimiftee are doing for the needy of, Wilniette. Al the mnembers and their friends are especiallyý urged to corne and enjoy a game of bridge. Prizes will include one.for'.each.table, and refresbments will be served. Aýs- sisting, Mrs. Joyce are, Mrs. J.. H. Walker,- Mrs. J. 'P . Budinger, Mrs. ,W. P.ý Bermingbam, Mrs,. P. Birong, Mrs. Charles Broad,. Mrs.>* George Browning, Mrs. John' Budinger, Mrs. Thomas Chamnbers, Mrs. Edward .Cum- niiskey, Mrs. Charles. Englebardt, Mrs. F. J. Koza, Mrs. W. D. Leary, Mrs. H. E. Lersch, Mrs. G. E. Ludwig, Mrs. M~artin Lytidh; Mrs. E. J. Mr- Ardle, Mrs. 1. McCaffrey, Mirs. P. J. McGurk, Mrs. B. E. Patterson, and Mrs. Carl Schroeder. Mi\rs. Joyce is also enlisting the aid of the members in making three hun- dred garnients for. the Red Cross.. Those desiring to make onie garment are asked ta please phone Mrs. Joyce, Wilniette 398, or caîl at her hom-e for saie., 423 Tenth street. Âlr. ArILur VY. 1iuYzIuu i s 111 Châarge of the progran. hich will be a patri- otic pageant pôrtraying some of the bigh ligbts in the history of Illinois by- living pictures, posed by miembers. Nort bridge Woman's Club Hears District Report A board meeting of the. Nortbridge Woniian's club. was leld, last Thursday at the home of Mrs. îaiin D.nne2r-. ....LCS. mrs. arey ,'.,Janc11U mr1. IJCster 417 u, Educators and, citics, and others Lawrenice bave arranged the exhibi- Pert, wbo bave 'heard Captain Harris pro- tion. . the eV, qi îth stireet, a t '..'o L3tp- Wood avenu o'clock iu Witt of ý42S netka. uopt, mz5 5 vo ..reen- and. Miss Gretchen 'innetka avenue, Win-

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