Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Feb 1933, p. 1

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F. 0.. Ebeling Named Peria- nent Chairman; Four Dele- gates'Frorn Each'Precinet F. OQ. Ebeling. of 726 Nintb street, was elected permanent chairman ofI thel wilmette Perpetual Hamony convention which held its organiza-ý tion. meeting, at the, Village hall Tuesday. evening. of this , week. Cha rles 'Allen. 1926. Greenwood ave- I-- le1. Hanawalt, 1344 Ashlaind avenue., Precluct 2 1-W ,illiaiam Balhatchet,. 725 lOth street. 2-Willianm C. R-einhold, 1002 Ashland avenue., 3-BenjanihiN. ox. 1116 Elmnwood 4-George Turner, 1019 Ashland avenue.. 1-7lMrs. Ray Warren, 9,32 Forest avenue. 2-W. *G. Colvin, '709 Elrnwood avenue. 3-C. A. Keller, 820, Greenwood avenue. 4-Pa,,i n.,n.no933 -Ashlànd . p-,, nue,. Was elected permanent secre- I -1reclnct 4 tary.. I1-R. C. Taft, 900 Central avenue. 2-F., O. Ebeline. '726 9th street, chair- The convention personnel, selected ruaà*n. by the> Creative. comnîittee, opened ---DavJd H. Hall, 908 Central avenue. its initial session by selecting. Ralph 4-Hoyt King, 711 Forest avenue. Rice as temporary chairman and H. j -R R Jn ei 20 i4 aene J. urbcl asteporry ecetay. 2-P. W. Strube. 216 Golf terrace. The convention is comprised of! 3-John B. Gron-ues, 423Ceta ave- fifty-two citizens, withi equal rep-1 nue. rcîet~ênor ~ ~ ý4 Mrs."Flor-ence K. Freund, 125 Third Sstrëèt. ' in the village. Its immediate task,i Precînet 4 follom-iig a public meeting Friday, I-Mr:. F. E. Pari-y, 622 Maple avenue. Februàrv 10, will be that of selecting nuers E. H. Freernan, 601 Laurel ave- a~~~~~~~~~ 3,t fcniaesfrVlae~:-William L~. Hart, .623 Greenleàf ave- fices to be voted upon at the spring nue. election ini the village. A -H. K. Curîl1, 45 Crecent place. At the public meeting Friday, Fe'- Preeluet 7 ruary 10, in the Hjoward school audi- 1-H-. J. Burbach, 1020 Linden avenue. toriufli, the convention will invite 2-Clarefice E. Shaw, 922 Oakwood ave- sugestonsfor candidates from in- nue. suggstins 3elltonL. Keith, 222 9th street. dividuals, groups or political factions 4-George W. Niestadt, . 805 Greenleaf in the cornmunity, it is poïnted out.' avenue. -~.. - jj WTH BYSTANDER Soniething approximating a whis;- peringpolitical campaign isl'afoot in Minette. . Wherever two or tbree nien are together the. question ,asked. by another' who joins the group is frequent.ly, ."Well, what's new in politi.cs.", And then a lot of, other questions are asked as to wvhich side of the fetice-the cat will finally land. *One subject onfly lightly touched upon has to do wiith the date of the. next' Village elections. 'A movemen t is underway to group a lot of stnaller- election.s on the day when. the elec- tion for j udges is-held in jýuneë.. This requires legfisiation which is now be- iîig considered. If this develops, and the school law is also changed, we inay, iidtIa large 'etnugli grup of electioris in June to make election day' really. interesting. As it is, the vote cast' for school, high school, township and park offices is ridicul- ously small. With 'aIl these elections, plus those for judges, bunched in one day, elections would probably take on a different aspect, But at this time- thte gossip has to do with whether it was bad tactics for the "Village* Party" to announce its candidates in January if the election is to be held in 11111é- Village and School -Board'Face Shut-Down U ie.Tax- payers Corne to Aid> Kenîlworth taxpayers. were warnedé this week ini a joint letter froin the. joseph Sears school board and the'; Kenilworth Village board that if the.- precentâge of tax, collections con..- tinuies to. decline .KenilWorth wilI be! faced 'with a colla pse of its 'finances: and flot only will the schools be'. forced to close, but police protection and other, local governmental serv-* ices wîil be severly curtailed,' if not entirely discontinued. The seriousness,.of the situation Ms explained in the: letter, which. calis! upon Kenilworth citizens to organize* a person-to-person campaign for the collection of delinquent 1928,IPP and 1930 taxes. The letter f ollows: *'Within the past few weeks your' School board vwas 0uccessful In sellIflg; sufficlent 1932 tax anticipation war- rants to meet its requirements to about May 1, thus relieving temporarily the pressure indicated In our joint letter of November 15. Where the money .will corne from to finance the school through May and June, muclh less the next en- sulng school year, la flot knewn. "The financial ituation of the School *meeting wv*iI be an exposition ot the Winnetka Caucus plan for selecting Village candidates which has been in operation for niany years with highly beneficial resuits to the village, hav- ing' eliminated factional .politics. A .Winnietka officialI will explain the -Plan. *The personnel of the Perpetual Harinony convention is listed .belowý by pr"cincts. IW will bë noted that provision is made for thirteen. ore- Piecinet 9 f. H. MeMillan, 125 lBtIi street. "--William 'M. OConnell, 305 l6th street. :ý-W. P. Benner, 1420 Maple avenue. 4-Gordon Dietz, 105 l5th Street, Precinet 10 1-e.M. Colvin, '1601 Highland avenue. 2-C. :W. Lerch, 1715 Highland avenue. 3-»R.,11%. Wade, 1509 Spencer avenuie. 4-Gale Brooks, 835 l5th street.. Preeinet 11 1-G<eorge q. NMelntyre, 1804 Elniwood avenue. . 9?... tFowler. 1404 Forest In anya cnvesatonoli pesonfore the Village board deema It ad- will conjecture that it would be bet- vlÉable to join with the school board In ter strategy for that caucus to bide bringihg this serlous situation te your its time, while some of the rnembers attention. nIt Is nevitable that our fi- o f the caucus seemi to think the nances will coçlapse If tax collections t ycontinue to decline anid we do net Wish should go into action promiptly. Very or propose te reach that state withOutý likely after the dust of confusion and placing each of you on ample noticei election has blowýn away àt will be and that is the purpose of this letter. seen that this element of time will ."We do net feel that the community as a whole realizes tAie seriousness of have been something of a fact or inonpg7 the actual resuits of the campaign.* (Oiùuido ae7 poic wnwn u PII LAULJ *1-Ralph H. Rice, 1007 l3th street. shortly after 10 ô 2-William T. Jones, ý1232 Elmwood tehuewsg avenue. *tehuewsg 8-.A. Kendrick, 1344 .Greenwood second story wli avenue.,* the police report :>w;: according .to the burglary. IL IY8U&I* 8 rae .. . . . ..K0 New Trier News ....22-23 R.creatiom ......... 40 Society Page .......30 up in, in reading ciaç iiopsis form.

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